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Wavelets seminar with Dr ’ Hagit Hal-or. Outline : Fingerprint Compression fingerprint Identification fingerprint. Fingerprint Technology. Conciusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Wavelets seminar with Dr ’ Hagit Hal-or. Outline : Fingerprint Compression fingerprint Identification fingerprint. Fingerprint Technology. Conciusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wavelets seminar with Dr ’ Hagit Hal-or

2 Outline : Fingerprint Compression fingerprint Identification fingerprint. Fingerprint Technology. Conciusion

3 Fingerprint

4 Fingerprint


6 Fingerprint, what we looking for??

7 F.B.I History Criminal Card collecting fingerprint cards Everyday 30,000-50,000 new cards

8 F.B.I – criminal card 39 square inches scanning size whis 500 DPI resolution and 8 bpp. It’s require 9.8MB. Thus, 25 million cards require 245,000 GM storage. We must compression!!!

9 Original image; file size 589824 bytes

10 JPEG image; file size 45853 bytes, compression ratio 12.9

11 FBI-image; file size 45621 bytes, compression ratio 12.9.

12 Another example 4x zoom of the core with 8 bpp

13 file size of 47619 bytes 0.9 bpp

14 JPEG image file size 49658 bytes 0.9 bpp

15 file size 39270 bytes 0.75 bpp

16 JPEG image file size 40780 bytes 0.75 bpp

17 file size 30987 bytes 0.625 bpp

18 JPEG image file size 30081 bytes 0.625 bpp

19 Wavelet transform Approximations: High-scale, low-frequency components of the signal Details: low-scale, high-frequency components Input Signal LPF HPF A D

20 Wavelet decomposition tree:

21 DWT An image can be decomposed into a pyramid structure with various band information. such as: HH,LH,LL and HL frequency bands.


23 Bad Compression Bad Compression Threshold = 38.88  94.6% zeros Wavelet –haar level 3

24 Good Compression Good Compression Threshold = 3.5  49.82% zeros Wavelet –bior (2.6) level 5

25 Which wavelet we need to choose???

26 Finding the best wavelet for compression Selection of the best wavelet shape according to objective measures such as: 1. PSNR- paek signal to noise ratio 2. RE- precent retained energy 3. PRD- precent rate of distortion 4. Ğ – correlation coefficient between the original and reconstructed images Khuwaja and Tolba,kuwait University

27 Experiment no.1 38 different wavelet filters to one fingerprint. That show the effect of filter packet type on the number of zeroed coefficients.

28 Experiment no.2 Take the 4 best filter were applied on 25 test fingerprint.

29 Find : MSE,PSNR on 5 fingerprint. Experiment no.3

30 MSE -Mean Squared Error PSNR – Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

31 Conclusions experiment Worst –bior3.1 %zc 78.56 MSE 56.499 Standard –bior7.9 %zc 91.14 MSE 12.727 Best –coif5 %zc 94.73 MSE 12.292 We save: Original image 529.1 KB compressed file size 377.9 KB Compress average is 40%

32 Fingerprint Recognition Using Wavelet Transfom Fast and effective method to identification fingerprint. AFIS- involves 3 main steps: Pre-processing. Feature extaction. Callification.

33 Fingerprint Recognition Using Wavelet Transfom Seok Won Lee and Boo Hee Nam KOREA University

34 Step 1

35 Step 2

36 Step 3

37 Authenticaiton the result “calculation” between the input image to old images in database.

38 FAR and FRR FALSE ACCEPTANCE RATE (FAR) A statistical measurement of the number of impostors likely to be accepted by a biometric system. FALSE REJECTION RATE (FRR) A statistical and empirical measurement of the likelihood of genuine users being rejected by a system. This is usually measured for one and three user attempts and for most systems an improved FRR is shown after three tries as most biometric systems improve with co-operation from users.

39 Fingerprint Technology

40 Template The algorithm: – Split image to 16 rec – Find average of black or white. – Binarized data. – Thinning. – Find minutiae. – Code the informtion  template. – Less then 1 K. – We don’t save the image.

41 Tpye of sensors Optical Electronic RF (radio frequency)


43 references “Fingerprint recogniton using wavelet transform and pnn”, s.w.Lee,boo hee Nam Nat’l university KOREA. “Fingerprint image compression”,g.a.Khuwaja, a.s.Tolba Kuwait university KUWAIT.  “The FBI Fingerprint Image Compression Standard” c.Brislawn,  “An effecitve alogorithm for fingerprint matching” y.Hao,t.Tan,y.Wang Beijing China  “FBI Fingerprint Compression”

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