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Gary S. Gilkeson, MD.  5 Faculty Affairs & Development Associate Deans  Additional members from research(Crosson), education(Deas), and administrative.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary S. Gilkeson, MD.  5 Faculty Affairs & Development Associate Deans  Additional members from research(Crosson), education(Deas), and administrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary S. Gilkeson, MD

2  5 Faculty Affairs & Development Associate Deans  Additional members from research(Crosson), education(Deas), and administrative leadership (Nall, Pisano)  Diverse expertise, roles within the university, faculty tracks

3  Paul McDermott, PhD  Medicine  Teacher development, Research career development  Academic Investigator  Dan Smith, PhD  Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences  Conflict resolution, Gender equity  Clinician Educator

4  Gary Gilkeson, MD  Medicine  Promotion/Tenure, Clinical Research career development  Academic Investigator  Leonie Gordon, MB, ChB  Radiology  GME, Residency Training, Advancement of women  Clinician Educator

5  Marc Chimowitz, MB, ChB  Neuroscience  Mentoring, SCTR program  Academic Clinician

6  Develop programs  Faculty roundtables  Leadership school  Respond to inquiries/requests  Conflict resolution  Career guidance

7  Oversee Departmental Mentoring Plans  Coordinate with other campus groups (Apple Tree, SCTR, WSI, AME) to promote faculty success  Exit interviews for departing faculty


9  Contact information/hours  Departmental Mentoring Plans  Academy of Medical Educators info  Leadership Development  Faculty Roundtables schedule (including recordings or previous sessions)  Links to important faculty development resources on and off campus

10  We want to know how we can be responsive  Topics for Faculty Roundtables or other programming  Particularly interested in new faculty

11  Faculty Handbook Section 4.02d Research  An associated faculty member whose responsibilities are important to the University, often are full-time, but may be part-time, and who has few or no job obligations other than doing research, often as a member of a research team.

12  Production of high quality basic biomedical research is the essence of this track.  There will be few or no job obligations other than doing research.  In the beginning of their career, members of this track will almost always function as an integral member of a research team.  As these faculty become more experienced, a portion of their time may be used to explore independent research which may complement the team's research.  As these faculty become funded, more experienced and capable of leading the research of others, they may become research team leaders in an expanding research operation.  Tenure is not a possibility.  Job security will derive from individual and team research success that leads to continued acquisition of grants and contracts.

13  The quality of research and productivity are judged by the candidate's role in well-focused, significant research as a team member, project initiator or leader.  Publication of results in peer-reviewed journals and presentation of peer-reviewed research talks.  With advancement, there should be evidence of ability to conceive and prepare research protocols that receive high ratings from national funding agencies.  With advancement, there should be evidence of ability to lead others and to lead research programs.  University service in the junior ranks, if done, often will be in development and maintenance of research facilities and services.  University service in the more senior ranks, if done, often will take the form of leadership in research policy and planning.  This track will provide a long-term career opportunity.  Faculty can elect to achieve research success and independent funding and add a full load of teaching and university service.  These faculty may apply to change tracks to the Academic Investigator Track.


15 Research Assistant Professor  Clear commitment to and potential for an academic career leading to independent laboratory or clinical research.  Commitment to excellence as a researcher.  Developing capabilities as an investigator with contributions as first or senior author on refereed publications.  Establishing recognition through candidacy or membership in appropriate professional and scientific organizations.  Developing skills necessary for preparation of applications for local/ regional and national grants. Receipt or active pursuit of grant support.

16 Research Associate Professor  Service as assistant professor with a record of achievement.  Publication based on original investigation in refereed journals with high citation rates.  Senior author with contributions of major ideas or innovations.  Peer-reviewed, external research support from national sources as a principal, co-principal, or co- investigator.  Presentations of peer-reviewed papers at national/ international meetings. Leadership of research team or team component.  Acquisition of sufficient experience and independence to contribute with major impact in the planning/ development of research projects.  Peer recognition for research activities including invitations to present work at other universities, workshops and scientific conferences.  Election to scientific organizations in discipline.

