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Fifth Grade Social Studies Where do I begin? Teaching Unit 1 and Moving Forward with the Next Units Marlo Mong September 2, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Social Studies Where do I begin? Teaching Unit 1 and Moving Forward with the Next Units Marlo Mong September 2, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Social Studies Where do I begin? Teaching Unit 1 and Moving Forward with the Next Units Marlo Mong September 2, 2008

2 The text book tells me what to teach. Day 1=Chapter 1=page 1 Endless vocabulary lists and multiple choice or matching tests, then move on to the next chapter. Out with the old. In with the NEW!!! Day 1 QCCDay 1 GPS Start with introducing concepts so students can build important schema Design an authentic activity/task that will demonstrate student understanding Think about trade books that will enrich the content being taught.

3 Here’s a Curriculum Map…

4 …the Curriculum Map


6 Here’s a framework…

7 More of a Framework…

8 Teaching Unit 1 Think about all you do to teach routines and procedures at the beginning of the year…this is unit 1! – Lasts about 2 weeks – Introduces all the Enduring Understandings that will be used in Social Studies – Accesses students’ prior knowledge – Builds the scaffolding needed to understand historical, geographic, government, and economic concepts. – A great way to integrate reading strategies and good literature in this unit and beyond!

9 K-5 Suggested Enduring Understandings

10 Introducing Economics and Establishing Community in Your Class The Great Fuzz Frenzy by Janet Stevens and Susan Steven Crummel Connecting Theme: Scarcity Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that because people cannot have everything they want, they have to make choices. AND Connecting Theme: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that what people, groups, and institutions say and do can help or harm others whether they mean to or not.

11 The Great Fuzz Frenzy Give students good mentor texts that help them make connections to their lives. Engage students and activate prior knowledge by doing pre- reading activities. Discuss with students any new concepts and vocabulary that reflect why you chose the story. –Scarcity, interdependence, opportunity cost Tie more than one EU with a story if possible. –What else could we teach in this story? Integrate reading, writing, and social studies whenever possible! –What is Violet’s next adventure going to be? –What will the prairie dogs do with the tennis ball this time?

12 Introducing Distribution of Power and Establishing Routines and Prodcedures When Owen’s Mom Breathed Fire By Pija Lindenbaum Connecting Theme: Distribution of Power Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that laws and people's beliefs help decide who gets to make choices in government. AND Connecting Theme: Rule of Law Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that laws are made to keep people safe and explain what the government can and cannot do.

13 When Owen’s Mom Breathed Fire How will I engage my students? –Give students some play-doh and ask them the following question: –If you could be anything you wanted real or imaginary, what would it be and why? What new vocabulary is needed? –distribution of power, responsibilities Are there other EUs that could be taught? –Getting along with others, making changes/choices What other content can I teach? –What will Owen’s mom turn into next time? –What is something someone in your family would turn into? Why? What would you do?

14 Now what do I do? Introduce a “Concept Wall” to your students – Visual reference to help students organize their learning – Bulletin board, permanent marker on white board, Smart Board flipchart, interactive notebook – Connecting Theme and Enduring Understandings listed at the top – Include broad essential questions – SS GPS listed under appropriate Enduring Understanding – Examples from lessons, important vocabulary, student work, book covers

15 It could look like this…

16 Photo courtesy of Yvette Welch, Gilmer County Schools Or this!

17 Using the Next Units Now that you have helped students understand the themes of Social Studies, now it is time to teach the content! Add to your concept wall! – The broad and specific essential questions that will guide student learning. – Here is where to include the standards you are going to teach. – Include important content vocabulary for the unit. – Visuals of the sponge and “hook” activities you will use to introduce the next unit to your students.

18 How do I know what concepts to teach? Use your curriculum map! – Unit One on every map lists the concepts used for the rest of the year – Every piece of content for the rest of the year is listed under a relevant concept These are suggestions – make them work for your class! Keep up with it all using a concept wall.

19 Econ Lesson Activities! Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst Use this story to teach students about saving, opportunity cost, voluntary exchange, and price incentives. Activity: Four Corners Play four corners but instead of calling out numbers, students will go to a corner after choosing from one of four options. Students will keep track of their choices on a chart they take with them from corner to corner. After playing several rounds, students will return to their seats and look at the choices they made. For each choice, the student will identify two benefits for that choice and one cost (what they gave up) for that choice.

20 What is opportunity cost? Opportunity cost is understanding the gains of choosing one object over the cost of giving up the next best alternative. Where should I live?Opportunity Cost First Choice: The suburbs Next best alternative: Downtown high rise condo By living in the suburbs, I gain a quieter area & lower cost of living. By giving up living downtown, I lose the opportunity to have a 5 minute commute to work. First Choice: The suburbs Next best alternative: A country manor By living in the suburbs, it is closer to mass transit and shops I use on a regular basis By giving up a country manor, I lose a larger piece of land.

21 Excellent Economic Resources *** factbook/index.html *** factbook/index.html

22 Final Thoughts Remember, Unit 1 is the key! Connect the Social Studies curriculum to what students already know. – Front end planning and instruction will pay off in the long run. – Students will know more than memorized dates, names, and places. – Make the concept wall an integral part of your teaching…it will help you and the students make connections within and between concepts. As you begin to teach the standards in Unit 2 and beyond always, always, always refer back to the Enduring Understandings on your concept wall. Integrate reading and social studies as often as you can! Any questions or comments?

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