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Books! 'tis a dull and endless strife:

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1 Books! 'tis a dull and endless strife:

2 School Education (Govt.Schools)
Stress full. Text book Burden. Rote Memory based exams. No space for Analytical and lateral thinking. Teacher centered classroom. No place for exhibiting individual skills.

3 Expectation ???????????? Learning without burden. Less book load.
Reduced mental stress. Involving activity based education. Child centered Education. Performance based assessment.

4 Govt Schools marching towards a new dimension. . . . .
(Trying)To fulfil the expectations

5 Continuous and comprehensive evaluation

6 National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986
National Policy on Education (NPE,1986) states that evaluation to be continuous and comprehensive incorporated with both scholastic and co- scholastic areas undertaken throughout the academic year

7 CCE in National Curriculum Framework (2005)
NCF 2005 also recommends that evaluation under CCE should be stress free, simple, flexible and implementable in any type of school (rural and urban). able to provide scope for creative teaching - learning. a tool for diagnosis. able to link content knowledge to the life outside the school.

8 CCE in Right to Education Act (RTE) 2009
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 also mandates Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of the child’s understanding of knowledge and ability to apply the same. Building up child’s knowledge, potentials and talents. Learning through activities, exploration and discovery in a child friendly and child-centered manner. Making child free from fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the child to express views freely.

9 Trimester system and CCE
Introduced in TN for classes 1 – 8 in In the academic year 2013 – 2014 for class 9 and 10th class in the academic year 2014 – 2015. This policy decision has been taken to reduce the academic burden, the physical and mental strain of students. Each term would be having separate text books.

10 What is CCE? CCE refers to a system of school based assessment that covers all aspects of student’s development . It covers learner’s growth and development in both scholastic and co-scholastic areas

11 Types of assessment : Scholastic Assessment
Scholastic Assessment includes all academic subjects [Language, Math, Science, Social Science] & Physical Education throughout the year. It involves Formative Assessment(FA) and Summative Assessment(SA).

12 Formative Assessment Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally. It is diagnostic (understanding the problems of students in learning) and remedial (solving their learning problems).

13 Summative Assessment End of term or end of the year exams.
Feedback on learning (assessment of learning) to teacher and parents. SA is traditional and norm based assessment.

14 Co-scholastic Assessment
4/16/2017 Co-scholastic Assessment It includes Life skills. Attitudes and value. Wellness and yoga. Co-curricular activities.

15 Life Skills: Self awareness and emotional management skills,
Assertion and refusal skills, Analytical skills, Communication skills, Team work

16 Attitudes and Values Respect for values of National and State Symbols,
Upholding Constitutional Ideals, Appreciation for Diversity of Cultures, Respect for school and community property, Courteousness (Polite behaviour), Compassion for all living creatures, Environmental values, Compliance with safety and Road Rules

17 Co-curricular Activities
4/16/2017 Co-curricular Activities Co-curricular activities are built around areas of special interest or talents to the child. Folk arts / Indigenous games (Kho-kho, kabaddi etc.), Club Activities Literary club Science club Eco club NCC, NSS, Scouts and Guides , Cubs and Bullbulls. NGC, RRC, JRC and First Aid

18 Formative assessment In TamilNadu it is classified as:
Will comprise of : Class work Homework Oral questions Quizzes Projects Assignments/Tests In TamilNadu it is classified as: Formative Assessment (A) Formative Assessment (B)

19 Formative assessment (a)
It is a measure of the child’s enjoyment, participation in learning activities. It need not be a measure of child’s cognitive skills. It can be conducted in each unit. It includes group evaluation. It is an assessment based on teacher’s observation and interaction. Flexible timing.

20 Activities under FA(a) Subject- Science
Experiments Data collection and analysis Mind Map Puzzles Interpretation Assignment Projects Models Field trip Discussion Web searching Debate Drawing Puppetry Scrap book and album To talk about science concepts Science club activities

21 Formative assessment (b)
It is the simple written test conducted by teacher. It evaluates child’s cognitive skill. It is content based and diagnostic. It involves written response at the end of each learning unit and sub-unit. It assesses learner’s development in all areas of curricular learning (Knowledge, Understanding, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Evaluation and Creativity).

22 Activities under FA(b)
Fill in the blanks Multiple choice Matching Quiz Sequencing Higher order thinking questions Short answer questions Very short answer questions Drawing

23 Summative assessment (SA)
It is conducted at the end of each term. It is formal and certifies the achievement of learner at the end of the term. It is an individual and Blue -Print based test. It is time scheduled.

24 FA & SA - A comparison Formative Assessment It is ‘for learning’
4/16/2017 FA & SA - A comparison Formative Assessment It is ‘for learning’ It is both informal and formal It is through each term It is diagnostic and remedial It has flexible timing Summative Assessment It is ‘of learning’ It is formal It is at the end of each term It is for getting feedback on learning It has scheduled timing

25 4/16/2017 Marking Scheme FA (a) – 2 best activities out of maximum of 4 for each child for each term should be assessed for 20 marks each with 10 marks FA (b) – 2 best slip tests /Classroom Activity Tests (CAT) out of maximum of 4 for each child for each term should be assessed for 20 marks each with 10 marks Hence, FA (a) and FA (b) altogether constitute 40 marks

26 The same method is to be adopted for each term (Term 1,2 and 3)
Every teacher should record these marks in the Teacher Assessment Record Marks are to be converted to corresponding grade and entered in the Teachers Mark and Grade Register The corresponding grades will be carried over in the Student Cumulative Record

