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ROVERSCOUTS. History 2005: New, national youth workgroup 2006: Collecting ingredients –Opinion of groups –History –Foreign countries 2010: Renewal of.

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Presentation on theme: "ROVERSCOUTS. History 2005: New, national youth workgroup 2006: Collecting ingredients –Opinion of groups –History –Foreign countries 2010: Renewal of."— Presentation transcript:


2 History 2005: New, national youth workgroup 2006: Collecting ingredients –Opinion of groups –History –Foreign countries 2010: Renewal of all game modes 2012: Roverscoutsgids

3 Changes 18 – 21 year (old 17 – 23) –90% of the groups already did 18 year New tradition: closing ceremony (Partenza)

4 Three Phases Prologue Route Epilogue

5 Drie fasen Prologue –Pick 3 challenges –Mentor –Approval by the tribe –Installation Route –Do the 3 challenges –In 3 scales Epilogue –Closing ceremony : Partenza

6 3 Challenges 1. Something typical Scouting with choice of the activity fields of Challenging Scouting Techniques, Sports & Games and Outdoors. 2. Something seriously, which you contribute your share to the world around you. Choose from the activity fields of society, International, and Safe & Healthy. 3. Something personal what suit you well, your choice from the ctivity fields of Expression and identity.

7 3 scale levels 1.You do at least once international experience, Scouting related. 2.At least you (co) organizes a above local activity. Think of an activity for more tribes, a region activity or a national activity. 3.You participate in at least one local project in your own environment.

8 Overview something seriously Something typical Scouting Something personal Local Above Local International

9 Badge Per challenge you earn a part of the badge

10 To participate in the closing ceremony you must meet the following criteria: 1.You can explain the Scoutingmethode in your own words. 2.You agree with the values ​​ Scouting as it stands and can explain what they mean to you. 3.You have completed the three challenges. 4.You have found a new active role or function within Scouting. 5.You accept the change of your own role from youth member to adult member.

11 Partenza (closing ceremonie) South European concept: after your youth membership you choose for Scouting permanently, or not. Falls at the end of your Epilogue: you have completed the three challenges and three scales. You will receive a woggle and if desired a certificate. Your badge is complete. People who are important to you organize for you a serious moment as ceremony.

12 Age-badges Leader stick/ Y International symbol for roverscouts. Symbool voor endingceremonie(Partenza): moment of choice. Globe Progression through the game modes: the world is open for the rover scouts! Cord Indicates that Scouting is a global organization.

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