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Social Economy Development Primary industry in China.

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1 Social Economy Development Primary industry in China

2 Three key industrial economic sectors Primary (raw materials) industry Secondary (goods production) industry Tertiary (service) industry Allan.G.B.Fisher. The Clash of Progress and Security , London : Macmillan , 1935.

3 Outline 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Development of the in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 3.Cases discussion 3.Cases discussion

4 1. Introduction Industry involved with extraction and collection of natural resources. – agriculture/farming, – forestry, – grazing, – fishing * National Economic Industrial Classification ( GB/T4754-2002 ) Grain production bases in china

5 Outline 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 3.Cases discussion 3.Cases discussion

6 Socialist transformation in 1958 State-owned economy Founded in 1949Reform and opening up in 1978 Collective economy Foreign economy Individual economy 2.1 Social economy Private owned economy (weak) Foreign economy Bureaucrat capitalism economy Farmers and handicraftsman Left State-owned economy Protected Private owned economy Protected Individual economy Collective economy Purchased State-owned economy Sino-foreign economy Private owned economy Purchased 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China First stage Second stageThird stage Landowner owned the land and most farmers had no land. Farmers owned land. People's communes, production brigades and production teams owned land. The household contract responsibility system Feudalism economy Confiscated

7 2.1 First stage: national economic recovery period 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China Land was confiscated from the landowners and allocated to farmers. Horses were allocated to farmers as production tools.

8 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.3 Second stage: Great leap forward, Economic adjustment and Cultural revolution Township governments were replaced by people's communes A celebration of the establishment of a people's commune.

9 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.3 Second stage: Great leap forward, Economic adjustment and Cultural revolution Lunch time of a people's commune.The kitchen of a people's commune.

10 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.3 Second stage: Great leap forward, Economic adjustment and Cultural revolution Poster of People's communes Children from the kindergarten of a People's commune gave a performance to the people in Old People's Home.

11 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening Remembrance sculpture of the household contract responsibility system First contract of the household contract responsibility system. 2.4.1 China’s reform started from the countryside

12 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China Resource: Statistic data from National Bureau of Statistics of China Fig 1. GDP of Primary industry increasing (100 million RMB Yuan) 2.4.1 China’s reform started from the countryside 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening

13 2. Development of the Primary industry in China Primary Secondary Tertiary 197828.2%47.9%23.9% 199027.1%41.3%31.5% 200015.1%45.9%39.0% 200512.2%47.7%40.1% 200910.3%46.3%43.7% Tab 1. Proportion in China’s GDP Resource: Statistic data from National Bureau of Statistics of China 2.4.1 China’s reform started from the countryside 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening

14 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China Resource: Statistic data from National Bureau of Statistics of China Fig 2. Sown Areas and output of Grain Crops 2.4.1 China’s reform started from the countryside 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening

15 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China Resource: Statistic data from National Bureau of Statistics of China Fig 3. Amount of the employees working in Primary industry (Ten Thousand) 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening 2.4.2 Employment in primary industry

16 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening 2.4.3 Collective ownership of the land 1.Can urban residents buy a house on rural collective owned land? No, the rural land use right can be sold only to other villagers of the same village. 2. Can land contractual use rights be subcontracted, exchanged or sold? Can it be mortgaged? It can be subcontracted, exchanged or sold from 2007, but it can not be mortgaged. The collective(village) own the land and farmers(villagers) obtain land use rights by contract.

17 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening New village in Shandong. 2.4.4 New village construction. New village in Anhui. Development of production; Affluent life; Civilization; Tidy and clean village; Democratic management

18 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening Villagers are voting for the officers of the villagers’ committee. 2.4.4 New village construction.

19 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening 2.4.4 Income of Rural Households: Inequality between regions Fig 4 Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Region in 2009 11668.59 12482.94 6906.93 10007.31 5206.76 2980.10 3531.72 4937.80 3883.10 3369.34

20 2. Development of the Primaryindustry in China 2. Development of the Primary industry in China 2.4 Third stage: reform and opening 2.4.4 Income of Rural Households : Inequality between rural and urban Fig 5 Per Capita Annual Income comparison

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