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Funding Opportunities For Highway Construction Impacts To Ecological Resources.

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1 Funding Opportunities For Highway Construction Impacts To Ecological Resources

2 Highway Trust Fund Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)--- Receives 84% of Total AMT Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), Federal Rail Administration (FRA) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

3 Federal Highway Administration Interstate Maintenance National Highway System Surface Transportation Program Bridge Program Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Appalachian Development Highway System Recreational Trails Program Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program Safe Routes to School Program Metropolitan Planning Equity Bonus Program Distribution of Certain Authorized Funds Pursuant to Section 1102(f) of SAFETEA-LUDistribution of Certain Authorized Funds Pursuant to Section 1102(f) of SAFETEA-LU




7 SEC. 1941. BEARTOOTH HIGHWAY, MONTANA. (a) Project Authorization- Of funds made available for the State of Montana for the project for development and construction of United States Route 212, Red Lodge North, Montana, as described in the table contained in section 1934 (including amounts transferred to the project under section 1935), on request of the State of Montana, the Secretary shall obligate such sums as are necessary to reconstruct the Beartooth Highway in the State of Montana. (b) Reimbursement- The amounts used for reconstruction under subsection (a) shall be reimbursed to the project relating to United States Route 212 described in subsection (a) on the date or dates on which funding is allocated for the Beartooth Highway under section 125 of title 23, United States Code. (c) Federal Share- The Federal share payable for funds allocated for the Beartooth Highway under section 125 of such title shall be 100 percent.

8 Is it Good or Bad?  What can improve on Federal Lands with this project?  How can I remediate a previously impacted area of Federal Land?  FHWA is a good PARTNER that subscribes to ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP.  Areas outside the Easement will require additional NEPA approval.

9 Federal Highway Program Budget from SAFETEA-LU Program MM$/Year Forest Highway $ 180 $ 20 mtce $10 aquatic pass Public Lands Discretionary $ 150 Recreational Trails $ 75 National Scenic Byways $ 38 Surface Transportation Program $6,400+

10  (C) REFUGE ROADS- For refuge roads under section 204 of such title, $29,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009.

11 FHWA Program Areas FHWA Program Areas FHWA STP NEPA mitigation Funding Resource agencies for project review Funding for design information TS,T&Esurvey,Archy, IGA 404 Permit Money for acres taken of water of US No net loss of wetland acres T&E Species Funding for Studies/habitat anal. WL catchments/ fencing Recreation Trails Program Enhancements Scenic Byways HUMAN AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Federal Lands Highways Federal Aid Highways Bridges

12 Don’t Forget… Wildlife don’t recognize what category of highway causes impacts… Wildlife don’t recognize what category of highway causes impacts… …but, you have to know the category to develop solutions …but, you have to know the category to develop solutions

13 Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects

14 Benefits for the Steering Team Partners BLM - Improved resource conservation during land use plan development EPA - Greater flexibility to do environmental good FHWA - Streamlined project development and improved mitigation opportunities NOAA Fisheries Service - Early application of science for solutions NPS - Using science to protect natural resources while providing visitor experience USACE - Finding the balance to keep waters clean and clear USFS - Stewardship of natural resources and facilitated use of public lands USFWS - One conservation framework, endless possibilities for partnership

15 Surface Transportation Program (STP)  State Administered Program –For Public Roads that are functionally classified as major collector or higher –Each State administers slightly differently  10% set-aside for Transportation Enhancements  10% set-aside for Safety Projects

16 Forest Highway Program $180 Million/year  Allocated by Formula  FHWA Administered  Project Selection by Tri-Party agreement (USFS, FHWA, State DOT)  Useable as Non-Federal match on some other SAFETEA-LU programs (Section 104)  Funds available for 1+3 years  $ 10 million per year for Aquatic Passages  $20 million per year for maintenance

17 Forest Highways & Public Lands Highways-Discretionary  Eligible Program Activities –Planning, research, engineering and construction –Transit facilities within public lands –Transportation planning for recreational travel benefiting recreational development –Adjacent parking –Interpretive signing

18 Refuge Roads Program Section 204 $29 Million/year  Transportation planning, research, engineering, and construction of highways, roads, parkways and transit facilities  State/local match for most types of Federal- aid highway funded projects.  $1 million per year for signage identifying public hunting and fishing access

19 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS Program Purpose Program Purpose (Typically not BMP’s that would be normally done) Transportation enhancements (TE) are transportation- related activities that strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the Nation's transportation system. Transportation enhancements (TE) are transportation- related activities that strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the Nation's transportation system. Funding/Formula Funding/Formula Retains the 10 percent transportation enhancements set- aside of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. Retains the 10 percent transportation enhancements set- aside of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. Eligible Activities Eligible Activities Continues eligibility for any of the following activities, if such activity relates to surface transportation: Continues eligibility for any of the following activities, if such activity relates to surface transportation:

20 10% STP-Transportation Enhancements (TE) $640 million/year  Transportation-related activities –Cultural –Aesthetic –Environmental  Outside the roadway  State DOT issues call for projects  Any town, county, State, federal agency, or non-profit group may apply  State reviews and selects projects

21 Eligible STP-Enhancement Activities  Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles  Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists  Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites,  Scenic or historic highway programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities)

