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U.S. General Services Administration Juan McLemore, CPPS Area Property Officer Federal Acquisition Service Personal Property Management June 2014 Acquiring.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. General Services Administration Juan McLemore, CPPS Area Property Officer Federal Acquisition Service Personal Property Management June 2014 Acquiring."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. General Services Administration Juan McLemore, CPPS Area Property Officer Federal Acquisition Service Personal Property Management June 2014 Acquiring Excess Personal Property

2 Who Can Acquire Excess Personal Property?  Federal agencies;  The Senate;  The House of Representatives;  The Architect of the Capitol and any activities under his direction;  The DC Government and Mixed ownership government corporations. FMR: 102-36.60 through.75 2

3 Why must we use excess personal property instead of buying new property?  It maximizes the return on Government dollars spent and minimizes expenditures for new procurement. FMR 102-36.65 3

4 What must we consider when acquiring excess personal property?  There must be an authorized requirement.  The cost of the property does not exceed the cost of purchasing and maintaining new materials.  You must not acquire excess personal property with intent to sell or trade for other assets. 4

5 How Much Do We Pay For Excess Property?  Excess property is free to Federal agencies (there are exceptions…)  Acquiring agency is required to pay shipping and transportation costs  When applicable, acquiring agency may have to pay packing, loading, and dismantling costs. 5

6 Exceptions To Excess Being FREE…  Reimbursement is directed by GSA  Non-appropriated fund property  Appropriated fund property but reimbursement required/authorized by law  Requesting or holding agency is US Postal Service  Acquiring property for use by project grantee that is a public agency or a nonprofit organization and tax exempt under 26 USC 501  Requesting or holding agency is DC Government  Requesting or holding agency is wholly owned or mixed- ownership Government corp. defined in Govt. Corp. Control Act (31 USC 9101-9110) 6

7 How Much Do We Pay On Reimbursable Transfers?  Normally, the fair market value  DC Government or Government Corporations pay the Fair Value  20% of original A/C for new and unused property  Zero percent for all other property 7

8 How to Acquire Excess Personal Property  Using GSAXcess;  Submit a “Want List” in GSAXcess;  Conduct on-site screening at various federal facilities;  Contact GSA Area Property Officer;  Direct Transfer. 8

9 Requesting Agency’s Responsibilities  The requesting agency is responsible for shipping and transportation costs.  When applicable, acquiring agency may have to pay packing, loading, and dismantling costs.  Arranging the pickup by the 15 th day the transfer document is approved. 9


11  From the Search Results  From the Property Data Sheet  Direct Select Property Shopping! Three methods to go property shopping!

12 Add to Shopping Cart from Search Results Once you find the property item you are interested in, simply click the add to cart button

13 Add to Shopping Cart from Search Results 1 When you click add to cart, the “View Cart” button increments by one and the Add to Cart button changes to “Change Qty”

14 Adding to Shopping Cart from Data Sheet You can also “Add to Cart” from the Property Data Sheet

15 Adding to Shopping Cart from Data Sheet When you click add to cart, the “View Cart” button increments by one and the Add to Cart button changes to “Change Qty”

16 Add to Shopping Cart from Direct Select Another method is called “Direct Select”. This is when you already know the Item Control Numbers of the desired property and want to enter them all at once.

17 Add to Shopping Cart from Direct Select GSAXcess® prompts you by displaying a message line. Enter the ICNs and quantities and click “Submit”

18 Add to Shopping Cart from Direct Select You will receive a confirmation message with action taken

19 View Cart You can click “View Cart” from any screen to display all your items in your shopping cart. This cart has 5 line items.

20 View, Change, Remove Items in Shopping Cart To change a qty for an item in the shopping cart, go to “Quantity Selected” make change and click “Update Cart.”

21 Delete Items in Shopping Cart To delete an ICN from cart, go to “Select” column, and click on applicable “Delete“ button or zero out the quantity and click Update Cart.

22 Deleted Item in Shopping Cart

23 Priority Items in Shopping Cart If Priority Situation, select Priority and then click the “Update Cart” button.

24 Items in Shopping Cart The system displays confirmation messages.

25 Items in Shopping Cart To continue selecting items to go into shopping cart, click on the “Continue Selecting” button or Checkout if your selections are complete.

26 Checkout – User Profile You can change or update any of the information in your user profile for this selection except for the Approving Official info. Your NUO must change that information.

27 Submit Transfer Order Request

28 Checkout Confirmation Confirmation messages are displayed

29 Continue Submitting the Transfer Order Requests

30 Check Out from Any Screen with Checkout Button

31 Check Out with Priority Situation If “Yes” to Priority Situation, the Update Cart screen is displayed for you to enter the Priority, if “No” the Checkout screen is displayed.

32 View and Update Cart – Select Priority Checkout with a Priority Situation takes you to the View and Update Selection Screen to select your Priority.

33 Check Out with Priority Situation Priority Situation selected. Click Update Cart and receive successful confirmation message.

34 Check Out with Priority Situation

35 Checkout Email Confirmation Checkout confirmation does not mean that you will automatically receive the property

36 Item Inquire Requests

37 990152175

38 Results- Item Inquiry for Existing Requests

39 Change Existing Requests Change request Click on “Change Requests” ( hypertext) under “Search & Select Menu.”

40 Change Existing Requests If requests for transfer have been submitted, the items will automatically be displayed. If not, the screen will be blank. You can change the quantity or delete the request.

41 Delete Existing Requests Delete request

42 Delete Existing Requests If requests for transfer have been submitted, the items will automatically be displayed. If not, the screen will be blank.

43 Delete Existing Requests

44 Delete Existing Requests Confirmation


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