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Manufacturer (Manage Products) FMCG (Additional category will cost Rs. 20,000/pa to manufacturer with no additional free entries) 1-50 product entries2.

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Presentation on theme: "Manufacturer (Manage Products) FMCG (Additional category will cost Rs. 20,000/pa to manufacturer with no additional free entries) 1-50 product entries2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Manufacturer (Manage Products) FMCG (Additional category will cost Rs. 20,000/pa to manufacturer with no additional free entries) 1-50 product entries2 categories, 1 Lac/pa 51-125 5 categories, 2 Lacs/pa 126-300 12 categories, 5 Lacs/pa The above are self managed prices. We provide option of managing the tasks on your behalf at just 25% of the above prices with 1 request per month limited to number of supported entries

3 Dealers/Retailers/Service Dealers etc. (Manage Product Price) - No categories limitation FMCG1-50 product pricings12 thousand/pa 51-100 20 thousand/pa 100-200 35 thousand/pa The above are self managed prices. We provide option of managing the tasks on your behalf at just 25% of the above prices with 1 request per month limited to number of supported entries

4 Banner Main Location Banner Positioning (at desktop resolution of 1280*800 & above) Price per banner per month for 5*5 cm banner (approx.) Home Page ( Direct Visible Areas at page land 6000 Areas visible after scrolling4500 Project Pages (fmcg/) Direct Visible Areas at page land 5000 Areas visible after scrolling4000 Other Pages Direct Visible Areas at page land 4000 Areas visible after scrolling3500 Links Link title and short text connecting to your site (like Google Adsense) 1500

5 Duration of advertisement Discount on term booking 3 months booking5% 6 months booking10% 12 months booking15% Note: Links will be based on 20:1 with max. 2 to 3 banner scrolling at any moment Banner will be shown within 1:6. For, 1:1 (i.e. your banner only all the time) will cost three times. Any possible banner bigger than above will cost 75% extra.

6 Note: Any other category that fits above can be accommodated based on request. ElectronicsKitchenMobileComputers Office EquipmentHome Appliances Security Gadgets Audio SystemCooking Ranges Mobile Phones (GSM)LaptopsFax machinesCeiling Fans Home Security CamcordersDish WashersMP3 PlayersMonitors Multi Functional DevicesAir Coolers Office Security Digital Cameras Electronic Chimneys PDA Mobile Phones Printers (Dotmatrix) UPS Air Conditions (Split) Camera Digital ProjectorsFood Processors Printers (Inkjet) Air Conditions (Windows) DVD Players Juice/Mixer/Grind ers Printers(Laser) Clothes (Dryers) TelevisionsMicrowave ovens Desktop Vacuum Cleaners DTH Receivers Oven/Toaster/Grll ers Scanners Washing Machines Refrigerators Inverters Water Purifiers

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