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Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge of Buffer Cache Management Nathan C. Burnett, John Bent, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge of Buffer Cache Management Nathan C. Burnett, John Bent, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge of Buffer Cache Management Nathan C. Burnett, John Bent, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Computer Sciences

2 2 Caching Buffer cache impacts I/O performance –Cache hits much faster than disk reads Buffer Cache Data Blocks OS Without Cache Knowledge: 2 disk reads With Cache Knowledge 1 disk read

3 3 Knowledge is Power Applications can use knowledge of cache state to improve overall performance –Web Server –Database Management Systems Often no interface for finding cache state –Abstractions hide information

4 4 Workload + Policy  Contents Cache contents determined by: –Workload –Replacement policy Algorithmic Mirroring –Observe workload –Simulate cache using policy knowledge –Infer cache contents from simulation model

5 5 Gaining Knowledge Application knows workload –Assume application dominates cache Cache policy is usually hidden –Documentation can be old, vague or incorrect –Source code may not be available How can we discover cache policy?

6 6 Policy Discovery Fingerprinting: automatic discovery of algorithms or policies (e.g. replacement policy, scheduling algorithm) Dust - Fingerprints buffer cache policies –Correctly identifies many different policies –Requires no kernel modification –Portable across platforms

7 7 This Talk Dust –Detecting initial access order (e.g. FIFO) –Detecting recency of access (e.g. LRU) –Detecting frequency of access (e.g. LFU) –Distinguishing clock from other policies Fingerprints of Real Systems –NetBSD 1.5, Linux 2.2.19, Linux 2.4.14 Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge –Cache-Aware Web Server Conclusions & Future Work

8 8 Dust Fingerprints the buffer cache –Determines cache size –Determines cache policy –Determines cache history usage Manipulate cache in controlled way –open/read/seek/close

9 9 Replacement Policies Cache policies often use –access order –recency –frequency Need access pattern to identify attributes Explore in simulation –Well controlled environment –Variety of policies –Known implementations

10 10 Dust I.Move cache to known state a.Sets initial access order b.Sets access recency c.Sets frequency II.Cause part of test data to be evicted III.Sample data to determine cache state Read a block and time it Repeat for confidence

11 11 Setting Initial Access Order Test Region Eviction Region for ( 0  test_region_size/read_size) { read(read_size); }

12 12 FIFO Priority FIFO gives latter part of file priority Newer Pages Older Pages

13 13 Detecting FIFO FIFO evicts the first half of test region Out of Cache In Cache

14 14 Setting Recency Left Pointer Right Pointer Test Region Eviction Region do_sequential_scan(); left = 0; right = test_region_size/2; for ( 0  test_region_size/read_size){ seek(left); read(read_size); seek(right); read(read_size); right+=read_size; left+= read_size; }

15 15 LRU Priority LRU gives priority to 2 nd and 4 th quarters of test region

16 16 Detecting LRU LRU evicts 1 st and 3 rd quarters of test region

17 17 Setting Frequency 23456654327 Left Pointer Right Pointer Test Region Eviction Region do_sequential_scan(); left = 0; right = test_region_size/2; left_count = 1; right_count = 5; for ( 0  test_region_size/read_size) for (0  left_count) seek(left); read(read_size); for (0  right_count) seek(right); read(read_size); right+=read_size; left+= read_size; right_count++; left_count--;

18 18 LFU Priority LFU gives priority to center of test region

19 19 Detecting LFU LFU evicts outermost stripes Two stripes partially evicted

20 20 The Clock Algorithm Used in place of LRU Ref. bit set on reference Ref. bit cleared as hand passes Hand replaces a page with a ref. bit that’s already clear On eviction, hand searches for a clear ref. bit Page Frame Reference bit

21 21 Detecting Clock Replacement Two pieces of initial state –Hand Position –Reference Bits Hand position is irrelevant – circular queue Dust must control for reference bits –Reference bits affect order of replacement

