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ATEL Conference 5 May 2012 A new approach to pronunciation Adrian Underhill Blog:

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Presentation on theme: "ATEL Conference 5 May 2012 A new approach to pronunciation Adrian Underhill Blog:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATEL Conference 5 May 2012 A new approach to pronunciation Adrian Underhill Blog:

2 Pronunciation infuses all language: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Thinking Remembering

3 But … general observation…? a. Pronunciation is neglected in favour of grammar, vocabulary… b. Pronunciation is the Cinderella of language teaching…? c. The third dimension… d. The ‘pronunciation slot’ a disintegrated approach

4 Two problems for pronunciation a. Pronunciation seen as mysterious, endless. Lack of thinking tool or map b. It is cognitively taught when it should be physical, muscular

5 Two solutions

6 Solution 1: The chart It provides a map, a thinking tool, a complete gestalt,


8 Solution 2: Physicality Teach it physically, as if a subtle inner dance Reconnect with the muscles that make the difference. This also makes it visible.

9 The muscle buttons: 1. Tongue (moving forward and back) 2. Lips (spreading and bringing back, or rounding and pushing forward) 3. Jaw + tongue (moving them up and down) 4. Voice (turning it on or off, to make voiced or unvoiced sounds)

10 Summary Chart as geographic map Physical and visible approach Use of chart as worktable Few special materials Possibility for full integration Mistakes are syllabus We are NOT teaching symbols …

11 Further information: Blog: App: SOUNDS The pronunciation app Book: Sound Foundations (Macmillan) Online: Online links to demos, videos etc



14 This Is Just To Say I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast. Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold. William Carlos Williams

15 Macmillan Books for Teachers A selection of titles: Teaching English Grammar by Jim Scrivener 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards by Sharma, Barrett, Jones Learning Teaching 3 rd edition (with DVD) by Jim Scrivener 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom by Carol Read Sound Foundations by Adrian Underhill


17 SOUNDS: The pronunciation app The ultimate mobile English pronunciation aid for students and teachers. Based on the best-selling Macmillan title Sound Foundations by Adrian Underhill SOUNDS helps you study, practise and play with British and American pronunciation



20 cabbagerough brokensand no often pressurerose violintelephone rainbowgoblin chocolateforget bottle blue friendship salt

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