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15 February 2014 Regional NET Coordinating Team NET Section, CDI, EDB.

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Presentation on theme: "15 February 2014 Regional NET Coordinating Team NET Section, CDI, EDB."— Presentation transcript:

1 15 February 2014 Regional NET Coordinating Team NET Section, CDI, EDB

2 ExEL2C Overview Current Context Objectives Benefits How to ExEL2C ExEL2C Forward 2

3 SS/JS interface Current Policy Context 3 NSS & HKDSE requirements The Fine-tuned MOI Policy

4 Current School Context 4 PositivesConcerns Some ‘elite’ classes taught in English LAC coordinators/ committees established Funding being used for LAC Packed school-based curriculum, even busier Planning time often ad hoc Ts confused about roles in implementing LAC Lack of confidence in language analysis and/or teaching Student outcomes

5 Language Across the Curriculum Alan Bullock The development of a language policy across the curriculum means in effect that every teacher in the school should accept it as part of his responsibility to develop the pupils’ reading, writing and speaking ability in and through the subject or activity for which he is responsible. Para. 15.31, A Language for Life. (DES, 1975)

6 ‘I Do’ Language Across the Curriculum… To cater for students’ learning needs To improve students’ academic language proficiency (GE vs. academic English) To integrate content and language teaching

7 Objectives of ExEL2C To develop teachers’ understanding of the role of language and communication in content subject learning To co-develop and try out units of work that integrate content and language learning - to be taught in content subject and English lessons - to promote language learning across the curriculum. To enhance pedagogical practices that scaffold students’ language learning 7

8 Benefits PD  co-planning  co-teaching  lesson demo  post-lesson reflection  school-based workshops  Curriculum products  Sustainability  Interface between junior/senior secondary 8

9 1. Identify content subject 2. Set up cross-KLA ExEL2C team 3. Identify content unit 4. Plan lessons – effective teaching! 5. Implement lessons 6. Evaluate How to ExEL2C…

10 10 SchoolContent subjectsYear level ExEL (2010-2013) 3 schools6 different subjects - I.S (S1), Maths (S1), Geography (S1), Economics (S3), Physics (S3), Liberal Studies (S3) ExEL2C (2013/2014) 4 schoolsLiberal StudiesS1 Geography Life & Society S2 Life & SocietyS1 GeographyS2 (1) Identify content subject

11 How to ExEL2C… 11 (2) Set up cross-KLA ExEL2C team Teacher readiness - Are Ts interested? Have they been to any LAC PD workshops before? Are they amenable to changes? Etc. Management support Shared expectations and defined roles Time-tabled co-planning meetings

12 12 How to ExEL2C… (3) Identify content unit(s) Decide whether to allocate more time to the unit or trim down content to accommodate language focus

13 How to ExEL2C… (4) Plan lessons Decide scope of LAC implementation Identify content objectives and language objectives that support the content objectives Identify/Build the language objectives in the English scheme of work Discuss materials, activities and teaching strategies to be used in content and English lessons Enhance English language teaching strategies of content teachers Consider formative assessment and tests/exams 13

14 How to ExEL2C… (5) Implement lessons Co-teaching, lesson demo, lesson observation Focus on assessment for learning Collect learning evidence, e.g. video clips, student work 14

15 How to ExEL2C… 15 (6) Evaluate Evaluate scope, schedule, L/T effectiveness, collaboration, sustainability, etc Refer to Ss’ daily work and responses in class, T & S survey forms and interviews, videos of lessons, test/exam results, etc

16 Deadline: 28 February 2014 16 Will you ExEL2C?

17 ExEL2C Forward For further information, please contact William CHENG (Senior Curr Development Officer) Tel: 3549 8339 Email: Eva Chiu (Curr Development Officer) Tel: 3549 8359 Email: 17

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