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Integration of Bio- Refineries with Anaerobic Digestion Facilities Bret Healy, River Bluffs Strategies 605-216-1825.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of Bio- Refineries with Anaerobic Digestion Facilities Bret Healy, River Bluffs Strategies 605-216-1825."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of Bio- Refineries with Anaerobic Digestion Facilities Bret Healy, River Bluffs Strategies 605-216-1825

2 US RFS Carve Outs  Only 15 bgy can come from cornstarch  16 bgy must come from fuels derived from cellulose, hemicellulose or lignin  1 bgy must come from biomass biodiesel  4 bgy of other advanced biofuel may come from any fuel that qualifies as advanced biofuel – must reduce GHG 50%

3 United States Renewable Fuel Standard 2012 Total 15.2 billion gallons/year

4 United States Renewable Fuel Standard 2015 Total 20.5 billion gallons/year

5 United States Renewable Fuel Standard 2019 Total 28 billion gallons/year

6 United States Renewable Fuel Standard 2022 Total 36 billion gallons/year

7 Sorghum Niche in RFS Starch from Grain Sorghum may qualify as an advanced biofuel (if 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) Replacing natural gas in renewable fuel manufacturing will be necessary to achieve the 50% reduction needed Animal waste may represent a novel approach to replacing natural gas in ethanol manufacturing Other bio-wastes may also fit this role

8 Needed Components  Ruminant livestock feeding  Source of manure for anaerobic digestion (AD)  Robust demand for wet distiller’s grains  Viable AD technology  Alternative Starch Crop production, current and potential  Grain sorghum  Barley  Feed wheat, oats, millet  Pathway to Advanced Biofuel status – current NODA published in Federal Register

9 Geographic outline  Montana (eastern)  N Dakota (southwestern), S Dakota (central), Nebraska (western)  Kansas (central and western)  Colorado (eastern)  Panhandle of Texas, Oklahoma  New Mexico (northeastern)

10 Existing ETOH Bio-refineries  State#MGY-nameplate  Montana00  North Dakota6358  South Dakota151,016  Nebraska261,544  Kansas13492  Colorado4125  Texas4250

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