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Presentation on theme: " The collection and use of international data at the UIS: overview of innovation data ECO - UIS Regional Workshop on Science, Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The collection and use of international data at the UIS: overview of innovation data ECO - UIS Regional Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators Tehran, Iran 8-10 December 2013 Luciana Marins, UIS

2 The UIS STI innovation statistics strategy  ;  UIS has a natural coordinating role as UN lead agency on S&T statistics.  Capacity building & training  Capacity building & training activities;  Methodological developments  Methodological developments & survey help;  Global catalogue of innovation surveys  Global catalogue of innovation surveys;  Pilot data collection  Pilot data collection  global data collection every 2 years;  Metadata collection  Metadata collection;  Analysis & publication;  Partnership with international/regional organisations (AU/NEPAD, Eurostat, OECD, RICYT…).

3 Global catalogue of innovation surveys  Innovation surveys in developing and developed countries: questionnaires, methodological notes, publications;  Input for data collection;  Creation of a database;  Dissemination;  Work in progress: Africa, Asia, LAC, Europe, North America, Oceania.

4 Catalogue AAfrica: 19 countries 33 surveys AAsia: 19 countries 42 surveys LLAC: 17 countries 56 surveys  Europe: * 37 countries 82 surveys  North America ** : 2 countries 8 surveys  Oceania: 2 countries 7 surveys Total: 96 countries 228 surveys *** *Work in progress; **Mexico is included in LAC; ***Figures to be updated.

5 Catalogue

6 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Launch: June, 2011;  Countries: 19 countries, 12 responses: Asia: CHN, IDN, ISR, MYS, PHL, LKA Africa: EGY, GHA, ZAF, TZA Europe: RUS LAC: ARG, BRA, CHI, COL, CRI, MEX, PAN, URY  Observation period: most recent innovation survey for which data are available;  Industrial coverage: All, Manufacturing, Services.

7 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Topics: Basic methodology (metadata) Product innovation Process innovation Innovation activities and expenditures Funding Sources of information Cooperation Hampering factors Organisational innovation Marketing innovation All types of innovation

8 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Final results: Only Manufacturing, online publication Basic methodology (metadata) Product innovation Process innovation Innovation activities and expenditures Funding Sources of information Cooperation Hampering factors Organisational innovation Marketing innovation All types of innovation

9 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Online publication: Results of the 2011 UIS Pilot Data Results of the 2011 UIS Pilot Data Collection of Innovation Statistics Text & Graphs Statistical annex Metadata Country profiles Available at: innovation-pilot-data-release.aspx

10 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Product or process innovators: Manufacturing firms that implemented product or process innovation (as a % of all manufacturing firms)

11 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Product or process innovators by size: Manufacturing firms that implemented product or process innovation by size class (as a % of all manufacturing firms in each size class)

12 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Innovation activities: Firms with innovation activities (as a % of innovation-active manufacturing firms)

13 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Hampering factors: Highly important cost and economic hampering factors for firms (as a % of innovation-active manufacturing firms)

14 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Hampering factors: Highly important knowledge hampering factors for firms (as a % of innovation-active manufacturing firms)

15 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Hampering factors: Highly important market hampering factors for firms (as a % of innovation-active manufacturing firms)

16 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Organisational innovators: Manufacturing firms that implemented organisational innovation (as a % of all manufacturing firms)

17 2011 UIS pilot data collection  Marketing innovators: Manufacturing firms that implemented marketing innovation (as a % of all manufacturing firms)

18 2012 UIS innovation metadata collection  Launch: September, 2012;  Countries: all countries with official innovation surveys; non OECD/Eurostat countries with official innovation surveys; 55 countries, 26 responses;  Aim: methodological procedures; contacts.

19 2013 UIS global data collection  Launch: August, 2013;  Countries: all countries with official innovation surveys;  Observation period: most recent innovation survey for which data are available;  Industrial coverage: manufacturing;  Topics: very similar to the pilot report;  Results: June/July, 2014.

20 Looking forward  Country support: Angola, China, Ecuador, Peru, Vietnam;  Guide: including a model questionnaire;  Other areas: agriculture, public sector, informal sector.

21 Thankyou! Thank you!

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