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1 Delegations Travel Approvals Internal Transfers

2 DIVISION OF FINANCE 2 Presenters  Paul McLeod, Manager, Travel  Pam Maloy, Manager, Costing & Ledgers  Darrell Martin, Manager, Finance Systems & Development  Bridgit Session – Delegations

3 DIVISION OF FINANCE 3 Workshop Goals The goal of this training is to:  Provide you with the knowledge of how the Delegations Repository will work  Demonstrate the new Travel Planner functionality in ProMaster  Review the Internal Transfers process

4 DIVISION OF FINANCE 4 Agenda  Delegations Discussion (Darrell)  Travel Planner Training (Paul)  Internal Transfers Discussion (Darrell)  General Q&A Opportunity

5 DIVISION OF FINANCE 5 Delegations Policy  schedules.htm schedules.htm  Approved by Council in 2010  Transitional arrangements end 1 Oct 2011  Main impact – S.12 Delegation (EXP1)  Devolves approvals to Budget Managers  Based on dollar amounts  Can’t be sub-delegated  Don’t shoot the messenger!

6 DIVISION OF FINANCE 6 Delegations Explained  Primary Budget Centre means a Faculty, Division, Centre, Office or other entity to which a budget is allocated in the Annual Budget by the Council  Secondary Budget Centre means an organisational unit within a Primary Budget Centre including a School, Office, Unit, Institute or Centre to which a budgetary allocation is determined by a Primary Budget Centre Manager  Tertiary Budget Centre  Not specified in policy document

7 DIVISION OF FINANCE 7 Delegations Explained  Primary Budget Centre Manager means a member of staff appointed as head of a Primary Budget Centre, such as a Dean, Executive Director or Director  Secondary Budget Centre Manager means a member of staff appointed as the head of a Secondary Budget Centre including a Head of School, Director and Manager  Tertiary Budget Centre Manager means staff appointed by the Secondary Budget Centre to manage or assist managing parts of the budget

8 DIVISION OF FINANCE 8 EXP1 Delegation (extract) BandClassificationDelegation 1HEW 3 – 4 up to $ 1,000 2HEW 5 – 6 up to $ 3,000 3HEW 7 – 8 up to $ 5,000 4HEW 9 – 10 up to $ 10,000 6Secondary BC Mgr up to $ 20,000 7Primary BC Mgr up to $100,000 Authority to incur/approve expenditure under Section 12 of the Public Finance & Audit Act 1983

9 DIVISION OF FINANCE 9 Domestic Travel – TRV1 FunctionDelegation Deans, Executive Directors Band 8 Heads of School, Directors Band 7 Other Academic & General Staff Band 3

10 DIVISION OF FINANCE 10 Overseas Travel – TRV2 FunctionDelegation DVC, ED Finance, ED HR, Director Corporate Affairs, Director Planning & Audit, Head of Campus/Provost Band 9 Deans, Executive Directors Band 8 Heads of School, Directors Band 7 Other Academic & General Staff Band 7

11 DIVISION OF FINANCE 11 Delegations - Extracts  Clause 15. Delegation Hierarchy  The powers and authorities held by any delegate are included in those held by that delegate's supervisor or line manager and each officer in line of organisational authority superior to that officer in turn.  Clause 16. Exercise Delegations  A delegate cannot exercise a delegation in regard to functions or staff for which the delegate does not hold line management responsibility.

12 DIVISION OF FINANCE 12 Delegations  Clause 27. Limited by Expenditure Delegation  All delegations are subject to the delegate’s expenditure delegation. While a delegate may be conferred an administrative authority, where this involves an expenditure this may only be exercised within that expenditure limit.  Clause 29. Authorised Officer  A delegate may not appoint an “Authorised Officer” to exercise an expenditure or travel delegation under this schedule of delegations.

