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Location Aware Calendar A PostPC project Elliot Jaffe, Erez Theodorou Hebrew University, 2003/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Location Aware Calendar A PostPC project Elliot Jaffe, Erez Theodorou Hebrew University, 2003/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Location Aware Calendar A PostPC project Elliot Jaffe, Erez Theodorou Hebrew University, 2003/2004

2 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar2 overview ► An upgrade to the existing calendar app based on an enhanced hardware platform ► Today’s Presentation  Product Overview  Target Markets  Technology  Operations  Conclusion

3 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar3 Product Description ► Schedule meetings or events with automatic adjustments for travel time ► Notifications based on  estimated travel time  where the user is currently located

4 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar4 Product Description Examples: ► Currently its 1pm in Jerusalem and the meeting is scheduled for 3pm in Tel-Aviv  Notify user of event no later than 2pm to allow for travel + parking ► Our stock of wines is running low.  Notify if the device is within 5 minutes of a good wine store

5 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar5 Product Demo ► Extends existing Palm Calendar application ► Additional dialogs and minor changes to the calendar views

6 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar6 LAC - Demo ► Schedule a meeting for 10am ► Write a your note and select ‘Details’

7 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar7 LAC - Demo ► Check the ‘Location’ checkbox to select location ► Select a location or write one in

8 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar8 LAC - Demo ► Select Travel Alarm to be notified based on predicted travel time between locations

9 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar9 LAC - Demo ► Schedule an additional meeting for 11am ► Select Details and check the Location checkbox

10 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar10 LAC - Demo ► Select a different location for this new event ► Select Travel Alarm

11 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar11 LAC - Demo ► Select ‘OK’ to ignore, ‘Back’ to return, or ‘Cancel meeting’ to cancel this meeting ► Visually note that travel time overlaps with the meeting

12 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar12 LAC - Demo ► Or reschedule the second meeting to 12:00 ► Visually note when to start traveling.

13 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar13 LAC - Demo ► Its 9:00am in Tel-Aviv ► Popup for meeting in Jerusalem based on travel time

14 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar14 Targets Market ► Professionals who travel to meetings  Architects  Plumbers, Electricians, etc.  Salesmen ► Service Organizations  Delivery services, On-Call Services

15 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar15 What we need to build this? ► Continuous location information on the Palm device  Frequency: at least once a minute  Accuracy: within 100m  Duration: always on  Coverage: Where ever it is possible to make a cellular phone call

16 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar16 What we also need to build this ► Location database  Map GPS locations to textual addresses and visa versa  i.e. 3500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio  (N 41.502913 W 81.663282)  Available as Web Service from Microsoft,

17 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar17 Operational Costs ► Device will need to obtain location fix every minute  Latest GPS devices cost 50 milliWatt seconds per fix  Current devices can obtain fix every minute for 24 hour period for 1% of battery charge ► Device will need to make Web services call only when entering a new address

18 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar18 Infrastructure Costs ► Requires location database for converting from addresses to GPS locations  free service or  subscription service -- recurring revenues

19 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar19 Futures ► Product Upgrades  Better precision in location  Better location coverage (inside buildings)  More frequent location fixes (when in moving vehicle) ► Add-ons  Calculate travel distance based on actual traffic conditions  Suggest best travel routes

20 PostPC - HUJI - 2004Location Aware Calendar20 Conclusions ► Application will drive sales of upgraded devices  Location aware + Internet access ► Extension of existing app ► Option for subscription service/recurring revenues ► Upgraded versions drive sales of new releases and devices

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