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Presentation on theme: "JOINT PROJECT MANAGER GUARDIAN (JPM-G)"— Presentation transcript:

April 26, Advanced Planning Brief to Industry Purpose of the brief is to update BG Reeves on the status of JPM Guardian program. COL CAMILLE NICHOLS JPM-GUARDIAN Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

2 Outline Program Overview Warfighter Needs Technical Challenges
Acquisition Strategy/Funding/Schedule Upcoming Business Opportunities Doing Business with JPM Guardian Contacts 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

3 Overview The Guardian Mission is to Assist DoD in Preparing for, Preventing, Responding to, and Recovering from Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Events, and to Provide Enhanced Physical Security Capability to the Army. Provide 200 DoD Installations with an Integrated CBRN Protection and Response Capability to Protect Personnel, Maintain Critical Military Operations, and Restore Critical Operations as Quickly as Possible Serves as the Centralized Manager for Equipping Army Installation Support Teams, Army Reserve Recon/Decon Teams and the National Guard Civil Support Teams Provides Affordable, Modular, Scalable and Supportable Tactical Force Protection Capabilities to Forward Deployed Forces While Simultaneously Providing State-of-the-art Physical Security Equipment to Army Installations Worldwide 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

4 Installation Protection Program Mission
Assist DoD in Preparing for, Preventing, Responding to, and Recovering from CBRN Events by Providing Effective and Affordable Capabilities 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

5 Actionable Information to Support Mission Assurance
Warfighter Needs - IPP Detection Identification Warning and Reporting Information Management Individual Protection Collective Protection Medical Protection, Surveillance and Response Restoration Actionable Information to Support Mission Assurance 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

6 Technical Challenges - IPP
Earlier Reliable Warnings of CBRN Event Improved Contaminate Sample Collection and Identification of Warfare Agents/TICs Improved Personal Protection Against Warfare Agents/TICs – both Inhalation and Percutaneous Improved Collective Protection Against CBR Warfare Agents/TICs Rapid Elimination of the Effects of CBR Warfare Agents/TICs Improved Decontamination Agent Safety and Effectiveness Improved Automation and Integration of Sensor Networks 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

7 IPP Funding ($M) $M FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 PROCUREMENT
91.0 145.0 185.0 204.0 218.0 152.0 148.0 SUSTAINMENT (O&M) 8.0 29.0 49.0 86.0 116.0 161.0 $14.493M Reprogramming consisted of: FY04 $4.945M FY05 $2.979M Congressional Cut FY05 $6.569M Reprogramming to WMD and CST 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

8 Business Opportunities
Program Schedule - IPP Completed Initiate Program Milestone Decision/IPRs Site Surveys Installation Design Initial Design (Andrews) Final Design (Andrews) Lead System Integrator FoS Procurement System Fielding Sustainment Business Opportunities NEW LSI* Contract Award LSI IPR Events FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 * If Required 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

9 Upcoming IPP Business Opportunities
Business Volume (Number of Items/Systems) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Base Warning System Upgrade 22 24 32 36 35 22 29 Individual Protection 43,474 29,203 49,628 53,289 55,075 34,468 42,166 Detection DFU 136 110 138 156 156 96 116 ACADA 328 212 237 280 287 168 174 Rad Portals 66 70 96 104 103 66 87 Other 1,788 1,670 2,224 2,408 2,423 1,538 1,943 Decontamination 369 325 409 466 462 284 348 Event Support Equipment 10,407 8,880 11,559 12,840 12,884 8,012 9,918 Information Systems 22 24 32 36 35 22 29 COTS Software 22 24 32 32 35 22 29 Follow-on LSI Contract Award in 3QFY07 (If Required) IPP Equipment 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

10 LSI Acquisition Role LSI Chairs COTS Procurement Review Board
LSI Procures Selected COTS NIOSH, OSHA and NFPA Certified Solutions are Preferable 80% Solution is Acceptable LSI is Responsible for Integrated Logistics Support LSI is Responsible for On-Going Market Surveys and Analysis of Existing and Emerging Commercial Technologies to Identify the Best Products and Support the Procurement Decisions LSI Procurement LSI Technology 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

11 Doing Business with IPP LSI Role
The Lead System Integrator (LSI) is Collecting Industry Data via the Web URL 240 Vendors have Expressed Interest in the Program The Guardian Web Portal Currently has 152 Vendor Accounts from 133 Companies Containing Information on 237 Products. Based on the Information Provided via the Portal, the LSI has Conducted Over 60 Follow up Meetings with Industry The IPP Team has Started the Process of Evaluating Technology Needs, Initiating Market Research, and Preparing Technology Insertion Recommendations to Support Follow-on Installation Procurements 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

