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Green Algae (Chlorophytes)

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Presentation on theme: "Green Algae (Chlorophytes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green Algae (Chlorophytes)

2 Green Algae Diversity I
“Chlorella” “Chlamydomonas” “Carteria” 20

3 Green Algae Diversity I

4 Green Algae Diversity I

5 Green Algae Diversity I (Chlamydomonas)
Only different mating types (“+”, “-”) are capable of fertilization

6 “Desmids” Green Algae Diversity II: Desmids Cosmarium Triploceras
Micrasterias Euastrum Staurastrum Each cell consists of two semi-cells Triploceras “Desmids” Closterium Spondylosium

7 Green Algae Diversity II: Desmids
Structure Cell walls have pores for mucilage secretion Semicells Isthmus, Sinus Pores Mucilage

8 Green Algae Diversity II: Desmids
Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Zygote

9 Green Algae Diversity III
Scenedesmus Coelastrum “Pediastrum” Ankistrodesmus Hydrodictyon

10 Green Algae Diversity IV
Flattened Sac-Like Tetraspora Gonium Platydorina Spherical Pandorina (8 or 16 Cells) Eudorina (16 or 32 Cells) “Volvox” 500 – Thousands of Cells

11 Green Algae Diversity IV (Volvox)
Somatic Cells Gonidia Small, flagellated, cells (with eyespot) Connected by cytoplasmic strands Impart motility to colony Incapable of cell division (regA gene) “Altruism” Larger, flagellated located at colony posterior Capable of cell division (regA gene inhibited) Form hollow balls of flagellated cells inside the colony (“Daughter Colonies”) Flagellated Somatic Cells contained by protoplasmic connections Flagellated Somatic Cells impart motility to colony Flagellated Somatic Cells can not divide, a state determined by product of a regulatory gene (“regA”) (Knocking out this gene may restore ability of somatic cells to divide) Somatic cells are possible examples of “altruism”

12 Green Algae Diversity IV (Volvox)
Asexual Reproduction Daughter Colony Release Daughter Colony Inversion through pore (phialopore)

13 Green Algae Diversity IV (Volvox)
(Sexual Reproduction) Male Female Fertilization Gonidia form sperm packets, invert Sperm packets release Gonidia form Eggs

14 Occasionally, zygotes are spiny
Green Algae Diversity IV (Volvox) (Sexual Reproduction) Zygote Formation Zygote Meiosis to form Biflagellated Spores Only one biflagellated spore survives Division of this spore regenerates colony Occasionally, zygotes are spiny (Hypnozygote)

15 Green Algae Diversity V
Ulothrix Oedogonium Spirogyra Zygnema

16 Green Algae Diversity V
Sexual Reproduction Zygote Release Meiosis Spore Release Spore Germination Gamete Formation Fertilization Oedogonium

17 Green Algae Diversity V
Sexual Reproduction Zygote Formation Meiosis to Form Spores Conjugation Tube Formation Gamete Formation Fertilization Spirogyra

18 Green Algae Diversity VI
24 Cladophora

19 Green Algae Diversity VI

20 Green Algae Diversity VIII
Ulva Coleochaete

21 Green Algae Diversity VIII
Sexual Life Cycle Ulva

22 Green Algae Diversity IX
Penicillus Acetabularia Chara Bryopsis Caulerpa

23 Hypothesis of Chlorophyte Phylogeny 1

24 Hypothesis of Chlorophyte Phylogeny 2

25 Green Algae: Ecology Marine Freshwater

26 Green Algae: Ecology Haematococcus Trentepohlia

27 Green Algae: Ecology Chlamydomonas nivalis

28 Green Algae: Ecology Jacques Cousteau Institute Caulerpa

29 Green Algae: Ecology

30 Green Algae: Ecology Helicosporidium
Parasite of collebolids, cladocerans, mites, scarab beetles, black flies, mosquitoes Helicosporidium

