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1 State of Minnesota Statewide Integrated Financial Tools AR-BI 3: Accounts Receivable Advanced

2 Objectives – Accounts Receivable Advanced  Define terms  Explain the relationship between AR and Billing  Introduce the processes and features of Accounts Receivable Advanced 2

3 Lesson 2: Creating Deposits 3 Step 1: Create deposits Step 3: Review deposits Step 4: Correct errors Step 2: Apply payments You do this SWIFT process Legend * for misc. cash (direct journal deposit) Regular Deposit Express Deposit Create deposit journal entries Run Payment Predictor Run AR Update Payment Worksheet Run Queries Correct errors

4 Lesson 3: Applying Payments 4 You do this SWIFT process Legend * To see results/exceptions Payment Predictor Runs Run Queries/ Reports* Manually apply exceptions

5 Lesson 3: Applying Payments - Term  Payment Worksheet: a payment processing tool that allows you to match items to payments 5

6 Lesson 3: Applying Payments – Payment Worksheet 6 * Pick items to apply payment(s) to Payment Worksheet You do this SWIFT process Legend *Pick payments to work with Step 1: Create Payment Worksheet* Step 2: Payment Worksheet Application* Step 3: Post the item(s)

7 Lesson 4: Processing Refunds 7 You do this AR Lifecycle Legend Create Refund on Maintenance Worksheet Run Receivables Update Run Receivable Refund AP pays refund Customer & Vendor must be linked together for this process to work

8 Lesson 5: Perform AR Maintenance 8 Use these options on an as-needed basis * Using the Item Details page You do this AR Lifecycle Legend Maintenance Worksheet for Refunds, write- offs and offsets Update Item Details Transfer Worksheet Place Item in Dispute

9 Lesson 5: Perform AR Account Maintenance - Maintenance Worksheet 9 * Pick items to apply payment(s) to Maintenance Worksheet You do this SWIFT process Legend * Pick items to work with Create Maintenance Worksheet* Maintenance Worksheet Application* Post The item(s)

10 Lesson 5: Perform AR Account Maintenance - Transfer Worksheet 10 * Tell SWIFT where to transfer the bill Transfer Worksheet You do this SWIFT process Legend *Select bill to transfer Create Transfer Worksheet* Transfer Worksheet Application* Post the Item(s)

11 Lesson 6: AR Integration 11 Updates customer balances Creates journal entries Runs budget check Posts payment to customer account You do this SWIFT process Legend Run Receivables Update: View Posting Status Run Query for Error Check Correct Errors

12 Lesson 7: Managing Customer Collections 12 Review Statements Send Letters Step 1: Create and send statements Step 2: If no or incomplete customer action, create and send dunning letters Step 3: If still no or incomplete customer action, refer customer to Collections Send Statements View Dunning Status & History Run the Collections Query Send to Collections Run the Aging Process Create Customer Statements Run Aging, Overdue Charging, AR Update Create Dunning Letters

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