12 Doing Business with IPP Supplier Web Portal
Vendor & Product Information IPP Needs & Specs Suppliers The Portal Allows Suppliers to: View IPP Program Information Obtain IPP Equipment Specifications & Needs Submit Equipment Information for Family of Systems (FoS) Consideration The Portal is User Account Based Suppliers Only see Information Regarding Their Submissions Suppliers Will be Able to View/Track Their Submissions The Portal Enables the LSI to Efficiently Collect and Review Information about Potential FoS Products Web Portal Streamlines Consistent Product Data Collection Product Data is Input by the Suppliers in a Format That Enables Efficient Review by LSI/JPM Consistent and Fair Review Process 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

13 Doing Business with IPP Technology Insertion Goals
Technology Insertion Identifies and Incorporates Proven Technologies into the FoS Technology Insertion Enables the IPP to: Equip Installations with Best Value Solutions Support the Transition from GOTS to COTS Guide the Marketplace to Provide Best Value Solutions Product Improvements for IPP Mission Efficiencies/Cost Reduction Identify and Incorporate Products from DoD and Non-Traditional Suppliers with Innovative Technologies 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

14 Doing Business with IPP Technology Insertion Process Overview
Continuous Process: Evaluate and Prioritize IPP Technology Needs Conduct Market Research Communicate IPP Needs to Industry Screen and Influence Industry Products Evaluate Components for Inclusion in the FoS 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

15 Weapons of Mass Destruction- Civil Support Systems Mission
Provide CBRN Analytical, Communications, Protection, Response And Survey Capabilities in Support of Civil Support Teams and Reserve Reconnaissance and Decontamination Platoons in Support of Homeland Security Requirement 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

16 Warfighter Needs – WMD-CSS
Individual Protection Mobile CBRN Analytical Capability Mobile C2 Capability Emerging Threat Detection and Identification 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

17 Technical Challenges – WMD-CSS
Advanced Technologies with Enhanced Sensitivity and Selectivity in the Detection and Identification of Chemical Warfare (CW) Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) CB Emerging Threat Detection and Identification Communication Interoperability with Federal, State, and Local Emergency Responders at a WMD Event Improved Individual Protective Equipment Longer Operation in Hot/Warm Zones Materials and Filters Effective Against all Agents 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

18 WMD-CSS Funding ($M) $M FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 RDT&E 18.0
3.0 PROCUREMENT 32.0 54.0 9.0 $14.493M Reprogramming consisted of: FY04 $4.945M FY05 $2.979M Congressional Cut FY05 $6.569M Reprogramming to WMD and CST 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

19 Program Schedule – WMD-CSS
FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 RDT&E UCS I Production RDT&E ALS I Production Individual Equipment RDT&E Procurement 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

20 Upcoming Business Opportunities WMD-CSS
ALS ALS Block I – 4QFY07 – 61 Systems Automation of Analytical Laboratory System Improved Sensitivity and Specificity of Chemical and Biological Identification Systems Improved Biological Agent Identification Time Incorporation of Radiological Detection and Identification UCS Increment I – 4QFY05 – 62 Systems Improved C4I Communications and Interoperability with Other Government Agencies and State/Local Emergency Management Improved Decision Support/Analysis Capability Spiral Upgrade of C2 Systems to stay Relevant UCS 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

21 Force Protection Systems Mission
Provide Affordable, Modular, Scaleable and Supportable Tactical Force Protection Capabilities to Forward Deployed Forces While Simultaneously Providing State-of-the-art, Physical Security Equipment to Army Installations Worldwide 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

22 Warfighter Needs - FPS Infrastructure Operational
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Anti-Intrusion Consequence/Incident Management Active Defense Against Threats Operational Mobile Surveillance Capabilities Improved High Yield Explosive Detection Vehicles Personnel Packages Improved Tactical Force Protection Capability 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

23 Technical Challenges - FPS
Infrastructure Control Access to all Army Installations. Detect and Assess as Necessary the Unauthorized Intrusion or Attempted Intrusions of Protected Areas. Secure High Value, Sensitive, and Pilferable Assets. Non-Intrusively Detect Explosives, Drugs, and other Contraband in Cargo Containers and Vehicles Entering DoD Facilities. Reducing Security Manpower Through Technology Operational Early Detection of Vehicles and Personnel to Enhance Soldier Survivability During Defensive and Ambush Type Operations. Early Warning and Illumination to Individuals and Small Units. Capability to Conduct Semi-Autonomous Random Patrols, and Surveillance Activities, Including Barrier Assessment and Theft Detection Functions. 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

24 FPS Funding ($M) $M FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 RDT&E 14.0
PROCUREMENT 73.0 67.0 70.0 81.0 74.0 75.0 78.0 $14.493M Reprogramming consisted of: FY04 $4.945M FY05 $2.979M Congressional Cut FY05 $6.569M Reprogramming to WMD and CST 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

