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Language Special form of communication in which we learn complex rules to manipulate symbols that can be used to generate an endless number of meaningful.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Special form of communication in which we learn complex rules to manipulate symbols that can be used to generate an endless number of meaningful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Special form of communication in which we learn complex rules to manipulate symbols that can be used to generate an endless number of meaningful sentences.Special form of communication in which we learn complex rules to manipulate symbols that can be used to generate an endless number of meaningful sentences. –Communication –Set of Symbols –Complex Rules –Endless Number of Meaningful Sentences

2 Communication Ability to use sounds, smells, or gestures to exchange information.

3 Functional Properties Displaced Reference Productivity Prevarication Pragmatics

4 Structural Properties Phonology –phonemes Semantics –morphemes –syntax

5 Prelinguistic Stage Birth to 1 year Crying Cooing Babbling Language Comprehension Ability to make discriminations not required by native language gradually lost

6 Linguistic Stage 1 year and up Holophrases –Infant-directed Speech –Overextension –Underextension

7 Vocabulary Development

8 Linguistic Stage Two-word combinations Telegraphic Speech –errors of overgeneralization

9 Errors of Overgeneralization

10 Language Development 6 Months Vocalization with intonation Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes 12 Months Uses one or more words with meaning Understands simple instructions 18 Months Has vocabulary of approximately 5-20 words

11 Language Development 24 Months Can name a number of objects common to his surroundings Approximately 2/3 of what child says should be intelligible Vocabulary of approximately 150-300 words My and mine are beginning to emerge 36 Months Knows chief parts of body and should be able to indicate these if not name Handles three word sentences easily Has in the neighborhood of 900-1000 words About 90% of what child says should be intelligible

12 Language Development 4 Years Knows names of familiar animals Names common objects in picture books or magazines Knows one or more colors Often indulges in make-believe 5 Years Can count to ten Speech should be completely intelligible, in spite of articulation problems Speech on the whole should be grammatically correct 6 Years Speech should be completely intelligible and socially useful

13 Language Development 7 Years Should be able to tell time to quarter hour Should be able to do simple reading and to write or print many words 8 Years All speech sounds, including consonant blends should be established Should be reading with considerable ease and now writing simple compositions Can carry on conversation at rather adult level

14 Language in Middle Childhood Vocabulary continues to increase; receptive vocabulary is about 40,000 words by age 10 Phonemes mastered and aspects of intonation better understood Increases in mastery of grammar and syntax, along with improvement in pragmatic skills Development of metalinguistic awareness Increasing sophistication in language play

15 Theories of Language Acqusition Learning Theories Nativist Theories

16 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Language as a Learned Skill Learning theory based on behaviorist theories of learning - operant conditioning, modeling Language viewed as behavior learned like other skills Parents also provide models of advanced language that child then imitates

17 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Language As A Learned Skill Criticisms of theory: - parents do not explicitly teach rule systems - pace of language development difficult to explain through learning principles - ignores evidence that humans biologically predisposed to detect language stimuli

18 The Nativist Theory - Born to Talk Noam Chomsky: language is innate human capability Language acquisition device (LAD) – brain mechanism specialized for detecting and learning rules of language Contains innate knowledge of universal grammar

19 The Nativist Theory - Born to Talk Specific physical structures in humans specialized for producing/processing language No single organ is LAD Constellation of several brain areas that are specialized to process linguistic input and their connections (Wernicke’s area, Broca’s area)


21 How Language Works Left hemisphere – more verbal side. We literally speak with half a brain. The dominant location of language for more than 95% of people, including a sizable majority of left-handers Right hemisphere – responsible for the inflection and overall musical quality that lend important emphasis to verbal communication

22 The Nativist Theory - Born to Talk Existence of sensitive periods for language development supports nativist position - children deprived of language have poorer language skills - older children and adults have greater difficulty learning second language - older children and adults show less recovery from brain damage affecting language areas


24 The Nativist Theory - Born to Talk Criticisms of nativist theory: - parents provide corrective feedback as learning theory predicts - some exposure to language (i.e., TV) does not produce normal language skills

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