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Spring Trip to Kings Dominion. The week of April 28 What to Bring. Blue Polo Band shirt. Khaki pants. Black socks/Marching band shoes or Black Dress shoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Trip to Kings Dominion. The week of April 28 What to Bring. Blue Polo Band shirt. Khaki pants. Black socks/Marching band shoes or Black Dress shoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Trip to Kings Dominion

2 The week of April 28 What to Bring. Blue Polo Band shirt. Khaki pants. Black socks/Marching band shoes or Black Dress shoes Names on shoe bags and suitcase. Blue Band T-shirt with shorts and Tennis shoes. $25.00 should cover whatever they need. Whatever they need for over night stay in hotel.

3 Chaperones If you are a chaperone you are expected to work and help with all parts of the trip. Including loading and unloading busses, checking rooms, supervising students, all while having a nice time. This is not a vacation. Direct supervision is provided throughout the entire trip. All School rules apply to Chaperones as well.

4 Groups and Supervision Students have been grouped. Refer to sheet for grouping. Notice Mr. Privette has provided phone numbers of all the chaperones on the list. Groups generally have 1 to 2 chaperones each. Students stay with assign groups. Students stay in assigned seats while riding on the bus. Girls with girls and boys with boys. Rooms are broken up with 2 adult chaperone room per every 2 or 3 rooms. No non chaperone adult may take a student from your group. Contact Mr. Privette ASAP.

5 Transportation We will be traveling on 3 charter buses. This year the chorus are going as well and they are taking a bus as well. They can only have screw top bottles on the bus, no open containers on the bus that can not be secured.

6 Departure Friday May Chaperones Arrive at PA-4:30 your child will stay after school. We will be providing dinner Friday night. Subs. Chaperones Check in with Head chaperone Kim Guevara upon arrival to PA. All medications must be given to the trip nurse ____ upon your arrival. All paperwork must be signed and completed before trip can begin. This is on the wiki space. Rehearsal in Band room from 4:30-5:45. Put instruments in Auditorium and luggage for trip- By Bus. 1, 2, 3. Dinner at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Remember a blanket, pillow, carry on bag, goodie bag to take on the bus Load busses @7:00- Male Chaperones need to help with this. Buses Depart PA Middle school at 7:15 PM/The buses are coming from another trip so they may be a little late. Students are responsible for all of their own belongings for the entire trip!

7 Arriving at Hotel Upon arrival to the hotel the students will wait at the buses. Keys will be distributed to the room captain. Get in groups. Each room has a room captain. (Mr. Privette makes this decision) Students are responsible for carrying all their belongings to their rooms. Instruments stay on the bus. Once the bus is unloaded, they will be dismissed with their chaperones to their rooms. A master room list may be provided to all chaperones. (this may take some time- because we will not have use of a copy machine. We will give you rooms that you are in charge of, they will be beside you in the hotel. Hopefully. After the children are settled in, some chaperones will need to assist making sure the students are sleeping and not talking during the night. We have a early wake up call.

8 Friday evening Lights out 10:00. Chaperone meeting after lights out in hall to go through Saturday information. Quick meeting.

9 Saturday Breakfast at 6:00 AM Wake up get dressed in Blue Polo band shirt, khaki pants, black socks and marching band shoes/dress shoes- go to breakfast. Some students may want to eat breakfast first then change, but they will need to eat and not socialize to much. Students must carry a small clothes bag to the bus and have it with them in their seat. This bag will have their blue band t-shirt and a pair of shorts or pants to change into after we perform. Along with a pair of tennis shoes. Their suitcase or bag must be under the bus, they will not be able to get under the bus after we leave the hotel. Students that are leaving with their parents need to load the car before we leave the hotel. We are not coming back to the hotel so they need everything out of their room at that time. Students not in Marching Band need to be in their Blue Polo band shirt, khaki pants, black socks and dress shoes leaving the hotel. Students should also pack a small bag for what they need in the park that day. (money, sunblock)

10 Saturday’s Plan 5:00 am-Wake up 6:00 am Breakfast 7:00 am Depart for Kings Dominion 7:20 am Arrive at J.R. Tucker High School 7:33 am Warm up 8:00 am Parade Performance 8:50 am Warm up 9:15 am Concert Band Performance Following performance children can dress into blue band T-shirt and shorts/tennis shoes for the park. 10:00 am Go play and have fun, $10 for lunch will be given to the students for lunch/ 1 meal voucher will be given for dinner to chaperones/students 6:50 Meet at Birch Pavilion for awards ceremony 7:00 Awards Ceremony After awards ceremony and celebration we will go back to the buses and load buses to come back home.

11 Time to meet together to go home. 8:00 pm Meet at the outside the Awards ceremony to get ready to go back to Home. Restroom break before getting on bus. 8:20 pm Depart for Virginia Beach Students leaving with parents must meet at the bus to leave from the bus. Not the park. 10:30 pm Arrive PA Middle Saturday night.

12 We know everyone is ready to go BUT… Help at school is essential Chaperones are tired from a long day. Please help to unload the busses All instruments must be brought into the band room. Your help is always appreciated It’s going to be a great trip

13 Questions?????

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