25 Program Schedule - FPS ICIDS MDARS LKMD BAIS
Program FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Production RDT&E Production RDT&E Production RDT&E Production ICIDS – Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection Systems MDARS – Mobile Detection Assessment Response Systems LKMD – Lighting Kit, Motion Detector BAIS – Battlefield Anti-Intrusion System FPS Equipment 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

26 Upcoming FPS Business Opportunities
ICIDS/IDS – 4QFY06 – 77 Systems Highly Secure Standardized Intrusion Detection System Provides the Means to Detect and Assess the Unauthorized Intrusion or Attempted Intrusions of Protected Areas. MDARS – 1QFY07 – 5 Systems Provides Capability to Conduct Semi-autonomous Random Patrols and Surveillance Activities, Including Barrier Assessment and Theft Detection Functions. Army Physical Security Enhancements Access Center Point Upgrade- Funded Annually CENTCOM Support- Funded as need Arises Access Control Points Personnel / Vehicle Screening FPS Systems 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

27 Points of Contact Deputy Joint Project Manager-Guardian
Mr. Don Buley (703) Deputy Project Manager-WMD-CSS Mr. Jim Frank (410) Deputy Project Manager-FPS Mr Jerry Edwards (703) 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN


29 Detection Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm (ACADA)
Equipment Solutions Detection Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm (ACADA) Automated Chem / Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC) Detection (ACADA 24/7) Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) (Chem Survey Tool) Handheld Radiation Detection/Survey Unit (AN/PDR-77) Personal Radiation Monitoring Device (AN/UDR-14) Detection and Identification of TIC Vapors (Draeger Tubes) Solid /Liquid TIC Detectors Exploranium 980 Radiological Detection at Installation Gates Exploranium GR135 Handheld Radiological Identification Systems 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

30 Individual Protective Equipment
Equipment Solutions Individual Protective Equipment Protective Masks for Military as Required M40A1 MCU-2A/P Protective Overgarments for Military Personnel as Required Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) Footwear – Black Vinyl Overboot Gloves – 7, 14, 25 mil Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Protective Overgarments Level A & B – Suits to Protect First Responders Level C – Suits to Protect Emergency Response Personnel (Medical & Security) Footwear / HAZMAT Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Escape Hoods 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

31 Collective Protection
Equipment Solutions Collective Protection CBRN Filtration Systems (Hardware and Filters) Integration with Existing Environmental Control Systems (HVAC) Entry / Exit Vestibules Sealing of Building Leakage Points / Other Building Modifications Medical Surveillance of Installation Population (ESSENCE IV) Chemical Pretreatments Nerve Agent Antidotes Biological Agent Treatments / Countermeasures Current On-Base Mass Warning / Notification System Leverage Existing Local Area Networks Telecommunications (Cell Phones, Pagers, PDAs) Medical Warning Systems 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

32 Information Systems Decontamination
Equipment Solutions Decontamination Personal Equipment Decon Kit (M295) Individual Decon Kit (M291) Immediate Limited Equipment Decon System (M100) Personnel Decon Tents (HAZMAT Team / Casualties) Commercial Equipment Decontamination System Information Systems Sensors are Integrated and Networked Integrated Hardware and Software Solutions to Support Decision Making and Response Processes 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

33 WMD-CSS NGB Civil Support Teams (CSTs) Reserve Recon/Decon Teams
Responsible for the Development, Procurement and Fielding of the Analytical Laboratory System (ALS) and the Unified Command Suite (UCS) Provide Personnel Protective Equipment, Decontamination and Detection/Identification Equipment to CSTs Program Supports 52 CSTs now OSD Funded Additional Teams FY05- FY07 Reserve Recon/Decon Teams Program Supports 9 Decon Units and 75 Recon Units now Provide Personnel Protective Equipment Provide Decontamination Shelters Roles and Functions Review may Change Equipment 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

34 WMD-CSS Analytical Laboratory System (ALS) Block O
Mission: Provide the National Guard Civil Support Teams (CST’s) an Improved Mobility Capability to Conduct Presumptive Detection and Identification Analysis of Unknown or Potential Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) Agents and Toxic Industrial Materials/Chemicals (TIMs/TICs) at an Incident Site and Transmit that Information Electronically via the Unified Command Suite (UCS) in Support of the First Responder Incident Commander Capabilities: State-of-the-Art Engineering Controls Protecting Operators and Environment Provides Results from Screening of TIC/TIM/CW Samples within 45 Minutes Provides Results from Screening of BW Samples within 30 Minutes Presumptive ID with Biological Hand Held Assays (HHAs) C-130 Air Transportable 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

