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Westward Expansion U.S. History Chapter 13. Lure of Oregon Families in search of good farmland kept moving farther west Oregon Country: huge region west.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion U.S. History Chapter 13. Lure of Oregon Families in search of good farmland kept moving farther west Oregon Country: huge region west."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion U.S. History Chapter 13

2 Lure of Oregon Families in search of good farmland kept moving farther west Oregon Country: huge region west of the Rocky Mountains. Plentiful rainfall and mild climate 1818: U.S. & Britain agreed to occupy Oregon jointly. Spain & Russia withdrew.

3 Fur Trappers in Far West 1 st Europeans and Americans in Oregon Country were fur trappers Mountain men: rugged individualists who lived off the land Rendezvous: place where people meet

4 Fur Trappers in Far West Fur trade died; trappers led settlers west Showed Indian trails to settlers heading west Discovered mountain passes that became major routes

5 Missionaries in Oregon Missionaries were 1 st permanent white Americans to settle in Oregon. Plan to convert Native Americans to Christianity Helped create interest in new territories

6 West to Oregon Oregon Trail, leaving from Independence, Missouri to West Difficult journey: sickness was biggest threat. Bad weather, hostile Native Americans

7 Americans in Texas Mexicans agreed to let Americans settle in Texas Mexico feared losing Texas to the U.S.; began conflict with settlers Settlers felt no loyalty to Mexico

8 Americans in Texas Alamo: outnumbered Texans resisted Mexican troops Siege: enemy forces surround and try to capture a city or fort Fall of the Alamo: Texans wanted revenge

9 Texas becomes Republic Texans defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto Texans became independent republic after the battle Mexico refused to recognize Texas independence

10 Texas becomes State Texas admitted to Union in 1845 Congress passed a joint resolution accepting annexation treaty Annex: to add on

11 Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe Trail: ran from Missouri to the New Mexico Territory in the west Missouri merchants were 1 st travelers along this route

12 Santa Fe Trail Mountain man, William Becknell, was 1 st to lead settlers along the Santa Fe trail.

13 Manifest Destiny

14 America would expand from coast to coast Americans believed westward expansion would offer new economic opportunities

15 Polk Declares War President Polk favored expansion When American and Mexican troops clashed near the Rio Grande, Polk urged Congress to declare war on Mexico

16 New Mexico added to U.S. U.S. acquired New Mexico territory as result of the Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo: Mexican cession Cede: give up territory

17 Mormons Settle Utah Seeking refuge from religious persecution Refuge: a safe place Social and religious values clashed with those of other settlers

18 California Gold Rush Sutter’s Mill caused “gold fever.” ’49ers Greed led to vigilantes & lynching; self- appointed law enforcement hanged accused without a trial

19 Cultural Mix American, Spanish, Mexican, Native American, Chinese Americans, African Americans rushed to CA

20 Native Americans Lived under both Spanish and Mexican rule: worked on missions and ranches Mistreated Native Americans lost land and lives after Gold Rush

21 Mexican Influences Mexicans influenced American culture in the Southwest by teaching new irrigation techniques and mining skills.

22 Good Luck on your test!

23 Review Who were the first permanent American white settlers in Oregon? A. Fur Trappers B. Missionaries C. Mormons

24 Review Who were the first permanent American white settlers in Oregon? A. Fur Trappers B. Missionaries C. Mormons

25 Review What does “lynch” mean? A. give up B. attack in which enemy forces surround and try to capture a city C. execute without a legal trial

26 Review What does “lynch” mean? A. give up B. attack in which enemy forces surround and try to capture a city C. execute without a legal trial

27 Review What is a “rendezvous”? A. place were one is safe B. place were people meet C. place of execution

28 Review What was the biggest threat to those who traveled West in wagon trains? A. illnesses such as cholera B. lack of leadership C. snowstorms

29 Review What was the biggest threat to those who traveled West in wagon trains? A. illnesses such as cholera B. lack of leadership C. snowstorms

30 Review Why did American settlers in Texas come into conflict with Mexico in the 1830s? A.Settlers wanted to throw out the Mexican constitution B.Mexico wanted to sell Texas to Spain C.Mexico feared losing Texas to the U.S.

