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Egyptian Civilization

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1 Egyptian Civilization
Drew Parker, Justin Prather, Meredith Rhodes, Karla Urrutia, Cecilia Nguyen, Luke Hudson, Clever

2 Social Structure Class System: Slaves and Farmers Craftsmen Scribes
Priests, Engineers, and Doctors High Priests and Nobles Vizier Pharaoh

3 Political Rulers King Narmer was the first Egyptian king who united the lower and upper kingdoms of Egypt to create the pharaohs dynasty Pharaohs were the rulers of the kingdoms of Egypt Hatshepsut was a women pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt. She was one of the most successful pharaohs reigning longer than any other women of an indigenous Egyptian Dynasty The division of the provinces were split between upper Egypt and lower Egypt

4 Religion The Egyptians were polytheistic, which means they believed in more then one god Ra is the sun god, also known as the king of the old kingdom Anubis, Ra’s son, was god of the underworld in the old kingdom Isis, married to her brother Osiris, was also known as the queen of the old kingdom Seth, the brother of Isis and Osiris, was the god of chaos

5 Technology Chariots were an advancement in war technology
There were simple man made tools such as mallets and chisels that were used to craft pryamids.

6 Economy/Trade The economy of ancient Egypt was a command economy, which means the pharaohs dictated the economic standings Imports- Horses, cattle, small live stock, lapis lazuil, copper Exports- Stone and pottery vases, papyrus, linen, lentils, dried fish

7 Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics emerged as artistic traditions
Modeled after Sumerian script The Egyptians formed papyrus The Rosetta Stone was a famous example of hieroglyphics which was formed of hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek script Scholars found hieroglyphics to be a mystical form of writing

8 Kingdoms of Egypt The Old Kingdom, also known as the pyramid age, reigned from 2700 BCE and 2200 BCE Old Kingdom capital chosen by Narmer was Memphis This period was when Narmer united the upper and lower kingdoms The old Kingdom built the great pyramid and the sphinx Egypt was ruled by a strong government in this period until priests and other government officials demanded more power

9 Middle Kingdom Between 2100 BCE and 1800 BCE
Developed a new government where the Pharaoh did not have total power Officials of the government got their way by working with the Pharaoh Egyptians of the time had engineering projects, irrigation, and were building ditches

10 New Kingdom Between 1570 BCE and 1080 BCE Started out great
One of the greatest powers in the world as this kingdom Conquered many countries around Nubia supplying Egypt many treasures Reached its highest point in BCE and the capital was Thebes Soon government officials had power struggle, resulting in breaking of Egypt into smaller states It created a weakness that invaders took advantage of

11 Pyramids Were built by villagers who were under Pharaoh supervisors
Estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers Took over 80 years to build the pyramids of Giza Stones were transported, polished, and pushed up ramps into positions

12 Pyramids Architects ran ropes from outer corners up to plan summit to make sure the stones were positioned correctly Priests chose pyramids locations so they were aligned to sacred constellations Dead pharaohs were put into the completed pyramids with all their riches

13 Public Works Included: digging canals building temples Palaces
Monuments Tombs pyramids

14 Legal System Ancient law was based on common sense of right and wrong
Codes based on the concept of Ma’at (truth), order, balance, and justice in the universe

15 Nile River Valley Provided an endless source of fresh water, fertile soil, and food Flooding of the Nile deposited a rich layer of fertile silt across the landscape People dug irrigation ditches to carry valuable waters out to their farms, making perfect farming area

16 Lower Nile Upper Nile More of the Nile Deltas
Divided by how the Nile flows Just a flowing river Lower Nile More of the Nile Deltas The end of Northern Egypt

17 Roles of Women Goddesses General Women Hathor- Love
Nut-Mother of the Sky Nephthys- Justice Goddesses were the protectors, but when angered could become great enemies Treated better in Egypt then in any other civilization Had the same legal rights as men Head of the house Could take on roles of power Allowed to get jobs Own land Right to say if they wanted to be married or divorced

18 Hyksos- a group of semitic-asiatics who settled in northern Egypt in the 18th century
Introduced the chariot compound bow Military

19 Question Review Pharaoh King Narmer of the old Kingdom The Old Kingdom
Who was the top of the social ladder in Egypt? Who united the lower and upper kingdoms of Egypt? Ra was the King God of what Kingdom? What tools were used to form the blocks of the pyramids? What gemstone did Egypt import from Afghanistan? Pharaoh King Narmer of the old Kingdom The Old Kingdom Picks and Mallets were used to slowly chisel out solid blocks of stone Lapis Lazuil Question: Answer:

20 Question Review Question: Answer: Symbols and pictures The old Kingdom
Hieroglyphics, unlike English were composed of what? The pyramids and sphinxes were built in which Kingdom of Egypt? The Nile River valley was great farmland do to what? Laws in Egypt were based on what? The Hyksos introduced what to the Egyptian Army? Symbols and pictures The old Kingdom The flooding of the Nile which deposited fertile silt upon What was considered right and wrong Chariot, battles axes, and fortification techniques Question: Answer:

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