31 Green Algae: Physiology

32 Green Algae: Genetics (Hammerling 1930s)

33 Green Algae: Evolution

34 Green Algae: Evolution

35 Green Algae: Evolution

36 Green Algae: Evolution
Horizontal Gene Transfer

37 Green Algae: Evolution
14 Euglena 13

38 Green Algae: Biofuels

39 Green Algae: Biofuels

40 with about 70-percent less carbon emissions than petroleum-based equivalents. They claim it doesn’t impact agricultural crops, land, or water. Green Algae: Biofuels SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO – Columbus will be home to Luna County’s first green energy facility—literally green, in this case. Algae will be cultivated by Sapphire Energy in man-made ponds about 8 miles west of Columbus on the Mexican border, to later be converted to a green goop called algae-based biofuel, oilgae, or algal fuel. “This will be the first Sapphire facility in the country,” says Tim Zenk, spokesperson for Sapphire Energy in San Diego. “We’re looking at different geographies,” says Zenk. “Now our focus is on New Mexico.” Luna County is considered ideal for algae-based biofuel because of the flat desert conditions, the high level of sunlight, and the large amount of underground salt water.

41 Green Algae - Characteristics

42 Green Algae - Flagella Carteria Chlamydomonas

43 Green Algae – Cell Wall (Some) (Many) (A Few)

44 Green Algae – Chloroplast
Two surrounding membranes

45 Green Algae – Chloroplast

46 Green Algae – Chloroplast

47 Green Algae: Evolution
Large Subunit Small Subunit Rubisco Horizontal Gene Transfer

48 Green Algae – Chloroplast
S = Starch Py = Pyrenoid Starch stored in stroma Fig in Graham et al. 2009

49 Green Algae – Mitosis

50 Green Algae - Cytokinesis
Furrowing Furrowing Cell Plate Phycoplast Phragmoplast Phragmoplast

51 Green Algae – Asexual Reproduction

52 Volvox Green Algae – Asexual Reproduction Autocolony Formation
Release Gonidia Volvox

53 Green Algae – Asexual Reproduction

54 Green Algae – Asexual Reproduction

55 Green Algae – Sexual Reproduction

56 Green Algae – Sexual Reproduction
Male Female Fertilization Gonidia form sperm packets, invert Sperm packets release Gonidia form Eggs Volvox

57 Green Algae: Sexual Reproduction
Zygote Release Meiosis Spore Release Spore Germination Gamete Formation Fertilization Oedogonium

58 Green Algae: Sexual Reproduction
Zygote Formation Meiosis to Form Spores Conjugation Tube Formation Gamete Formation Fertilization Spirogyra

59 Green Algae: Sexual Reproduction
Egg (n) Zygote (n) Sperm Filaments (n)

60 Green Algae: Sexual Reproduction

61 Eukaryotic Nuclear Algae Phylogeny

62 Eukaryotic Plastid Phylogeny

63 Eukaryotic Nuclear Algae Phylogeny

64 Green Algae (Chara) and Plant Common Characteristics I

65 Green Algae (Chara) and Plant Common Characteristics II

66 Eukaryotic Nuclear Algae Phylogeny

67 ? Acellular Slime Molds Cellular Slime Molds
Eukaryotic Nuclear Algae Phylogeny: “Fungi” ? Acellular Slime Molds (Physarum) Cellular Slime Molds (Dictyostelium)

68 5
1 Chlamydomonas_nivalis_x1000b.jpg 2 3 LB%20933%20Oedogonium%20foveolatum.jpg 4 5 6 7 8 20images/Egerod%20Caulerpa%20lentillifera%20300%20dpi%20web%20 image.jpg

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10 11 12 Acetabularia_pics/Acetabularia_300.jpg 13 14 Euglena_n4_dollartow56_402_b.jpg 15 16

70 17 http://botit. botany. wisc
17 18 19 Chlorophyta/SpirogyraBig500.jpg 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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28 graphics/g/chl_oedogonium.jpg 29 30 Lilies%20Flower%20Bouquet.jpg 31

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