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Everyday Swim - Islington Swimming lessons survey Sport Industry Research Centre /

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1 Everyday Swim - Islington Swimming lessons survey Sport Industry Research Centre /

2 Contents 1.Overall findings 2.Satisfaction by pool

3 Summary Overall, 345 responses were obtained from the four sites with Highbury Pool (137) recording the highest number of responses. The following graphs present the results of the survey based on the responses from the 345 people sampled. PoolFrequencyValid Percent Ironmonger Row Baths4111.9 Cally5616.2 Highbury13739.7 Archway11132.2 Total345100.0

4 Responses by pool

5 Number of children currently having lessons

6 Current satisfaction with the following areas: - Teacher continuity - Holiday programmes - Lesson progression- Quality of staff - Availability of desired day and time- Ability assessments - Awareness of exit routes- Price - Scheduling of term dates- Changing facilities - Priority booking procedures- Accessibility of facility - Refund policy- Overall value

7 Teacher continuity

8 Lesson progression

9 Availability of desired day and time

10 Awareness of exit routes

11 Scheduling of term dates

12 Priority booking procedures

13 Refund policy

14 Holiday programmes

15 Quality of staff

16 Ability assessments

17 Price

18 Changing facilities

19 Accessibility of facility

20 Overall value

21 Comparisons by pool PoolFrequencyValid Percent Ironmonger Row Baths4111.9 Cally5616.2 Highbury13739.7 Archway11132.2 Total345100.0 The following section looks at the data by pool. It is worth noting the differences in sample size from each pool as outlined in the table below. The data is presented using 'net positive' scores which are calculated: (Very Good + Good) – (Poor + Very Poor) = Net Positive

22 Satisfaction comparison 1

23 Satisfaction comparison 2

24 Satisfaction comparison 3

25 Satisfaction comparison 4

26 Satisfaction comparison 5

27 Motivations for paying for swimming lessons

28 Olympic ambition, value of badges and awareness of clubs

29 Involvement in further aquatic activities

30 Best time and day

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