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11 th Grade Science E block Review Expectations: Cooperation Participation Respect for EVERYONE.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th Grade Science E block Review Expectations: Cooperation Participation Respect for EVERYONE."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th Grade Science E block Review Expectations: Cooperation Participation Respect for EVERYONE

2 Objectives for 11 th Grade E Block Topics we will cover: Renewable and Nonrenewable resources Watersheds and Wetlands Test-taking tips


4 What creates Energy?

5 What are nonrenewable resources?

6 NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption.

7 COAL, PETROLEUM, AND GAS Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are considered nonrenewable because they can not be replenished in a short period of time. These are called fossil fuels.



10 NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy. Nuclear energy is a nonrenewable resource because once the uranium is used, it is gone!

11 Nuclear Power Plant

12 What is a renewable resource?

13 Let us think.... If nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be re-made at a scale comparable to its consumption, then renewable resources would be………?

14 RENEWABLE RESOURCES A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption. Types: Solar, Geothermal, Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric

15 SOLAR Energy from the sun. Why is energy from the sun renewable?

16 Comparing Solar energy Active solar Energy Uses a device to concentrate solar energy Passive Solar Energy Does not require a mechanism to utilize solar heat Windows facing the South

17 GEOTHERMAL Energy from Earth’s heat. Why is energy from the heat of the Earth renewable?

18 Geothermal Energy Production

19 WIND Energy from the wind. Why is energy from the wind renewable?


21 BIOMASS Energy from burning organic or living matter. Why is energy from biomass renewable?


23 WATER or HYDROELECTRIC Energy from the flow of water. Why is energy of flowing water renewable?


25 Test-taking strategies Carefully read each Question and Answer. Look closely at the visual information –Graphs, pictures, tables Use your knowledge to eliminate answer choices. Answer every question. Mark those you wish to review again Use your best handwriting Answer all parts of the open-ended questions

26 Sample Test Questions 1. Which system uses a nonrenewable resource to generate electricity? A wind turbines using air movement B solar panels using the Sun’s radiation C geothermal power plants using steam D nuclear power plants usingradioactive elements

27 2. Which statement correctly describes an energy source and its effect on the environment? A Fossil fuel, which comes from a continuously renewable resource, generates greenhouse gases. B Solar power, which comes from a continuously renewable resource, generates greenhouse gases. C Nuclear energy, which comes from a nonrenewable resource, generates dangerous waste. D Hydroelectric power, which comes from a nonrenewable resource, generates dangerous waste.

28 Short Opened-Ended Question (2 pts) 3. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska is over 19 million acres of land. Its unique habitat supports at least 45 species of land and marine animals, 36 species of fish, and 180 species of birds. Some people want to drill for oil in parts of the refuge. Scientists estimate that the total amount of recoverable oil in the refuge is between 5 and 16 billion barrels. Part A: Describe an environmental problem that could be caused by drilling for oil in Alaska. Part B: Describe a regional benefit of drilling for oil in Alaska.

29 Scoring Guide Score In this item, the student— 2-demonstrates a thorough understanding of the impact that drilling for oil in Alaska will have on the environment by describing an environmental problem that could be caused by drilling, and describing a regional benefit drilling in Alaska could provide to the region. The response is clear, complete, and correct. 1-demonstrates a partial understanding of the impact that drilling for oil in Alaska will have on the environment by describing an environmental problem that could be caused by drilling, or describing a regional benefit drilling in Alaska could provide to the region. The response may contain some work that is incomplete or unclear. 0 provides insufficient evidence to demonstrate any understanding of the content being tested. Non -scorable BLK (blank) – No response or written refusal to respond or response too brief to determine response OT – Off task/topic IL – Illegible

30 Accepted as correct answers: ABAB

31 Teacher objectives: Vocab from the unit: –Energy, movement, turbine, alternative energy and the different types, renewable and nonrenewable, methane Getting through the slides is the primary objective The questions can be done to reinforce the topics

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