35 WMD-CSS Unified Command Suite (UCS) Baseline System
Mission: The UCS Provides the Reach-back Communications for Connectivity for the Analytical Laboratory System (ALS) with Higher Authority and Technical Support Agencies, Allowing the Civil Support Team (CST) Commanders the Ability to Assess the Incident Scene, Advise Response, and Facilitate Access to DoD Information in Support to the First Responder Incident Commander Capabilities: A Self-contained, Stand-alone C-130 Air Mobile Communications Platform Digital Voice and Data over Satellite Network NIPRNET, SIPRNET Radio Remote and Intercom with Cross Banding Over the Horizon Communication Interoperable Interface with State Emergency Management and Other Military Units 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

36 FPS Battlefield Anti-Intrusion System (BAIS)
MISSION: Replaces tactical sensor system for Platoon Early Warning System and provides capability for early detection of vehicles and personnel to enhance soldier survivability during defensive and ambush type operations. Enhances time available to determine appropriate tactical response. Organic to appropriate tactical units and available under common table of allowances to other forces to meet contingency missions. Emphasis is placed on ease of deployment, operation, and recovery. CAPABILITIES: Component weight <1.65 lbs Detection range <450m Transmission range >2km Operational after 1m drop Estimated cost per system ranges from 18-30K, depending on quantity. Receives alarms from other compatible sensors Minimum 96 hours continuous operation Very low false alarm rate Target classification BAIS replaces PEWS with enhanced capabilities, reliability, modularity, and integration with other sensors to provide tactical early warning and assessment Increment 2 RDTE will integrate BAIS into FCS systems of systems BAIS was an Infantry requirement that moved us into the Tactical area of Force Protection. Provided 2 prototypes for testing to Infantry Battalion in Afghanistan at Bahgram Airfield, detected & killed 2 enemy w/in a week. Still using, will not return Fielded 30 systems to Stryker Brigade for OIF 2 Due to success of system, OPMG provided II PEG funding to procure 105 systems for Stryker Bde for MP element BAIS is a GOTS product. We integrated several sensors from PM-Remote Unarmed Sensors (RUS). Working with them to procure these system through IDIQ contract. Expect award by end of month This highlights inherent flaw in PSEAG funding process of having no tie to procurement funding Also highlights our inability to provide tactical force protection systems (will explain this later in the briefing) Infantry school wanted it, PSEAG process allowed it to be developed II PEG/OPMG baulks at paying for a tactical system for infantry By title 10 function, EE PEG should fund this G8 can not get this above the cut line. Meeting with MP & Infantry schools, TRADOC futures center 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

37 FPS Lighting Kit, Motion Detector (LKMD)
MISSION: Lightweight, man-portable, easily emplaced and recoverable, motion activated device; provides early warning and illumination to individuals and small units. Increases time to effectively determine appropriate tactical response. To be used as an independent/individually employed early warning device or as a part of a security concept layer. Module Front (Sensor/Light) Remote Command/ Control Transceiver Remote Command/ Control Transceiver Module - - Front (Sensor/Light) Remote Command/ Remote Command/ CAPABILITIES: Lightweight no more than 4 lbs Emplacement by 1 person within 5 minutes Sensor range 100 feet or greater Sufficient power for 5 days of operation Visible and Infrared illumination Reusable portable sensor Remote control command transceiver Carrying case with accessories Control Transceiver Control Transceiver Module Module - - Rear (Control Panel) Rear (Control Panel) 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

38 FPS Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System (ICIDS)
MISSION: ICIDS is a highly secure standardized intrusion detection system using state of the art technology. The ICIDS provides the means to detect and assess as necessary the unauthorized intrusion or attempted intrusions of protected areas. CAPABILITIES: The system components consist of commercially available interior and exterior sensors, a primary monitor console, remote status monitors, remote area data collectors, closed circuit television, entry control systems, and audio assessment devices. 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

39 FPS Mobile Detection Assessment Response System (MDARS)
MISSION: Provides capability to conduct semi-autonomous random patrols, and surveillance activities, including barrier assessment and theft detection functions. Variety of applications: general storage yards; depots; arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) storage areas; air fields; rail yards; and port facilities. Autonomously conducts: surveillance activities checking for intruders; remote investigation of an alarm source; lock interrogations; and assessments of facility barriers (i.e., doors of AA&E storage bunkers). CAPABILITIES Command and control of four patrol units in motion System-generated, preprogrammed patrol paths Response speed of 15 kph (9 mph) 360° intrusion detection and assessment out to 100m with Pd of 0.95 Video assessment through starlight conditions Product/barrier assessment at 20m range – Line of Sight Continuous operation for 14 hours Scanning radar for intruder detection Forward-looking infrared for intruder assessment Stereo vision and laser scanners for obstacle avoidance Product and barrier assessment system 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN

40 Army Physical Security Enhancements
Access Control Systems Personnel / Vehicle Screening Systems 050426_APBI_JPM_GUARDIAN


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