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Ohio Department of Transportation ODOT Training & Environmental Prequalification Requirements questions to:

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1 Ohio Department of Transportation ODOT Training & Environmental Prequalification Requirements Email questions to:

2 ODOT Prequal Areas…. - Environmental Document Preparation - EA/EIS - Environmental Document Preparation - CE - Environmental Doc. Preparation - Section 4(f) - Ecological Surveys - Stream and Wetland Mitigation - Waterway Permits - Air Quality Analysis - Noise Analysis & Abatement Design - Archaeological Investigations - History/Architectural Investigations - ESA Screening, ESA Phase I & II - ESA Remedial Design

3 Prequalification Requirements… Specific Education Requirements Specific Experience Requirements Required “Acceptable” Documents

4 Acceptable Documents “Acceptable” means documents that have been formally accepted by ODOT or transportation agencies in other states and FHWA; and, for CEs and Section 4(f) documents, must be approved documents with minimum comments or revisions. CEs and Section 4(f) documents that require multiple revisions and resubmissions will not be considered acceptable as a prequalified document.

5 Prequalification Requirements… ODOT Classes Technical classes- every 5 years 1 week NEPA- every 10 years EUM’s encouraged Other classes- encouraged i.e.- PI class Purpose and Need, etc.

6 Changing Direction… (July 2014) GovernmentNon-Government Training Course# HoursRate Total Fee Rate Total Fee Categorical Exclusion13$10.00$130.00 $25.00$325.00 Public Involvement6$10.00$60.00 $25.00$150.00 Purpose & Need5$10.00$50.00 $25.00$125.00 Ecological5$10.00$50.00 $25.00$125.00 Waterway Permits5$10.00$50.00 $25.00$125.00 NEPA28$10.00$280.00 $25.00$700.00 Section 1065$10.00$50.00 $25.00$125.00 Section 4(f) & 6(f)6$10.00$60.00 $25.00$150.00 Environmental Site Assessment6$10.00$60.00 $25.00$150.00 Project Development Process5$10.00$50.00 $25.00$125.00

7 Changing Direction… If you cancel attendance at least 3 working days prior to all technical classes- you can get a refund. After the 3 working day window- no refund. If you cancel attendance at least 10 working days prior to the 1-week NEPA class- you can get a refund. Positive…. Register on line and pay by credit card!!!! Registration is transferable to other staff….

8 Next Steps… Prequal re-approval required every 2 years. Quality counts!!!! Can lose pre-qual. New Evaluation System being developed… More focus on training via on-line and webinars- Most classes will be via Webinar… Training is a huge factor for ODOT and it will continue to be a focus!!!

9 Contact: Questions??? Contact: Timothy M. Hill – ODOT/OES-(614) 644-0377 Jacque Annarino- ODOT/OES (614) 466-1484

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