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NAVIGATING THE LAW 2012 Leadership Training

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Presentation on theme: "NAVIGATING THE LAW 2012 Leadership Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 NAVIGATING THE LAW 2012 Leadership Training
Deputy Grand Guardians & Bethel Guardian Councils California Grand Guardian Council, Job’s Daughters International Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

2 Where Do I LOOK? Where do I turn? How do I start?
Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

3 What Are My Resources? Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Grand Guardian Council of California Constitution and Bylaws of Job’s Daughters International Ritual Music Ritual Book of Ceremonies

4 Resources: California Law
Scroll down the left pane Click on “California Constitution and Bylaws” Begin with California Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

5 Resources: Supreme Law
ttp:// Scroll down the left pane Click on “Rules, Forms, Books” Click on “Constitution and Bylaws” Click on “JDI Constitution and Bylaws (full set) Begin with California Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

6 Resources: Supreme Law
Supreme Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

7 Resources: California or Supreme Law
SAVE the file onto your computer Easy access the next time you need info

8 Resources: California Law
Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Grand Guardian Council of California Constitution of the Grand Guardian Council Bylaws of the Grand Guardian Council Constitution of a Bethel Guardian Council Bylaws of a Bethel Guardian Council Constitution of a Bethel Bylaws of a Bethel Rules and Regulations of Grand Bethel California Supplemental Instruction A quick look at the California Manual of Rules and Regulations – your first stop for finding answers. Here are the sub-sections of the manual Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

9 Resources: California Law
Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Grand Guardian Council of California (continued) Uniform Code for Bethels Uniform Code for Guardian Council Associations Uniform Code for Mothers’, Fathers’, or Parents’ Club Rules and Regulations Degree of Royal Purple Rules and Regulations Miss California Job’s Daughter Pageant Rules and Regulations California Alumni Association of Job’s Daughters International (CAAJDI) Policies and Procedures Gee, I don’t know why you’re having a hard time finding things, with 15 sections !!! Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

10 Resources: California Law
FINDING WHAT YOU NEED Insert key word(s) in the FIND box CTRL key + F key works, too

11 Search Example Our Bethel wants to post the flag for the jurisdiction we represent. We are not sure about which flag goes where in the Bethel room. I’ll search for FLAG

12 Search Example F L A G

13 Search results: Flag The California search yielded about 6 pages of results, none really focusing on what I’m looking for For example, if you wanted to know how to set the flags in the proper order in the East of the Bethel, and you did a search by entering “flag” in the “Find” box in the California Manual, you would get a page that tells you that the Grand Secretary is the custodian of the flags and other property of the Grand Guardian Council, Grand Bethel Officers may be disciplined, etc… Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

14 Search results: Flag

15 Search: Supreme Law So we go to the Supreme Law and do the same search – for FLAG – and we find a whole section on Flag Protocol If you entered “flags” in the “Find” box in the Supreme Manual, the very first page displayed is page 1 of SI-21, Flag Protocol, which describes everything you ever needed to know about presenting and displaying flags at Bethel meetings. Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

16 Search: Supreme Law Here’s what I’m looking for!
Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

17 Search Tips If you don’t get the results you’re looking for, try using a different search word or term Consult California Law first, then Supreme Consult your chain-of-command for more answers or clarification Bethel Guardian Deputy Grand Guardian Consulting Deputy Grand Guardian Jurisprudence Committee

18 Making a Bylaws Change In Ten Easy Steps!

19 Changing Our Bylaws Our Bethel wants to change their bylaws
How do I find what the law states about bylaws changes? For example, if you want to know how to change your Bethel Bylaws (also known as the Uniform Code), you could enter “uniform code” in the “Find” box… (see attached for results of search – on the third page of your search you will find the section you are looking for…) Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

20 Search: Change Bylaws Search term = bylaws
Results = hundreds of results The word “bylaws” is on almost every page of the California law