4/16/2017 GRADES FOR SCHOLASTIC AREAS – FA (MAX 40 MARKS) Marks Grades Grade Point 37-40 A1 10 33-36 A2 9 29-32 B1 8 25-28 B2 7 21-24 C1 6 17-20 C2 5 13-16 D 4 9-12 E1 - 8 & below E2

28 Grades for Scholastic Areas – SA (max 60 marks)
4/16/2017 Grades for Scholastic Areas – SA (max 60 marks) Marks Grades Grade Point 55-60 A1 10 49-54 A2 9 43-48 B1 8 37-42 B2 7 31-36 C1 6 25-30 C2 5 19-24 D 4 13-18 E1 - 12 & below E2

29 Grades for Scholastic Areas – FA and SA (max100 marks)
4/16/2017 Grades for Scholastic Areas – FA and SA (max100 marks) Marks Grades Grade Point 91-100 A1 10 81-90 A2 9 71-80 B1 8 61-70 B2 7 51-60 C1 6 41-50 C2 5 33-40 D 4 21-32 E1 - 20 & below E2

30 Term-wise Grading Pattern
4/16/2017 Term-wise Grading Pattern Term FA(a) 20 FA(b) 20 FA Total 40 SA Total FA+SA 100 Grade 1 2 3 Average of Term1+Term2 +Term3= 300/3 = 100 Corres -ponding Grade

31 Grades for Co-scholastic Areas
4/16/2017 Grades for Co-scholastic Areas Excellent A Very Good B Good C Satisfactory D Needs Improvement E Note : In co-scholastic areas if all 5 indicators are present give ‘A’ Grade, for 4 indicators ‘B’ Grade, for 3 Indicators ‘C’ grade, for 2 indicators ‘D’ Grade, 1Indicator ‘E’ grade

PART- 2 A – LIFE SKILLS Skills TERM - I TERM – II TERM - III Communication Skills Assertion & Refusal Skills Rational Thinking Skills Self-Awareness & Emotional Management Skills Team Work Grade

Area TERM – I TERM – II TERM - III Respect for the values of National / State Symbols Courteousness Respect for School / Community Property Compassion for all living creatures / Integrity Compliance with Safety and Road Rules Grade

Roll No. Name of the Student Interest Continuance Regularity Effort Capacity Grade

35 Co-Curricular Activities
PART- 2 (D) Co-Curricular Activities Roll No. Name of the Student Effort Initiative Perseverance Interest Regularity Grade Student’s Exceptional Talent / Ability / Skill, if any: ___________________________________

36 Overall Grade Point Average Calculation
4/16/2017 Overall Grade Point Average Calculation Grade Point Average Grade A B C D E The same method can be adopted for physical education also

37 DE Program and CCE An overview in TN schools (Chennai & Coimbatore)
Teachers being guided for conducting FA(a) and FA(b) activities for their lessons. Especially the formats to be maintained by them in spread sheets. Coordinators guide to perform technology integrated activities for their CCE. Incorporating this in the lesson plan/notes of lesson.

38 CCE activities in TN

39 Challenges Teachers unable to prioritize time.
Maintaining the formats and records by the teachers. Charts and pictures – involves money/parents unwilling.

40 Students focussed only on activities and short answers, not attending brief answers in exam.
Subject teachers unable to prioritize co scholastic areas.

41 Comparison between KV and Govt. school
Govt. School: (I to V) Through SABL for each lesson. Achievement tests. Simple FA(a) and FA(b) activities in CCE. Focus on automatic promotion. K V schools: (I &II) No formal examination. Teacher will evaluate students through CCE. Testing can be done while teaching or separately. Students should obtain at least “C” grade . If a child gets “D” grade , teacher should repeat the cycle.

42 CCE in Classes VI to VIII
CCE in Classes III to X CCE in Classes VI to VIII CCE will be conducted in two terms during one academic year. For each term two FAs and one SA will be conducted. Trimester system followed. CCE conducted in all three terms in one academic year. For each term 4 FA(a) and 4 FA(b) will be conducted.

FA I – Subject wise pen paper test will be conducted. FA 2 – Marks will be given to students for written assignments, activities and presentations. TERM I FA(a) – Activities listed for each subject and 4 activities to be conducted. FA(b) – Class level tests 4 to be conducted.

44 Teacher is free to carry out minimum one meaningful activity out of the above suggested list of areas. The process of calculation of over all performance of the students are based on the achievement in the scholastic area as well as co-scholastic areas. Teacher is free to carry out minimum 4 meaningful activities out of the suggested list of areas. Same.

SA I – Subject wise pen paper test will be conducted. Similarly FA 3, FA 4 & SA 2 will be conducted for Term II TERM I One SA per term. 3 SA for one academic year. Similarly for term II

46 Marks & Grade FA I & FA2 mark is converted to 10 for over all assessment. SA I mark is converted to 30 for overall assessment. Grade varies from E2 – A1 Marks & Grade FA(a) and FA(b) is converted for 40 for over all assessment. SA is converted for 60 for over all assessment. Grade lllr to KV

47 Views about CCE Very effective in assessment of the Students.
Assessment accessible for all types of learners in the class. Teachers become empowered. Teachers refresher trainings become mandatory. Indirectly it becomes a assessment of teachers.

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