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Thou Hast Been A Refuge Psalm 61:1-8. Reaction To Problems Varies from one person to another –David: “Down but not out” –Some offer excuses for their.

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Presentation on theme: "Thou Hast Been A Refuge Psalm 61:1-8. Reaction To Problems Varies from one person to another –David: “Down but not out” –Some offer excuses for their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thou Hast Been A Refuge Psalm 61:1-8

2 Reaction To Problems Varies from one person to another –David: “Down but not out” –Some offer excuses for their behavior Need help –Look to God –Consider David’s method

3 David’s Method Prayed (v. 2) –Our Father cares as do earthly fathers –Jesus prayed (Matthew 26:44; Hebrews 5:7) –Prayer brings victory (James 1:2) –Cast our care on Him (1 Peter 5:7)

4 David’s Method Expected help (v. 3) –Helped in the past –Help against Goliath (1 Samuel 17:37) –Unexpected answer (2 Corinthians 12:8-10; Hebrews 5:7)

5 David’s Method Trusted God (v. 4) –Faith necessary (Matthew 6:33; Hebrews 11:6) –Trust as we trusted our earthly fathers (Matthew 4:4) –We will be tested

6 Proper Concept of God Higher rock (v. 2) –Cried out as he was sinking (Matthew 14:30, 31) –Remember the little boy prayer that nothing happen to God… we’re all sunk” –Humanists must not succeed in making us forget there is a “higher rock”

7 Proper Concept of God Shelter (v. 3) –Protection from harm –“Rock of Ages”

8 Proper Concept of God Strong tower (v. 3) –Need for someone strong at times –God is a fortress (Philippians 4:13) –Without this concept we are no better off than the atheist

9 Praised God His goodness in the past (vv. 5, 6) –Hears the righteous (1 Peter 3:12) –Confident that He would hear him

10 Praised God Preserved through mercy (v. 7) –Where would man be without God’s mercy? (Palm 40:1-3, 11) –Righteous will triumph (Psalms 1:5; 73:17-20, 27)

11 Praised God Going to keep his vows (v. 8) –God’s deliverance was no small thing to him –Faithfulness is a small price to pay for God’s goodness –Should be anxious to tell others (Psalm 66:16-20)

12 Conclusion We need God (Psalm 46:1) Others will fail us

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