31 Review Why did American settlers in Texas come into conflict with Mexico in the 1830s? A.Settlers wanted to throw out the Mexican constitution B.Mexico wanted to sell Texas to Spain C.Mexico feared losing Texas to the U.S.

32 Review What led settlers and trappers to move to Oregon and the Far West in the 1820s? a.Offers of jobs in the shipbuilding industry b.Lure of fertile lands, plentiful rainfall and mild climate c.The absence of Native Americans

33 Review What led settlers and trappers to move to Oregon and the Far West in the 1820s? a.Offers of jobs in the shipbuilding industry b.Lure of fertile lands, plentiful rainfall and mild climate c.The absence of Native Americans

34 Review Why did the Mormons move west to settle in Utah? A.They sought jobs on the railroads B.They wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity C.They hoped to escape religious persecution

35 Review Why did the Mormons move west to settle in Utah? A.They sought jobs on the railroads B.They wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity C.They hoped to escape religious persecution

36 Review What is a “siege”? A.Place where one is safe B.Attack in which enemy forces surround and try to capture a city or fort C.Place where people meet

37 Review What is a “siege”? A.Place where one is safe B.Attack in which enemy forces surround and try to capture a city or fort C.Place where people meet

38 Review How did the U.S. and Britain settle their dispute over Oregon? A.The U.S. bought the territory from Britain B.The U.S. and Britain agreed to divide the land C.The U.S. seized the land with military force

39 Review How did the U.S. and Britain settle their dispute over Oregon? A.The U.S. bought the territory from Britain B.The U.S. and Britain agreed to divide the land C.The U.S. seized the land with military force

40 Review Which group of rugged individualists lived off the land in Oregon? A.Mountain Men B.Missionaries C.Tejanos

41 Review Which group of rugged individualists lived off the land in Oregon? A.Mountain Men B.Missionaries C.Tejanos

42 Review What does “cede” mean? A.To meet B.Give up C.Attack enemies by surrounding the city or fort

43 Review What does “cede” mean? A.To meet B.Give up C.Attack enemies by surrounding the city or fort

44 Review Mexicans influenced American culture in the Southwest by A.Teaching Americans how to hunt in the desert B.Teaching Americans new irrigation techniques and mining skills C.Changing Americans’ views about Manifest Destiny

45 Review Mexicans influenced American culture in the Southwest by A.Teaching Americans how to hunt in the desert B.Teaching Americans new irrigation techniques and mining skills C.Changing Americans’ views about Manifest Destiny

46 Review What final incident caused President Pok to urge Congress to declare war on Mexico? A.The U.S. expanded to the Pacific ocean B.American and Mexican troops clashed near the Rio Grande C.Mexico rejected Polk’s offer to buy CA and NM

47 Review What final incident caused President Pok to urge Congress to declare war on Mexico? A.The U.S. expanded to the Pacific ocean B.American and Mexican troops clashed near the Rio Grande C.Mexico rejected Polk’s offer to buy CA and NM

48 Review Which of the following caused Texans to seek revenge against Santa Anna’s troops? A.The fall of the Alamo B.The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo C.The battle of San Jacinto

49 Review Which of the following caused Texans to seek revenge against Santa Anna’s troops? A.The fall of the Alamo B.The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo C.The battle of San Jacinto

50 Review What is a “refuge”? A.Place where one is safe from persecution B.Place where people meet C.Place where people are executed

51 Review What is a “refuge”? A.Place where one is safe from persecution B.Place where people meet C.Place where people are executed

52 Review Which of the following statements about mountain men is NOT true? A.They showed Indian trails to settlers who headed west B.They discovered mountain passes that later became major routes to the West C.They were the first white Americans to settle permanently in Oregon

53 Review Which of the following statements about mountain men is NOT true? A.They showed Indian trails to settlers who headed west B.They discovered mountain passes that later became major routes to the West C.They were the first white Americans to settle permanently in Oregon

54 Review What was one challenge faced by the “Lone Star Republic”? A.The U.S. refused to recognize its independence B.Mexico refused to recognize its independence C.American and German settlers fought over the issue of slavery

55 Review What was one challenge faced by the “Lone Star Republic”? A.The U.S. refused to recognize its independence B.Mexico refused to recognize its independence C.American and German settlers fought over the issue of slavery

