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Success in Tough Times Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian Natural History Museum L.A.C. SEAL-S Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Success in Tough Times Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian Natural History Museum L.A.C. SEAL-S Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Success in Tough Times Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian Natural History Museum L.A.C. SEAL-S Meeting March 8, 2013





6 Turn perception of library from passive materials warehouse into active source of information and education --------- Focus on services while dealing with collection management

7 Library started with Museum 1913 Early 1920’s depository branch of Los Angeles Public Library 1925 Fully part of Museum & no longer branch of LAPL First library collections came from Historical Society of Southern California and Cooper Ornithological Club More materials came from Southern California Academy of Sciences & Museum staff

8  Fully manual library operation  Library closed almost 3 years  Researchers mainly on their own to obtain content  Departments managing own collections  Growing backlog of un-cataloged books  Solo librarian with volunteers  Tight budget  Limited IT support



11 Added expertise/education Willingness to learn Online grad programs broadens volunteer pool Low cost or free labor  Temporary  Reliability  Training  Supervision  Not substitute for staff


13  Computer equipment  Office furniture  Supplies  Priorities sharing

14 foursquare

15 Does your “parent” organization have a vision, mission and strategies for the next 3 – 5 years? What are these? Library vision, purpose & strategies – including your technology strategies – must support & be aligned with the parent organization Parent Organization Vision & Purpose Library vision & purpose Strategies & technologies Library strategies & technologies

16  Supplies the rationale and priorities for funding  Ensures priorities are addressed in a timely and appropriate way  Required for some funding (grant proposals, etc.)  Decreases potential purchasing “latest” technology  Increases alignment with library long-term planning, IT plans and institutional strategy (win-win-win)

17  Physical Resources  People Resources  Policies and Procedures

18 Functionality Affordability Minimal IT support requirements Flexible, easy access from desktop on-site and/or off-site access requirements internal staff & clients/customers/users alike  Internet access speed & reliability dependency  Technical problems trouble- shooting  Content storage cost in Cloud  Multiple application/content integration  Security hurdles interactions of Cloud- based service with locally stored content User authentication & single sign-on issues

19 Quantitative & qualitative analyses of physical & e-content use critical Usage statistics provide core quantitative factors Reference tracking can provide both quantity & quality information Use quantity and quality information in price negotiations

20 Information Owners’ Information Custodians’ Information Users’ Legal Rights Social Rights Financial Rights

21 Consider free online content to replace/reduce print cost & management while increasing ease of access Biodiversity Heritage Library OCLC Firstsearch or other tools to identify online resources & free Open source resources shortcut on library catalog Open source articles or special issues in fee-based journals

22 Negotiation vs. Partnership – know which to use and when to optimize vendor products & services Negotiate if dealing with content or services where there are plenty of providers Negotiation is more than price – can be services, training, marketing help to your users, etc. Partner if you have/anticipate multi-year, long-standing vendor relationship Partner if you're in tumultuous times and change is an issue  technology, user behavior, and more changing fast



25 Richard P. Hulser 213.763.3387

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