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Community Ecology BCB321 Mark J Gibbons, Room 4.102, BCB Department, UWC Tel: 021 959 2475. Image acknowledgements –

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Presentation on theme: "Community Ecology BCB321 Mark J Gibbons, Room 4.102, BCB Department, UWC Tel: 021 959 2475. Image acknowledgements –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Ecology BCB321 Mark J Gibbons, Room 4.102, BCB Department, UWC Tel: 021 959 2475. Email: Image acknowledgements –

2 Next – Change the various values of r, a, f, and q – and see what happens. Make a note each time of the changes that you have made and of the effects observed When you do this, change each variable one at a time – double it and half it.

3 An increase in r leads to an increase in the P in order to maintain an equilibrium N Rate of change in prey population growth reflected by similar rate of change in predator population growth. Note Lags – the bigger the r – the shorter the lag – is this reasonable? The bigger the r the greater the amplitude of fluctuations, the larger the predator population and the greater the instabilities in the model

4 r = 0.05 r = 0.25 r = 0.30

5 An increase in q leads to an increase in the N required to maintain an equilibrium P An increase in q leads to an increase in the amplitude of predator and prey fluctuations. Time lags become less: prey population larger

6 q = 0.05 q = 0.10 q = 0.15

7 An increase in a leads to a reduction in the N required to maintain an equilibrium P AND a reduction in the P required to maintain an equilibrium N An increase in a leads to a reduction in numbers of predators and prey – time lags between peaks stay more or less same: both large and small changes lead to instabilities

8 a = 0.005 a = 0.010 a = 0.020

9 An increase in f leads to a reduction in the N required to maintain an equilibrium P An increase in f leads to a reduction in prey numbers: both large and small changes lead to increased magnitude of fluctuations in both predators and prey

10 f = 0.004 f = 0.008 f = 0.016

11 Changes to neither N 0 nor P 0 have any effect on the values of P or N that are required to maintain equilibrium populations of prey or predator alike.

12 N 0 = 500 N 0 = 2000 N 0 = 1000

13 P 0 = 10 P 0 = 40 P 0 = 20

14 Adding Intra-Specific Competition - aggregation dN dt = r.N t K - N t K ( ) Logistic Equation dN = N t+1 - N t N t+1 = N t + r.N t K - N t K ( ) For Prey - Incorporate losses due to predation: a.P t.N t ( ) N t+1 = N t + r.N t K N - N t KNKN - a.P t.N t P t+1 = P t + a.f.P t.N t ( ) K p - P t KpKp - q.P t For Predator - Incorporate losses due to starvation: q.P t

15 Set up a spreadsheet with the following reference points Project prey and predator populations into the future for 100 time units – both displaying intra-specific competition ( ) N t+1 = N t + r.N t K N - N t KNKN - a.P t.N t P t+1 = P t + a.f.P t.N t ( ) K p - P t KpKp - q.P t Plot line graphs of predator and prey numbers over time Plot X-Y graphs of predator numbers against prey numbers BUT……….. MUST constrain BOTH populations so that if numbers drop to zero, they remain at zero. Use an IF argument

16 Plot line graphs of predator and prey numbers over time Plot X-Y graphs of predator numbers against prey numbers Change the values of r, a, f, N 0, P 0, K N and K P – as you did previously - and note what happens to the relationship between predators and prey. Use the same changes as previously – and draw comparisons between the models

17 Equilibrium Solution - Prey What is the population size of the predators that induces no change in the prey population size? dN dt = 0 ( ) N t+1 = N t + r.N t K N - N t KNKN - a.P t.N t dN = N t+1 - N t dN dt ( ) = r.N t K N - N t KNKN - a.P t.N t ( ) r.N t K N - N t KNKN = a.P t.N t IF dN dt = 0 ( ) 0 = r.N t K N - N t KNKN - a.P t.N t THEN ( ) r K N - N t KNKN = a.P t. ( ) r/a NtNt KNKN = P t 1 - r/a – r.N t aK N = P t

18 r/a – r.N t aK N = P t r/a = P t NOTE –The latter is a constant. The new equilibrium is not – in other words, it will vary with the numbers of prey and the carrying capacity of the prey population How does this compare with the equilibrium solution for prey growing without intra-specific competition? Equilibrium Solution - Predator P t+1 = P t + a.f.P t.N t ( ) K p - P t KpKp - q.P t What is the population size of the prey that induces no change in the predator population size? dN = N t+1 - N t a.f.(K p – P t ) q.K p NtNt = q/a.f = N t NOTE –The latter is a constant. The new equilibrium is not – in other words, it will vary with the numbers of predators and the carrying capacity of the prey population

19 Next – Change the various values of r, a, f, q, and the values of k – and see what happens. Make a note each time of the changes that you have made and of the effects observed When you do this, change each variable one at a time – double it and half it.

20 Varying the parameter values has an effect on the persistence of the fluctuations, and models can mimic the range of patterns observed in nature… Regardless of what you do to the various parameters, the relationships between predator and prey are more stable now than they were when you looked at populations growing exponentially – in most cases. Intra-specific competition stabilizes the predator-prey relationship

21 Refuges Predator - Prey relationships can also be stabilised if the prey have a refuge in time or space – either permanently (e.g. in cracks and crevices on a shore may provide refuges for small gastropods from large predatory whelks) or temporarily (e.g. a population that spans a large area but is subject to predation only in part of the range has a temporary refuge). Prey Predator Overlap zone Refuge


23 P t+1 = P t + f.a.P t.N t – q.P t N t+1 = N t + r.N t – a.P t.N t Open a spreadsheet in MSExcel How do different values of r, a, q, N 0, P 0, f and refuge size influence the outcomes of species interactions,? Next – Project a prey and a predator population into the future for 100 time units – using these two equations BUT……….. MUST constrain BOTH populations so that if numbers drop to the refuge size, they remain at that number. Use an IF argument =IF(H2+(B$4*H2)-(E$4*I2*H2)>C$4, (H2+(B$4*H2)-(E$4*I2*H2),C$4)

24 Meta-populations Up to now considered populations as distributed “evenly” across an area of habitable space At a larger scale of observation (landscape), suitable habitats for a population are rarely evenly distributed Suitable Habitat, Unsuitable Habitat

25 Not ALL suitable habitats may be occupied by a population at the same time These “discrete” populations are known as meta- populations, and each may well be behaving independently of the others. There is no reason to suppose that all will be the same size! The number of suitable habitats occupied depends on the probabilities of local population extinction and local population creation – the latter being dependent on immigration (dispersal).

26 Prey populations can be seen as suitable habitats, in so far as predators are concerned – some being more suitable (bigger) than others. The differences between patches (asynchrony) lends stability to the predator-prey interactions. At peaks in the population cycles, losses through emigration from a patch will be greater than gains through immigration. Conversely at troughs, gains through immigration will exceed losses through emigration. * **

27 Eotetranychus sexmaculatus In isolation on single orange Time (days) Prey Numbers Typhlodromus occidentalis Time (days) Numbers Predator and prey grown together on single orange Extinction! Delayed introduction of predator Ellner et al (2001) Nature 412: 538-543

28 When populations of predator and prey grown together in meta-population structure Sustained oscillations OVERALL – patchiness stabilizes predator-prey relationships, though extinction occurs in individual patches Time (days) Numbers Eotetranychus sexmaculatusTyphlodromus occidentalis

29 THE END Image acknowledgements –

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