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JEOPARDY #2 DNA and RNA Chapter 12 S2C06 Jeopardy Review

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1 JEOPARDY #2 DNA and RNA Chapter 12 S2C06 Jeopardy Review

2 Gene Regulation Vocab Lac operon Transcription Translation 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Gene Regulation 100 Place on the lac operon you would expect see a repressor attached A: What is the operator ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

4 Gene Regulation 200 Tell one kind of regulatory DNA sequence seen in eukaryotic BUT NOT prokaryotic DNA A: TATA boxes, hox genes, enhancer regions, ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

5 Gene Regulation 300 Series of genes that controls development and differentiation in embryos A: What are hox genes? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

6 Gene Regulation 400 Name the place on DNA where RNA polymerase attaches to start transcription A: promoter S2C06 Jeopardy Review

7 Gene Regulation 500 When lactose is present and glucose is not, what molecule binds to the repressor protein to turn on the lac operon? A: lactose binds to the repressor and keeps it away from the operator S2C06 Jeopardy Review

8 Vocabulary 100 Subunits used to make proteins
A: What are amino acids ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

9 Vocabulary 200 DNA → RNA A: What is transcription?
S2C06 Jeopardy Review

10 Vocabulary 300 Sequence of DNA that is NOT involved in coding for a protein which is cut out of the m-RNA molecule before it is read by the ribosomes A: What are introns ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

11 Vocabulary 400 Molecule that binds to the operator region of an operon and “turns the gene off” A: What is a repressor ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

12 Vocabulary 500 A: What is a nucleosome?
Beadlike structure formed by coiling DNA around histone proteins that pack together to form chromosomes A: What is a nucleosome? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

13 What do the genes found in the lac operon do?
A: What is digest lactose? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

14 Region of the lac operon where the repressor binds
A: What is operator ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

15 Lac operon 300 A: What is: OFF ?
If glucose is present, the lac operon is turned _________ ON OFF A: What is: OFF ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

16 Lac operon 400 What prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing the lac genes when the operon is turned off ? A: What is Repressor molecule attached to operator blocks RNA Polymerase from attaching? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

17 Name the two binding sites on the repressor protein.
Lac operon 500 Name the two binding sites on the repressor protein. The repressor protein can bind to the operator or to lactose S2C06 Jeopardy Review

18 Transcription 100 Which of the following shows transcription?
RNA→ proteins DNA→ DNA DNA → RNA A: What is DNA → RNA? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

19 Transcription 200 Name the kind of RNA that would have a codon
A: What is mRNA? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

20 Transcription 300 Place in the cell where transcription and mRNA editing take place A: What is the nucleus? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

21 Transcription 400 Sequences of DNA that are NOT cut out of the corresponding RNA molecule and are expressed A: What are exons ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

22 Transcription 500 Give the RNA message for this piece of DNA:
G T C A C T A: What is: C A G U G A ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

23 Another name for a protein
Translation 100 Another name for a protein A: What is a polypeptide? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

24 Tell what kind of molecules combine with rRNA to make ribosomes
Translation 200 Tell what kind of molecules combine with rRNA to make ribosomes A: What is proteins? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

25 Translation 300 A: What is Tell the 2 ANTICODONS for this mRNA?
A G U U U G Tell the 2 ANTICODONS for this mRNA? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

26 Which amino acid does the codon CCA code for?
Translation 400 Which amino acid does the codon CCA code for? A: What is PROLINE? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

27 Translation 500 A: What is G U A ?
Images modified from: Pearson Education Inc, publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved Translation 500 Give the mRNA codon this tRNA would match VALINE A: What is G U A ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

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