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The Road to Distance Learning May Be Closer Than You Think….. Copyright Polley Ann McClure 2001. This work is the intellectual property of the author.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to Distance Learning May Be Closer Than You Think….. Copyright Polley Ann McClure 2001. This work is the intellectual property of the author."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to Distance Learning May Be Closer Than You Think….. Copyright Polley Ann McClure 2001. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 The Road to Distance Learning May Be Closer Than You Think….. Polley Ann McClure Vice President, Information Technologies Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Cornell University

3 Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Change

4 New Needs


6 “Going to college…” (Moffatt, 1989; Astin,1992)

7 Traditional Culture Learning as a social good Teaching, research, outreach Social critique Search for truth Structure A community “At a slight angle to the universe” (Bowen, 2001)

8 “Taking, as a starting point, 1530, when the Lutheran Church was founded, some 66 institutions that existed then still exist today in the Western World in recognizable form; the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, the parliaments of Iceland and the Isle of Man, and 62 universities….They have experienced wars, revolutions, depressions, and industrial transformations, and have come out less changed than almost any other segment of their societies.” Clark Kerr (1980)

9 Reach More Students New groups of students Convenience Productivity enhancement Capital vs. labor

10 Improved Learning Expectations of “n-gen” Multi-media brains Visualization Learning styles Active learning Personalization

11 Two Cultures: Faculty and Technologists (Brown & Jackson, 2001) Both: fascination with new ideas Technologists: Liberal presumption about change Faculty: Conservative presumption about change

12 Cornell University Founded 1865 13 colleges A private university with a land-grant mission

13 Cornell University 13,500 undergraduates 5,900 graduate and professional 2,300 faculty 9,000 staff 192,000 living alumni

14 eCornell Founded September, 2000 Wholly owned by Cornell Funded by Cornell at $36 million Offices in Ithaca and NYC 50 employees

15 eCornell Specialize in professional/ career education Focus on specialties where we have deep knowledge Work with Cornell’s top-rated schools

16 eCornell




20 Innovation in Teaching Grants 20 x $40,000 grants Professional support team Assessment Seminars “Narrow and deep”

21 Technology Assistants “Broad and shallow” 20-30 undergraduates 100 hrs training Assigned to academic units Supervised by Instructional Technology staff

22 DL Classroom Partnership Facilitate standards Facilitate sharing Matching funds

23 Faculty Speak… This slide contained a video of faculty members sharing their experiences with distributed learning technologies. For more information, please contact Dr. McClure at

24 The Road to Distance Learning May Be Closer Than You Think…

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