17 Research Professor  Service as Associate Professor with major accomplishments in basic biomedical research.  Distinguished career exemplifying scholarship, excellence and productivity in research.  Sustained publication as senior author in major peer-reviewed journals with high citation rates.  Key individual in direction and development of research program and in research team development.  Key individual in acquisition of long-term research funding.  National recognition for accomplishments in his/ her discipline.  Continuing growth and development, dedication to scholarship and service, commitment to furthering knowledge through research and as a mentor.  Service on national committees, study sections, and editorial boards.  National recognition in his/ her field as evidenced by election to prestigious professional societies, service as an officer in national or international organizations, awards, prizes and other notable academic achievements. No real difference from tenure track other than no specific numbers

18  Early career investigator prior to receiving independent funding  Investigator who is a valuable member of a research team but does not plan to submit their own grants  Technical director of a university core facility  Devoted to research and does not want to do anything else

19  Contracting process the same  Benefits the same  Hiring/firing timelines the same  On NIH grants do not have to specify research track  Can apply for NIH and foundation grants  Can vote in Faculty Senate polls

20  Nearly all effort is research oriented- minimal teaching/administrative duties  Promotion guidelines are not as stringent?

21  Cannot be given tenure  Most of the time no assigned lab space  In some departments no personal office space is provided  All eggs are in one basket- wholly dependent on grant funding. Wholly dependent on your supervisor  Most instances not able to accept grad students or post docs as primary mentor

22 Professor5/5 5 Associate Professor16/14 18 Assistant Professor63/68 62 Instructor15/23 149 Total99/110 235 Research 2012/2013 Clinical

23 DepartmentNumber 2013Professors Biochem12 (34%) 14/362 Pharmacol5 (25%) 2/170 Fam Med/Derm/ENT/Anesth/ Opth 2 each 40/163 2013-8 0 Medicine (c,e,g,h,n)18 (6%) 34/307 2013- 20 0 M and I4 (14%) 4/250 Neurosci10 (10%) 35/106 2013-9 0 Public Health16 (38%) 13/430 Path4 (7%) 8/51 2013-5 0 Peds3 (2%) 24/145 2013-2 1 Psych16 (9%) 49/170 2013-13 1 Regen Med11 (34%) 8/300 Surgery6 2013-6 40/1040 Radiology6 (8%) 2013-6 17/730 OB1 2013-3 2/360

24  (A) Opportunities for professional development  There appear to be a number of research modified faculty who are not given the opportunity to submit their own grant, although they would like to, and were under the impression they would be allowed to do so. Such a situation could be due to a variety of complex reasons, but faculty feel trapped.  Teaching opportunities could help with professional development, especially in cases of faculty who are not given the opportunity to submit grants.

25  (B) Opportunities and qualifications for promotion  The criteria and qualifications for promotion for research modified faculty are not as clear-cut as for regular faculty (there is no matrix).  There is a concern that the matrix criteria that are appropriate for regular faculty are being used for evaluating modified faculty as well. Specific criteria, pertinent to the specialized role of the particular modified faculty, should be provided and used instead.

26  (a) Each modified research faculty must have a professional plan and goals. This should help with clarifying their expectations, possibilities and opportunities, whether they will be supported in submitting a grant, allowed to pursue teaching opportunities, etc.  (b) Transparency of expectations and the possibilities for career advancement at the time of appointment is essential. It would help if the future faculty has someone, other than the Chair or the PI on whose grant they will depend, to talk to regarding the appointment, their expectations, and what would be possible.

27  You should have a mentor who may or may not be your supervisor. If your supervisor is your mentor, get a mentoring team of individuals outside your lab.  You should meet with your Department Chair yearly  Discuss with your mentor your career goals and aspirations- do you want to be a PI?  Develop a short and long term plan and review the plan and stick to it  If you have an independent grant, discuss with your department chair switching to the tenure track if you so desire  Work off the promotion grid  You are responsible for your own career


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