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Is heart failure associated with disability? European Academy for Medicine of Ageing, Martigny, January 24th 2013 Marius Myrstad.

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Presentation on theme: "Is heart failure associated with disability? European Academy for Medicine of Ageing, Martigny, January 24th 2013 Marius Myrstad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is heart failure associated with disability? European Academy for Medicine of Ageing, Martigny, January 24th 2013 Marius Myrstad

2 Outline of the presentation Short review of epidemiological research Underlying mechanisms for disability Prevention of disability Take-home messages

3 Prevalence of Heart Failure (HF) 80 % of HF patients are 65 years or older 25 % of HF patients are 80 years or older AHA Heart Disease and Stroke statistics 2006 Wong C. Am J Med 2011 ;124 :136-43..

4 Prevalence of disability in HF 54% with ≥ 1 basic ADL disability Mobility disability (42%) most common limitation 57 % with mobility disability 11 % any other ADL limitation Proportion with disability stable over 20 years Wong C. Am J Med 2011 ;124 :136-43.. Gure TR. J Gen Intern Med 2007.:23(1):70-76.

5 HF is associated with disability Table: Crude and adjusted association of ADL and I-ADL limitations, by Heart disease category Gure TR. J Gen Intern Med 2007.:23(1):70-76.

6 Major predictors for disability in HF Impaired gait speed Depressive symptoms Cognitive impairment Chaudry S. J Card Fail 2011;17(9) :764-70..

7 Mechanisms for disability in HF Mobility disability – Muscle weakness Loncar G. Int J Cardiol 2013;162(2) :77-85. – Reduced lung capacity – Reduced peripher oxygen consumption – Anemia – Fatigue

8 Mechanisms for disability in HF Cognitive impairment – Low cardiac output – Hypotension – Impaired cerebral vessel reactivity – Microembolism Dardiotis E. Cardiol Res Pract 2012;2012:595821 (Epub).

9 Other contributing factors Disability Social factorsMalnutritionMedicationCo-morbidity Psychological factors Muscle weaknes FatigueAnemia Reduced lung capacity Cognitive impairment Age-related functional decline

10 Prevention of disability in HF Optimal heart failure treatment Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Zuccalà G. Eur Heart J 2005;26(3):226-233. Pedone C. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med 2004;59(7):716-721 Treatment of co-morbid conditions Treatment of depression Vaccarino V. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001;38:199-205.

11 Prevention of disability in HF Regular physical exercise - prevents age-related decline in cardiac function Molmen HE. Scand Cardiovasc Journ 2012 ;46(3):163-71 - increases muscle strength in HF patients Savage P. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2011;43(8):1379-1386. - is safe in patiets with heart disease Rognmo Ø. Circulation 2012;126(12):1436-40.

12 Take-home messages HF is independently associated with disability Disability can be prevented HF patients should practice regular physical exercise

13 Thanks for your attention!

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