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M ONDAY, 11.10.14 pen/cil AND NOVEL Today—we finish Ch. 12 and start 13. Homework: COMPLETE FRONT SIDE OF VOCAB TONIGHT (5 point bonus earned if you do!)

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Presentation on theme: "M ONDAY, 11.10.14 pen/cil AND NOVEL Today—we finish Ch. 12 and start 13. Homework: COMPLETE FRONT SIDE OF VOCAB TONIGHT (5 point bonus earned if you do!)"— Presentation transcript:


2 M ONDAY, 11.10.14 pen/cil AND NOVEL Today—we finish Ch. 12 and start 13. Homework: COMPLETE FRONT SIDE OF VOCAB TONIGHT (5 point bonus earned if you do!) Read to END of Ch. 13. Yes, ALL of 13. Make sure to annotate/take notes as you read.


4 A CCOMPLICE N – a person who takes part in a crime Syn- partner in crime

5 ANNIHILATE V- to destroy completely Syn – obliterate, decimate Ant- promote, encourage, nurture

6 A RBITRARY Adj- unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness Syn- capricious, high-handed, autocratic Ant – rational, objective, equitable

7 BRAZEN Adj- shameless, impudent; made of brass Syn- saucy, bold Ant- respectful

8 C ATALYST N- a substance that causes a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change Syn – stimulus instigator

9 EXODUS N- large scale flight or departure Syn- escape Ant – immigration, arrival, influx

10 FACILITATE V- to make easier; to assist Syn- ease, smooth the way, simplify Ant- hamper, hinder impede

11 INCORRIGIBLE Adj- not able to be corrected; beyond control Syn- unruly, incurable Ant- tractable, docile, reparable

12 L ATENT Adj- hidden; present but not realized Syn- dormant, inactive, undeveloped Ant- exposed, evident

13 MILITANT Adj- given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause N- an activist Syn- truculent Ant – unassertive, passive

14 M OROSE Adj- having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable Syn- morbid Ant- blithe, jaunty, buoyant

15 OPAQUE Adj- not letting light through; not clear; dense, stupid Syn- hazy, cloudy, murky, dull, obtuse Ant – transparent, clear, perceptive

16 P ARAMOUNT Adj- chief in importance; above all others Syn- supreme, primary, dominant Ant- secondary, subordinate, ancillary

17 P RATTLE Adj- to talk in aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble Syn- twaddle, gibberish, piffle Ant – outstanding, distinguished

18 REBUT V- to offer arguments or evidence that contradict an assertion; to refute Syn- to disprove, shoot holes in Ant- confirm, corroborate

19 R EPRIMAND V- to scold, find fault N- a rebuke Syn- V- reproach N- reproof

20 SERVITUDE N- slavery- forced labor Syn- bondage, thralldom

21 SLAPDASH Adj- careless and lazy Syn- cursory, perfunctory, slipshod Ant- painstaking, thorough, in depth

22 STAGNANT Adj- not running or flowing; fouled from standing still; inactive Syn- still, sluggish, dull Ant – flowing, fresh, running

23 SUCCUMB V- to give way to superior force, yield Syn- submit, die, expire Ant – overcome, master, conquer

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