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Antonio Nappa⇤‡, Zhaoyan Xu†, M

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1 CyberProbe: Towards Internet-Scale Active Detection of Malicious Servers
Antonio Nappa⇤‡, Zhaoyan Xu†, M. Zubair Rafique⇤, Juan Caballero⇤, Guofei Gu† ⇤IMDEA Software Institute ‡Universidad Polite ́cnica de Madrid {antonio.nappa, zubair.rafique, †SUCCESS Lab, Texas A&M University {z0x0427, Presented by: Shasha Wen

2 Outline Problem Current ways and limitations CyberProbe approach
Fingerprint generation Scanner Evaluation Discussion and conclusion

3 Problem: Cybercrime Identify servers C&C server → control the malware
spam clickfraud ransomware theft C&C server → control the malware Exploit server → distribute the malware Web server → monitor the operation Redirector → leading fake clicks …... Identify servers

4 Ways to detect the server
Passive: monitoring Monitor protected hosts Run malware in contained environment Observe servers involved → Limit coverage → increase? Internet-scale? Slow, detect asynchronously → server maybe dead Active: Honey client farms Visit URLs, crawling Focus on exploit servers Achieving coverage is expensive

5 fingerprint generator
CyberProbe: approach Send probes to remote hosts and examines their responses, determining whether the remote hosts are malicious or not. What probes to send Adversarial fingerprint How to send the probes scanning Network trace Benigh traffic Adversarial fingerprint generator Fingerprints Port Scanning Malicious servers Target range

6 Problem definition Network fingerprinting Problem definition
Fingerprint: the type, version, configuration of networking software Identify software at different layers A fingerprint → one malicious family e.g. C&C software; exploit kit A family → multiple fingerprints Problem definition Host h; target hosts H; target family: x Fingerprint: FGx = <P, fP> P(h) :sequences of probes, RP : response fP(RP) : true if h ∈x

7 Fingerprint generation Overview
Framework, different from other fingerprint generation(FiG) Minimize traffic produce inconspicuous probes Replay observed requests Network signature → classification function fP

8 Fingerprint generation: RRP[1] extraction
Protocol feature Protocol signature capture keywords in early part of a message e.g. GET or POST in HTTP Unknown → transport protocol Filter Endpoint is one of top 100,000 Alexa domains → benign RRPs with identical requests → avoid replaying the same request [1] RRP: request response pairs

9 Fingerprint generation: Replay
Replay request to every malicious endpoint Identify requests that lack replay protection Requests replayed with a distinctive response Use Virtual Private Network Malware managers may notice Replay in an incorrect order or invalid Independency Requests that generate response without prior communication

10 Fingerprint generation: Replay
Filtering benign servers RRPs with no response or return errors Responses from a server to the replayed request and to the random request are similar Replay the remaining RRPs twice more Output Replayed RRPs, excluding the original ones Unique endpoints → seed servers

11 Fingerprint generation: Clustering
Cluster by request similarity For HTTP Requests have the same method, same path, similar parameters For other protocols Same transport protocol, size and content and sent to the same port Probe construction function One for each cluster One of the probes in the cluster with value field replaced by TARGET and SET macros

12 Fingerprint generation: Signature generation
Find the distinctive token Coverage > 0.4 fg < 10-9 responses contain the token total responses fp = in benign traffic responses contain the token total responses coverage = in cluster

13 Scanning overview Target ranges
Internet-wide: full, unreserved, allocated, BGP Localized-reduced: BGP route contain seed's IP address Localized-extended: extract the route description Scan Scan in random order Whitelisting: exclude certain ranges; 512MB bit array Multiple scanners iterate over the targets

14 Scanning: Horizontal Scanner
Sender Raw sockets Initialization: buffer filled IP, TCP header Rating limiting: inter-probe sleeping time Receiver Catch SYNACK packets Keep listening after the sender completes Check the validity and log the target IP scanner target SYN Mark the target alive SYNACK RST No retransmission

15 Scanning: AppTCP & UDP Scanner
Probe construction function First: initialization build a default probe P: pass the target IP and get the TCP or UDP payload AppTCP scanner Input: the living list given by horizontal scanner Maximum size for a response UDP scanner Raw socket Snort Store traces and analyze offline

16 Evaluation: fingerprint generation
23 fingerprints for 13 families 3 exploit server, 10 malware One UDP, rest use HTTP

17 Evaluation: Horizontal scanning
67% Test scan infrastructure and provider locality 4.1% %, most seeds locate on cloud hosting providers localized Difference on live hosts ← BGP advertised routes Reusing the results internet-wide

18 Evaluation: HTTP scanning
66(34 new) 128(72 new) 14 151 unique

19 Evaluation: UDP scanning
Fingerprint: ZeroAccess botnet getL command: request supernodes list Scan further 7884 → 15,943 supernodes 6257(39%) found, 61% unreachable 19% supernodes alive one day after the Internet-wide scan Speed of active probing makes IP variability a small issue

20 Evaluation: server operations
Bestav: winwebsec, uraysy,... winwebsec → 2 fingerprints Internet-wide scan reveal: 16 payment server; 11 C&C server; In 4 providers. Payment server C&C server Provider A 6 5 Provider B 9 4 Provider C 2 Provider D 1 Cybercriminals host multiple servers on the same hosting provider

21 Discussion Ethical consideration Completeness
Their probes are not malicious Unsolicited nature of the probes Explaining page → 106K IP addresses Completeness Some families can not generate fingerprints Scanning capacity Complex protocol semantics Replaying request may fail ...

22 Conclusion Novel active probing approach for detecting malicious servers Fast, cheap, easy to deploy Identify different server types Implement CyberProbe One adversarial fingerprint generation Three scanners Internet-wide scan and localized scan Build fingerprints for 13 families Find 151 malicious servers 7881 P2P bots through 24 scans 4 times better that existing technique Reveal provider locality property

23 Q&A

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