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Peer-to-peer Networking. Gregg Wright, M.D. MCWIC Project Peer-to- Peer Child Development/School Health Nebraska State Health Department

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Presentation on theme: "Peer-to-peer Networking. Gregg Wright, M.D. MCWIC Project Peer-to- Peer Child Development/School Health Nebraska State Health Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer-to-peer Networking

2 Gregg Wright, M.D. MCWIC Project Peer-to- Peer Child Development/School Health Nebraska State Health Department Child Welfare Training in NE

3 Definition: Bureaucrat n. 1. a person who spends their day cutting red tape... lengthwise!!!

4 Definition: Bureaucrat Turn the scissors crosswise!!! The job of a leader...

5 1. Peer-to-peer connections can be very important in finding ways to turn the scissors. LESSONS

6 2. Peer-to-peer connections (even on the internet) can be very supportive for people in difficult situations. LESSONS

7 9 Views on Midwest Connections Peter Watson Organizational Improvement Joan Morse Family-Centered Practice and Permanency Planning Joanne Brown ABA - Legal and Judicial Issues Sonja Velazquez Quality Improvement Cheryl Montoya Data and Technology John LeVesque Adoption Krista Thomas Ruby Flagg-Ross Region V Networking Mary McKee Region VII Networking

8 Peter Watson, Director National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement

9 Joan Morse, Director

10 Joanne Brown, J.D., M.S.W.

11 Sonia Velazquez American Humane Association Children’s Division National Quality Improvement Center on Non-Resident Fathers in the Child Welfare System child/fathers ‘

12 Cheryl Montoya National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology

13 John Levesque National Child Welfare Resource Center for Adoption

14 Krista Thomas HHS Region V Program Specialist

15 Ruby Flagg-Ross HHS Region V Program Specialist

16 Mary McKee HHS Region VII Program Specialist

17 Now... What peer-to-peer connections are now in place in your organization? What peer-to-peer connections do you need in your organization? What type of connections might work in your organization? 1. 2. 3.... 3 ?s

18 Peer-to-peer Connections Any connection between 2 or more individuals Performing similar jobs in different locations

19 Consider... Level Focus Time Goal Mode Different Dimensions

20 Different Levels Director to Director Directors in a group Trainer to Trainer Front line worker to Front line worker Supervisor to Supervisor

21 Different Focus Areas A single topic differential response mental health system... An open-ended connection 0ngoing discussion question/answer...

22 Different Time Scales A one-time event A few weeks An ongoing connectionNOV 12

23 Different Goals Support Timely Information Fresh Ideas Answers to questions Connecting new with seasoned

24 Different Modes face to face meeting Phone connections Conference Calls Video conference Listserv/Blog/Q and A Jointly authored “wiki” Internet community

25 Most of us are working under policies and procedures that were developed when this was the main way to communicate away from the office.



28 Purchased from 2009 Quick Ted, Get that one down on paper before you forget it!

29 Now... What peer-to-peer connections are now in place in your organization? What peer-to-peer connections do you need in your organization? What type of connections might work in your organization? 1. 2. 3.... 3 ?s

30 Come to the Reception My most important thing from today

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