21 Search: Change Bylaws Search term = uniform code Results =
For example, if you want to know how to change your Bethel Bylaws (also known as the Uniform Code), you could enter “uniform code” in the “Find” box… Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

22 CA Search Results: Uniform Code
(see attached for results of search – on the third page of your search you will find the section you are looking for…) In this case – directing us to Section IX for the Uniform Code & Amendments Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

23 CA Search Results: Uniform Code
(see attached for results of search – on the third page of your search you will find the section you are looking for…) Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

24 Supreme Search Results
(see attached for results of search – on the third page of your search you will find the section you are looking for…) Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

25 Making a Bylaws Change Review the Law. What can the Bethel change?
(see attached for results of search – on the third page of your search you will find the section you are looking for…) Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

26 Making a Bylaws Change

27 Making a Bylaws Change

28 Making a Bylaws Change

29 Making a Bylaws Change Check the Bethel’s Uniform Code For example:
What are the current approved values? For example: “The initiation fee shall be $ 20.00”

30 Making a Bylaws Change Bethel Guardian Council recommends a change in the initiation fee to the Daughters Bethel Guardian Council presents the proposed amendment in writing to the Honored Queen

31 Making a Bylaws Change The Honored Queen presents the proposed amendment to the Daughters under New Business during a regular Bethel meeting. A copy of the motion is mailed to each member of the Bethel. NO FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN AT THIS MEETING

32 Making a Bylaws Change At the next regular meeting of the Bethel, the motion to raise the initiation fee is not discussed. It lays over one meeting

33 Making a Bylaws Change At the second regular meeting of the Bethel following the meeting at which the proposed amendment was presented, it is brought up under Unfinished Business. The Honored Queen requests a motion The Honored Queen will ask for discussion The Honored Queen will call for the vote Must pass by 2/3 majority of votes cast

34 Making a Bylaws Change Complete Form 122: Amendment to Bethel Bylaws
Available on: Send 2 signed copies to Chairman of the Grand Council Jurisprudence Committee Must be sent within 30 days of Daughters’ vote The change is documented on Form 122 (available on the Supreme website – and two signed copies are sent to the Chairman of the Jurisprudence Committee of the Grand Guardian Council within 30 days of the vote of the Bethel. Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

35 Making a Bylaws Change Form 122
The current information in this Article and Section of the present Bethel Bylaws NOTE: the Form 122 requires that you enter the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment was presented in writing to the Bethel and the date that the amendment was sent in writing to each member of the Bethel. Below the Guardian Secretary’s and Recorder’s signatures will be the date of the meeting at which the amendment was approved by the Bethel. The proposed way that this Article and Section will read Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

36 Making a Bylaws Change NOTE: the Form 122 requires that you enter the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment was presented in writing to the Bethel and the date that the amendment was sent in writing to each member of the Bethel. Below the Guardian Secretary’s and Recorder’s signatures will be the date of the meeting at which the amendment was approved by the Bethel. Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

37 IMPORTANT NOTE!! Jurisprudence will review the dates on the Form 122.
If the dates do not correspond to what is currently listed in the directory for day and week of meetings, please ensure a note is sent with your Form 122 to the Chairman of Jurisprudence explaining the discrepancy… There was a Special Dispensation… The meeting would have occurred during the vacation period… The directory is incorrect, etc…

38 Making a Bylaws Change The Jurisprudence Committee reviews the change and forwards both copies of the submitted paperwork to the Grand Guardian, who reviews and forwards both copies to the Grand Secretary. The Grand Secretary sends one approved copy to the Bethel Guardian, and retains the second copy. The approved Uniform Code change is kept in the Permanent Record Book. The change to the initiation fee becomes effective when the signed paperwork is received by the Bethel. The Jurisprudence Committee will return one copy of the submitted paperwork to the Grand Secretary who will send it to the Bethel for inclusion in the Permanent Record Book. The change to the initiation fee becomes effective when the signed paperwork is received by the Bethel. Marcy Lake_DGG/BGC Leadership Training

39 Questions??? Thank you!!

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