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ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20051 Energy Potential economic benefits in energy efficiency and Energy saving in Kaunas city Dr. Rimantas Bakas,

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2 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20051 Energy Potential economic benefits in energy efficiency and Energy saving in Kaunas city Dr. Rimantas Bakas, AB Kauno energija

3 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20052 Lithuania one of new EU member from 2004

4 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20053 Content Kaunas in figures Kaunas in figures Environmental Environmental Energy savings Energy savings Energy Performance Certificate Renewable and cogeneration

5 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20054 KAUNAS IN FIGURES Kaunas area– 157 Kaunas area– 157 Population (2005-07-01) – 362 thousand Population (2005-07-01) – 362 thousand Dencity – 2305 person/sq. km Dencity – 2305 person/sq. km Geography: Geography: North altitude – 54 0 56’ North altitude – 54 0 56’ Gross domestic product GDP per capita: Gross domestic product GDP per capita: 17,2 LTL thous. 17,2 LTL thous.

6 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20055 Pollutions in Kaunas (kg/year)

7 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20056 Kaunas: annual energy consumption for “statistical” family Average family (members)- 3.1 Average family (members)- 3.1 Average living area (family) - 51 m 2 /flat Average living area (family) - 51 m 2 /flat Needs for SH - 7.66 MWh Needs for SH - 7.66 MWh Needs for HTW- 3.1 MWh Needs for HTW- 3.1 MWh Natural gas for cooking- 0.8 MWh Natural gas for cooking- 0.8 MWh Electricity-1.1 MWh Electricity-1.1 MWh

8 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20057 Heat losses in KE DHN

9 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20058 Kaunas - natural gas consumption

10 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 20059 Kaunas – electricity consumption

11 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200510 Heat consumption in Kaunas

12 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200511 Heat consumption: renovation process, kWh/m 2 /year

13 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200512 Šilainiai – part of Kaunas city (info from KTU report) Number of floors Building s Space, m2 Capacity for heating, kW Average, W/m2 1243583681190 241160902022126 336169552452145 461037462460 51433156643006795 91325645824297576 121342237418799 1313891399102 Total:3969733768340686

14 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200513

15 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200514 Šilainiai - Part of Kaunas city (KTU report) indicator Heating season 00/0101/0202/0303/04 Indoor temperature °C18 Number of days in heating season 90151 152 Average temperature in this period °C-1,240,041-3,3-0,69 Used heat energy per period MWh66324102626115934104226 Recalculated max heat capacity MW63,863,0760,2161,15

16 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200515 National Energy Efficiency Programme The Government by its Resolution No 1121 dated 19 September 2001, approved of the revised and updated review of the National Energy Efficiency Programme and the main directions of its implementation for 2001-2005: drafting the regulations and regulatory - technical documents for the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program; drafting the regulations and regulatory - technical documents for the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Program; building renovation and modernization of energy systems in the buildings; building renovation and modernization of energy systems in the buildings; using renewable, local and waste energy resources; using renewable, local and waste energy resources; more efficient use of energy in production processes; more efficient use of energy in production processes; information, education and consultation activities. information, education and consultation activities.

17 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200516 Heat energy consumption (after SIDA projects in Kaunas)

18 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200517 Energy Performance Certificate – EPC Clear and reliable information on the energy performance of the building: amount of energy to meet the different needs for heating, hot water heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting.Clear and reliable information on the energy performance of the building: amount of energy to meet the different needs for heating, hot water heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting. An EPC, not being older than ten years, will be made available to the new owner/tenant when purchasing or renting a flat or building. EPC accompanied by recommendations for the cost-effective improvement of the energy performance. All public buildings over 1000 m2 have to possess an EPC, and to display it prominently.

19 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200518 Purchase prices of the electricity produced using renewable National Control Commission for Prices and Energy determined the average purchase prices of the electricity produced using renewable and waste energy resources, which may be differentiated by mutual agreement, as well as the conditions of their application: for hydro power plants – 20 ct/kWh; for wind power plants – 22 ct/kWh; for power plants generating electricity from biofuel – 20 ct/kWh. National Control Commission for Prices and Energy determined the average purchase prices of the electricity produced using renewable and waste energy resources, which may be differentiated by mutual agreement, as well as the conditions of their application: for hydro power plants – 20 ct/kWh; for wind power plants – 22 ct/kWh; for power plants generating electricity from biofuel – 20 ct/kWh.

20 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200519 Production and use of biofuel Promotion of production and use of biofuel in the country is stipulated by the Law on Biofuel of the Republic of Lithuania. It provides that local self- government institutions, within their competence, shall promote production and use of biofuel within their territories. In pursuance of the provisions of the Law on Biofuel, five technical regulations establishing the technical requirements for production, trade, quality and use of biofuels and biological oil were approved Promotion of production and use of biofuel in the country is stipulated by the Law on Biofuel of the Republic of Lithuania. It provides that local self- government institutions, within their competence, shall promote production and use of biofuel within their territories. In pursuance of the provisions of the Law on Biofuel, five technical regulations establishing the technical requirements for production, trade, quality and use of biofuels and biological oil were approved

21 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200520

22 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200521 New Noreikiskiu biogas CHP

23 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200522 Information recourses:

24 ESCOBALT - SENETKaunas, 13 December 200523 Thank you very much for your attention ! Dr. Rimantas Bakas Senior Project’s manager JSC Kauno energija Raudondvario pl. 84 Kaunas 21 L I T H U A N I A Tel: 370 37 305966 e-mail: http://www. http://www.

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