22 Eligible STP-Enhancement Activities  Landscaping and scenic beautification  Rehabilitation and operation of historic buildings, structures, or facilities  Preservation of abandoned railway corridors  Control and removal of outdoor advertising  Archeological planning and research

23 Eligible STP-Enhancement Activities (Continued) Eligible STP-Enhancement Activities (Continued)  Environmental mitigation –Address water pollution due to highway runoff –Reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity  Establishment of transportation museums

24 STP-Safety $640 million / year  Elimination of hazardous locations on all public roads  Elimination of hazards associated with railroad crossings  Applicable to any public road or surface transportation facility, including… – bicycle or pedestrian pathway or trail – traffic-calming measures

25 Recreational Trails Program  Federal Share is 80%  A Federal Land Management Agency’s funds can provide an additional 15% Federal share.  Only 5% needs to come from non-Federal sources Funds are apportioned to the States by formula –50% equally among all eligible State and, –50% in proportion to the amount of off-road recreational fuel use.

26 Recreational Trails Program  State designated agency administers (not necessarily the DOT)  States must meet minimum funding shares as follows: –30% minimum for motorized recreation –30% minimum for non-motorized recreation –40% minimum for diverse trail use

27 Recreational Trails Program Examples:  Pedestrian  Bicycling  Aquatic or water  Equestrian-- Could animals use these???  Snowmobiles  Off-road use  Four wheel driving

28 Scenic Byways Program $38 million /year Purpose: to recognize and enhance roads with the following outstanding characteristics: 1.Scenic 2.Historic 3.Cultural 4.Natural 5.Recreational 6.Archeological

29 Levels of Scenic Byways Federal Agency or State designation National Scenic Byways All-American Road Scenic Byways Program Funding Requirements 80% Federal share Fed Agency funds may be used for remaining 20%

30 Off-System Bridge Program 15% to 35% of a State’s apportionment must be spent on bridges off the Federal-Aid Highway system (Roads functionally classified as “Rural and Rural Minor Collectors”)

31 Bridge Replacements Tens of thousands of bridges across US…and the Federal Agencies…need replacement in the next couple decades Great opportunity to increase wildlife passage and decrease mortality! Think “Bridge Extensions”!

32 SAFETEA-LU The Secretary is to conduct a Wildlife Vehicle Collision Reduction Study of methods to reduce collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife, and report to Congress within 2 years on causes, impacts, and solutions. A manual of best practices is due 1 year after report to Congress. The Secretary is required to develop a training course for transportation professionals. [1119]

33 Non-SAFETEA-LU Funding Fish and Wildlife Appropriations (through Interior Appropriations Bill) Other Sources Other Agencies Non-Profit Private Sponsorship State and Local funds Fund Raising and Contributions Public/Private Partnerships Transportation Research Board (TRB) AASHTO

34 Non-Profit Funding Sources Local Non-Profit Private Foundations National Forest Foundation (NFF) National Fish and Wildlife Foundations (NFWF) Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance (TRCA) Transportation and Community Partnerships

35 Funding Advice Recognize many Projects may be eligible for several Programs Don’t take the first “NO” as the only answer Combined funding makes for good partnering Know your partners And… Roads

36 The Guidebook

37 What do I do now? Think 20-30 years in the future What are the projects that will help me manage the Refuge Resources in the future Campgrounds-Recreation Facilities Water Wildlife improvements Road Obliteration ETC.

38 What do I do now? Locate upcoming projects listed on the DOT STIP(State Transportation Improvement Plan) Make sure your project is on the STIP Identify possible funding sources for each project Cost Estimate for projects Commitment from Refuge Managers F&WL will need to do NEPA Time of F&WL Personnel to accomplish – make sure it’s on their program of work

39 What do I do now? Encourage DOT’s to apply for Awards Build Award Winning projects – SR 260 wildlife crossings by (ADOT) Arizona's Comprehensive Approach to Wildlife Protection and Habitat Connectivity on the State Route 260 Project FHWA Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives selected for 2003

40 Tonto National Forest Highway Projects Resource Mitigation Funding FY 96-05 SR 87 SR 87 Oxbow Hill Spring protection$ 3,000 Oxbow Hill Spring protection$ 3,000 Sunflower Education Center$ 350,000 Sunflower Education Center$ 350,000 Wildlife waters, temporary fencing and reveg$ 89,000 Wildlife waters, temporary fencing and reveg$ 89,000 SR 188/88 SR 188/88 Murray Wash Spring protection$ 11,000 Murray Wash Spring protection$ 11,000 Wildlife Drinker$ 20,000 Wildlife Drinker$ 20,000 Cherry Ck Riparian Fencing$ 89,000 Cherry Ck Riparian Fencing$ 89,000 In Lieu 404 fees$ 150,000 In Lieu 404 fees$ 150,000 SR 260 SR 260 Tonto Creek Campground Replacement$2,450,000 Tonto Creek Campground Replacement$2,450,000 Water Catchments, Bat abodes,trail Constr$ 135,000 Water Catchments, Bat abodes,trail Constr$ 135,000 Transportation Enhancements at Kohl’s Ranch$ 290,000 Transportation Enhancements at Kohl’s Ranch$ 290,000 Kohl’s Ranch wildlife projects$ 150,000 Kohl’s Ranch wildlife projects$ 150,000 SR 88 SR 88 Scenic Byway Enhancements$ 500,000 TOTALS = $4.2 million

41 Questions and Answers

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