13 DIVISION OF FINANCE 13 Delegations Repository URL =

14 DIVISION OF FINANCE 14 Delegations Repository

15 DIVISION OF FINANCE 15 Delegations Issues  Approval limited by:  Budget Manager authority against Orgn code  Dollar value limits by bands  approval to incur expenditure = S.12 approval of expenditure  Delegation refers to position not person  Can’t carry delegation when move to another position  Academics cannot be approvers  Second approver is person’s supervisor

16 DIVISION OF FINANCE 16 Travel Planner Approvals  Why do I have to Approve Travel Plans ? From the Delegations & Authorisations Policy it is clear who can and cant Approve both Domestic and International travel. If you have a Delegation for an ORG code then you may also have to Approve travel and it’s expenditure, however the Delegation starts from Band 3 (HEW level 7 -8) for Domestic travel only, this may assist with the volume if you have staff at these levels. NB Academics are unable to Approve any transactions.  How will I know when I have to do this ? An email will be generated from ProMaster advising that you have Travel Plans and transactions to be Approved.

17 DIVISION OF FINANCE 17 Travel Planner Approvals  What do I look for ?  Review the Travel Plan to ensure that the travel is relevant, appropriate and valid.  The Account Codes are correct.  The expenditure estimates are as expected.  Is there any funding from other sources, e.g. the traveller or third parties.  Are Meal Allowances calculated correctly and are meals included at Conferences deducted or any meals that are provided.  Should the traveller be travelling on ‘Actuals’ ?.  If the travel is a “Field Trip” then is a Risk Assessment attached. Should your Travel Plans be coming from a Travel Administrator or ‘trusted’ source then many of the above checks may have already been completed in which case you may just wish to review quickly and Approve.

18 DIVISION OF FINANCE 18 Travel Planner Approvals  What actions do I take  You can Review the Travel Plan by hovering on the ‘Blue Question mark’.  Once you have reviewed the Travel Plan you can Approve individually or as a group.  You can Reverse the Travel Plan back to the Traveller without comment.  You can Query the Travel Plan and request further information from the traveller.  You can Edit the Travel Plan should you need to change any of the Account Codes or other details.  You can ‘add’ notes to the Travel Plan before Approving.

19 DIVISION OF FINANCE 19 Travel Planner Approvals

20 DIVISION OF FINANCE 20 Travel Planner Approvals  What happens once the Travel Plan has been Approved ? Once Approved the Travel Plan drops in to the workflow “Approved Travel” ready for the Traveller or Travel Booker to process the reservations. The Travel Plan will sit in this workflow until all of the relevant expenses have been allocated to the Travel Plan at which time it can be pushed to “Completed Travel” and eventually “Archived Travel” If the allocated expenses are greater than the Approved estimates you will receive a further request to Approve any additional expenditure, however a 10% threshold will allow some variation before this will happen. Travel Plans are available to view at all stages of the process and will remain in the “Archived Travel” workflow forever, along with any relevant attachments e.g. Tax Invoices, receipts and other relevant documentation.

21 DIVISION OF FINANCE 21 Out of Pocket Expenses  Petty Cash Claims Use for all petty cash claims in future

22 DIVISION OF FINANCE 22 Internal Transfers

23 DIVISION OF FINANCE 23 Internal Transfers

24 DIVISION OF FINANCE 24 Internal Transfers

25 DIVISION OF FINANCE 25  Trust Funds ‘Tnnnn’  Separate Companies  Therefore not internal  Cannot use ‘%X’ and ‘6%’ Accounts  GST  Internal Transfers are EX GST Internal Transfers

26 DIVISION OF FINANCE 26  Monthly Charges  To Finance by 15 th of month  Charges for prior month  Posted in current month  GST  Internal Charges are EX GST Internal Charges

27 DIVISION OF FINANCE 27  Large batch journals  Create in Excel  Contact ledgers for template  Journals  Use email preferably   BDMS Journals

28 DIVISION OF FINANCE 28  Online Request form  programcoderequest programcoderequest  Description limited to 35 characters  Hierarchy in School/Section blocks of codes Program Code Requests

29 DIVISION OF FINANCE 29  Up to $1,000 per FBT year (1 Apr-31 Mar)  Complete In House Benefits form when you have $50+ of receipts and send to Payroll with receipts attached  ation/salpac/options#_In_House_Benefits ation/salpac/options#_In_House_Benefits  Submit original receipts to payroll anytime during year  Final claim by first week of March at latest to claim in any FBT year  Payroll shows pre-tax payment and post tax refund to you of value of receipts submitted In House Benefits

30 DIVISION OF FINANCE 30  Put money on your CSU Card, use anywhere on campus, keep your receipts  In House Benefits – CSU Card

31 Questions and Answers

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