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UNDAF Challenges and Regional Support 1. 2  Government/National Authorities  United Nations System (Resident Coordinators, UN Country Teams, Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDAF Challenges and Regional Support 1. 2  Government/National Authorities  United Nations System (Resident Coordinators, UN Country Teams, Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDAF Challenges and Regional Support 1

2 2  Government/National Authorities  United Nations System (Resident Coordinators, UN Country Teams, Regional Directors’ Team and Regional Peer Support Group)  Development partners 2

3  Regional UNDG Team: Early upstream dialogue for guidance on regional context and strategic vision for quality UNDAF  Regional Peer Support Group (PSG): Early upstream involvement to provide technical support and strategic advise. The UNDAF Specialist/PSG Chair coordinates communication traffic related to the preparation of UNDAF and Country Analysis  UNSSC: Training methodology, train trainers and resource persons, prepare and support teams for UNDAF workshops  UNDOCO: Policy guidance, overall strategy for support, respond to country requests for support, consolidate lessons, financial support 3

4 PSG UNSSC DOCO UNDAF Roll-out Countries UNDG LAC PSG Chair UNDAF Spec. Ag The UNDAF Specialist/PSG Chair coordinates communication traffic related to the preparation of UNDAF 4 4

5 5  Mentorship of each roll-out by two Regional Directors (ad-hoc support, i.e. TCs).  PSG participation in the SPRs  Experts identification to support the UNDAF preparation and support thematic trainings  PSG review of documents (Road map, Country Analysis and UNDAF)  UNDAF Specialist/ PSG Chair support throughout the process  Support to UNDAF Evaluations and M&E 5

6 UNDAF Evaluation Design Workshop Strategic Planning Results Matrix Country Analysis UNDAF draft 2010-2011 Major Milestones PSG support available M&E 6 6

7  UNDG LAC Mentor: Participates in the UNDAF Regional Workshop; Participate virtually in the Road Map Formulation; Reviews the Road Map and provides strategic guidance  PSG: Participates in Road Map Design Workshops; provide support and guidance to UNCTs; Assists UNCTs in assessing and prioritizing their capacity needs; Provides comments on the draft Road Map.  UNDAF Specialist/PSG Chair: Provides support and guidance to the UNCTs on the preparation of the Road Map; Upon the UNCTs’ identification of specific capacity needs, identify the availability of PSG members with the relevant expertise; Coordinates the document review. 7 7

8  PSG: Participates in country analysis exercises planned in the road map if requested; Provides comments on the draft Country Analysis; Provides comments on the mapping of UNCTs work and the UNCTs´ comparative advantages, if requested.  UNDAF Specialist/PSG Chair: Receives the Country Analysis draft and coordinates the PSG revision to provide consolidated comments to the UNCT. 8 8

9  UNDG LAC Mentor: Participates in a preparatory meeting with the PSG members who will participate in the SPR; Provides feedback on any strategic issue identified in the SPR submitted  PSG: Participates in SPRS; Helps the UNCT identify capacities and gaps, and comparative advantages; Advises the UNCT on the guidelines and help to comply with them; Helps build consensus among the UNCT and partners on the strategic priorities.  UNDAF Specialist/PSG Chair: Supports the SPRs and ensures participation of the PSG (upon request); and arranges virtual meetings between UNCTs and the UNDG LAC mentors as needed. 9 9

10  Review is based on UNDG checklists.  Total review time: 15 calendar days.  PSG´s comments refer to the strategic positioning, application of programming principles, RBM and M&E framework. 10 Convening Agent Convening Agent PSG Convening Agent Convening Agent RC Office UNCT RC Office UNCT Review based on checklist Convening Agent Convening Agent Consolidate feedback from PSG members Día 1 Día 1-2 Día 2-9 Día 10-11 Día 10-11 Día 12- 14 Discuss and approval of the document Convening Agent Convening Agent Feedback to RC Office/UNCT Día 15 10 Convening Agent Convening Agent PSG Convening Agent Convening Agent RC Office UNCT RC Office UNCT Roadmap Analysis UNDAF (upon request) Convening Agent Convening Agent Consolidate feedback from PSG members Day 1 Day 1-2 Day 2-9 Day 10-11 Day 12-14 the document Convening Agent Convening Agent Day 15

11 UNDG Guidance Package for UNDAF UNDG Guidance Note on the 5 Programming Principles Checklist to assess the quality and strategic positioning of the UNDAF FAQ on UNDAF and Desk Review on UNDAF UNDAF Webinars presentations and materials Technical know how: o Regional technical rosters/IAWGs/ Regional Specialists o Staff College facilitators and trainers o UNDG Policy Network´s Advisors for MD/MDG 11

12 12 Maria Guallar UNDAF Regional Specialist /PSG Chair Tel: +507 302-4662 Skype: mguallar Gonzalo Guerra Manager, UN Coherence Programme Tel: +39 011 653-5957 Skype: gonzalo.guerra

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