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Firefly Squid By: Haley Tapper and Alexx Thomas. The Firefly Squid My Scientific Name: Watasenia Scintillans My Other Names: Sparkling Enope Squid I am.

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Presentation on theme: "Firefly Squid By: Haley Tapper and Alexx Thomas. The Firefly Squid My Scientific Name: Watasenia Scintillans My Other Names: Sparkling Enope Squid I am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Firefly Squid By: Haley Tapper and Alexx Thomas

2 The Firefly Squid My Scientific Name: Watasenia Scintillans My Other Names: Sparkling Enope Squid I am a member of the Cephalopod family I am famous for the amazing light show that happens when millions of my species gather to mate of the coast of Japan

3 Geographical Range I am found throughout the western pacific ocean around depths stretching from 600-1200 feet. During mating season I migrate in large numbers to Toyama bay in Japan Toyama Bay

4 Physical Traits I am a cephalopod about 7-8 centimeters long. The photophores on me are special light-producing organs found throughout my body producing a blue body light. The projected light can be flashed in endless patterns, serving many functions such as communications with mates or rivals. I am the only member of the squid family that has color vision. In addition, I also have a double-layered retina in the back of my eyes. These adaptions for color vision helps me decode the patterns of light created from other members of the species I have arms and tentacles and one series of suckers My mouth cavity has dark pigmentation Bilateral symmetry – The animal divided on one plane into two mirror-image halves Heterothermic – having a temperature that varies with the immediate environment Ectothermic- must use heat gathered from the environment and behavioral adaptions to maintain constant body temperature



7 Diet and Feeding I flash my blue lights in patterns in which I turn on and off to attract prey and then pounce on them with my tentacles. At night, I migrate to the surface in search for food then return at depths of 1,200 feet. Carnivores Consuming shrimp, crabs, fish and planktonic crustaceans.

8 Predato rs My photospheres can be used against as a warning signal against predators or as counter-illumination camouflage The northern fur seal is a known predator Humans – I can be eaten raw or cooked Sperm whales Sharks Larger fish Larger squid Crabs

9 Protectio n I use my photospheres to disguise my shape, confusing predators and allowing me to escape

10 Adaptati ons My bioluminescence is a handy survival adaptation that I employ in a handful of different ways. I can intimidate predators with my lights. I can bewilder predators with them, making the outlines of my body unclear and thus buying me extra time to flee hazardous scenes. I can even draw in possible mates using my lights.

11 Threat s We reproduce rapidly People eat us


13 Reproducti on Breeding season runs from March to May. We gather in large numbers in Toyama Bay in japan to lay our eggs. The adult squid die once their fertilized eggs are released into the water. This completes our one-year lifespan Our eggs hatch in 6 to 14 days depending on the water temperature which can vary between 6 to 16 degrees Celsius. Sexual reproduction

14 Super cool facts During an event referred to locals as “squid drowning themselves”, we can be washed up on the shore for an interesting light show. As fishing boats haul in their catches, the surface of the sea glows bright cobalt blue. I have over 800 lights on my body I spend the day at depths of several hundred meters & return to the surface when night falls I can light up my whole body to attract a mate, matting season usually lasts from March to June We are commercially fished in Japan, accounting the annual catch in thousand tons

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