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Consumer. What is a consumer? Anyone who buys goods or services Buy books, groceries, go to cinema etc There is a CONTRACT between the buyer and the seller.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer. What is a consumer? Anyone who buys goods or services Buy books, groceries, go to cinema etc There is a CONTRACT between the buyer and the seller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer

2 What is a consumer? Anyone who buys goods or services Buy books, groceries, go to cinema etc There is a CONTRACT between the buyer and the seller

3 Rights & Responsibilities Right to complain if there is a fault “I bought a CD and its faulty” Responsibility to be informed “I don’t want a credit note – I’m entitled to a refund.”

4 Responsibility Consumer has a Right to quality goods but has a responsibility to: Know the legislation - law Know what agencies and organizations that can help

5 Informed Consumer Know what you want Compare price and quality No unplanned buying – impulse buying Avoid overspending Knows rights

6 Complaint Valid Reasons: Misleading Ad - oversold Faulty Quality poor or unsafe Overcharging – incorrect weight/price Breach of contract

7 Not Valid Reason to Complain Change of Mind Tampered with goods Fault pointed out at sale Goods not returned within reasonable time

8 Law/Legislation to Protect Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 Consumer Information Act 1978 EU directive on food labelling

9 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 Contract between Buyer and Seller Products must be of a certain quality: 1. Merchantable quality 2. Fit for purpose 3. As described 4. Conform to sample 5. Services rendered with necessary skills and qualifications

10 Consumer Information Act 1978 False or misleading information about: 1. Price – price list must be clearly displayed 2. Quality 3. Goods 4. Service Director of Consumer Affairs = National Consumer Agency

11 Food Labeling Clear & Legible In common language – English/Irish Name of food Selling price Unit price – in ltr or Kilo Use by date Ingredients in descending order of weight

12 Unit Price Price Quantity SizeWeight/VolumePriceValue FormulaUnit Price Small40 pages0.600.60/401.5 cent Medium60 pages1.001.00/601.7 cent

13 Bar Codes Black lines with numbers Scanned and read at POS Identify product and price Less error No individual pricing Easy change price on computer Stock control Country of origin: 50 for Ireland and England

14 Signs Signs that contradict the Law are illegal Examples: Damaged goods cannot be exchanged No refund on damaged goods Sale items – no exchange Contact Manufacturer for refunds

15 REMEDIES Replace Repair Refund

16 Credit note Does not have to be accepted May be acceptable to the consumer Allows the consumer to buy again in the shop up to the specified amount Usually valid for up to 6 months

17 Guarantee or warranty A guarantee or warranty on a product gives additional protection to statutory protection It is a written statement given by the manufacturer. The manufacturer will repair or replace an item within a set amount of time after it has been purchased. Guarantees are legally binding.

18 Credit Note McGraths Paints, HighSt, CarlowNo. 124 To:_____________________Tel0503-12543 _______________________VAT RegIE234345 Date:___________ QTYDescriptionUnit Price € Total € Reason: Signed____________________Total€ Manager


20 Steps to remedy 1. Stop using the goods - Identify problem 2. Act promptly - Contact seller – negotiate – stay calm – keep copies of docs 3. Put complaint in writing – record details – keep a copy 4. Contact trade organization or consumer organization – eg SIMI for motor, ITAA for travel 5. Contact consumer agencies – office of Director of Consumer Affairs=National Consumer Agency, Ombudsman 6. Small Claims Court

21 Agencies 1. Office of Director of Consumer Affairs=National Consumer Agency 2. Ombudsman 3. The Financial Regulator 4. European Consumer Centre (ECC) 5. The Advertising Standards Authority 6. The Consumers’ Association of Ireland 7. Citizens Information

22 National Standards Authority - NSAI NSAI Set safety and quality standards NSAI – National standards authority of Ireland – standards for goods

23 NCA - Director of Consumer Affairs The National Consumer Agency which replaced the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs (ODCA) from May 2007 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980

24 Ombudsman Ombudsman – for state agencies eg An Post, HSE, Dept of Agriculture etc Ombudsman for Credit Institutions Insurance Ombudsman

25 Consumer Association of Ireland Voluntary association set up to protect the rights and interests of consumers in Ireland. Publishes magazine ‘Consumer Choice’. Independent/non government Non-profit

26 Small Claims Court Small Claims Court – District court Expensive for Company and Bad publicity Apply to registrar outlining complaint Complaints up to €2000.00 Small Fee - €9 – no solicitor needed Refund Replace Repair Compensation

27 Advertising Standards Authority Investigates complaints about false, misleading, offensive adverts Power to have ad altered or withdrawn

28 Citizens Information Citizens information can help you through the steps Letter writing Contacting trade organisation Contacting NCA etc Contacting Ombudsman Small claims court

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