56 Review What development immediately followed the Texan victory at San Jacinto? A.Texas became an independent republic B.Santa Anna made Texas a Mexican province C.American settlers were forced to leave Texas

57 Review What development immediately followed the Texan victory at San Jacinto? A.Texas became an independent republic B.Santa Anna made Texas a Mexican province C.American settlers were forced to leave Texas

58 Review Which of the following caused conflict between American settlers in Texas and the Mexican government? A.Most of the settlers felt no loyalty to the U.S. B.Most of the settlers felt no loyalty to Mexico C.Most settlers helped Santa Anna gain power in Mexico

59 Review Which of the following caused conflict between American settlers in Texas and the Mexican government? A.Most of the settlers felt no loyalty to the U.S. B.Most of the settlers felt no loyalty to Mexico C.Most settlers helped Santa Anna gain power in Mexico

60 Review At what battle did Texans defeat Santa Anna and win independence? A.Gonzales B.The Alamo C.San Jacinto

61 Review At what battle did Texans defeat Santa Anna and win independence? A.Gonzales B.The Alamo C.San Jacinto

62 Review How was Texas admitted to the Union? A.Congress passed a joint resolution accepting the annexation treaty B.Mexico sold Texas to the U.S. C.The President issued an executive order accepting the annexation treaty

63 Review How was Texas admitted to the Union? A.Congress passed a joint resolution accepting the annexation treaty B.Mexico sold Texas to the U.S. C.The President issued an executive order accepting the annexation treaty

64 Review How did the belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to the westward expansion of the U.S.? A.Americans believed they could learn from other cultures B.Americans believed expansion would offer new economic opportunities C.U.S. government believed it should invade Mexico

65 Review How did the belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to the westward expansion of the U.S.? A.Americans believed they could learn from other cultures B.Americans believed expansion would offer new economic opportunities C.U.S. government believed it should invade Mexico

66 Review Why did Mormons leave their settlement in Ohio and move west? A.The valley where they settled had frequent floods B.They were frequently attacked by Native Americans C.Their social and religious beliefs clashed with those of other settlers

67 Review Why did Mormons leave their settlement in Ohio and move west? A.The valley where they settled had frequent floods B.They were frequently attacked by Native Americans C.Their social and religious beliefs clashed with those of other settlers

68 Review Which of the following did the U.S. acquire as a result of the Mexican war? A.New Mexico B.Texas C.Oregon

69 Review Which of the following did the U.S. acquire as a result of the Mexican war? A.New Mexico B.Texas C.Oregon

70 Review Which of the following was NOT a danger faced by settlers on wagon trains? A.Cholera B.Attacks by mountain men C.Rain-swollen rivers

71 Review Which of the following was NOT a danger faced by settlers on wagon trains? A.Cholera B.Attacks by mountain men C.Rain-swollen rivers

72 Review What role did missionaries play in the settlement of the West? A.They organized wagon trains of settlers to establish new churches in the West B.They helped build the port city of San Francisco C.They helped to create interest in the new territories

73 Review What role did missionaries play in the settlement of the West? A.They organized wagon trains of settlers to establish new churches in the West B.They helped build the port city of San Francisco C.They helped to create interest in the new territories

74 Review What trail ran from Missouri to New Mexico territory? A.Oregon Trail B.Santa Fe Trail C.’49er Trail

75 Review What trail ran from Missouri to New Mexico territory? A.Oregon Trail B.Santa Fe Trail C.’49er Trail

76 Review Which pioneer was the fist to lead Americans across the Santa Fe trail? A.Brigham Young B.William Becknell C.Stephen F. Austin

77 Review Which pioneer was the fist to lead Americans across the Santa Fe trail? A.Brigham Young B.William Becknell C.Stephen F. Austin

78 Review Who were the first travelers along the Santa Fe Trail? A.Fur trappers B.Mormons C.Missouri merchants

79 Review Who were the first travelers along the Santa Fe Trail? A.Fur trappers B.Mormons C.Missouri merchants

80 Review Native Americans in CA were NOT described in this way A.Were vaqueros on cattle ranches B.Worked on missions C.Led easy lives

81 Review Native Americans in CA were NOT described in this way A.Were vaqueros on cattle ranches B.Worked on missions C.Led easy lives

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