22 22 Detecting Clock Replacement Uniform reference bitsRandom reference bits

23 23 Two fingerprints for Clock Ability to produce both will imply Clock Need a way to selectively set reference bits Dust manipulates reference bits –To set bits, reference page –To clear all bits, cause hand to sweep Details in paper Clock - Reference Bits Matter

24 24 Dust Summary Determines cache size (needed to control eviction) Differentiates policies based on –access order –recency –frequency Identifies many common policies –FIFO, LRU, LFU, Clock, Segmented FIFO, Random Identifies history-based policies –LRU-2, 2-Queue

25 25 This Talk Dust –Detecting initial access order (e.g. FIFO) –Detecting recency of access (e.g. LRU) –Detecting frequency of access (e.g. LFU) –Distinguishing clock from other policies Fingerprints of Real Systems –NetBSD 1.5, Linux 2.2.19, Linux 2.4.14 Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge –Cache-Aware Web Server Conclusions & Future Work

26 26 Fingerprinting Real Systems Issues: –Data is noisy –Policies usually more complex –Buffer Cache/VM Integration Cache size might be changing Platform: –Dual 550 MHz P-III Xeon, 1GB RAM, Ultra2 SCSI 10000RPM Disks

27 27 NetBSD 1.5 Increased variance due to storage hierarchy FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

28 28 NetBSD 1.5 Four distinct regions of eviction/retention FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

29 29 NetBSD 1.5 Trying to clear reference bits makes no difference Conclusion: LRU FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

30 30 Linux 2.2.19 Very noisy but looks like LRU Conclusion: LRU or Clock FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

31 31 Linux 2.2.19 Clearing Reference bits changes fingerprint Conclusion: Clock FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

32 32 Linux 2.4.14 Low recency areas are evicted Low frequency areas also evicted Conclusion: LRU with page aging FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

33 33 This Talk Dust –Detecting initial access order (e.g. FIFO) –Detecting recency of access (e.g. LRU) –Detecting frequency of access (e.g. LFU) –Distinguishing clock from other policies Fingerprints of Real Systems –NetBSD 1.5, Linux 2.2.19, Linux 2.4.14 Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge –Cache-Aware Web Server Conclusions & Future Work

34 34 Algorithmic Mirroring Model Cache Contents –Observe inputs to cache (reads) –Use knowledge of cache policy to simulate cache Use model to make application-level decisions

35 35 NeST NeST - Network Storage Technology Software based storage appliance Supports HTTP, NFS, FTP, GridFTP, Chirp Allows configurable number of requests to be serviced concurrently Scheduling Policy: FIFO

36 36 Cache-Aware NeST Takes policy & size discovered by Dust Maintains algorithmic mirror of buffer cache –Updates mirror on each request –No double buffering –May not be a perfect mirror Scheduling Policy: In-Cache-First –Reduce latency by approximating SJF –Improve throughput by reducing disk reads

37 37 Performance Improvement in response time Robust to inaccuracies in cache estimate 144 clients randomly requesting 200, 1MB files Server: P-III Xeon, 128MB Clients: 4 X P-III Xeon, 1GB Gigabit Ethernet Linux 2.2.19

38 38 Summary Fingerprinting –Discovers OS algorithms and policies Dust –Portable, user-level cache policy fingerprinting –Identifies FIFO, LRU, LFU, Clock, Random, 2Q, LRU-2 –Fingerprinted Linux 2.2 & 2.4, Solaris 2.7, NetBSD 1.5 & HP-UX 11.20 Algorithmic Mirroring –Keep track of kernel state in user-space –Use this information to improve performance Cache-Aware NeST –Uses mirroring to improved HTTP performance

39 39 Future Work On-line, adaptive detection of cache policy Policy manipulation Make other applications cache aware –Databases –File servers (ftp, NFS, etc.) Fingerprint other OS components –CPU scheduler –filesystem layout

40 40 Questions?? Gray-Box Systems – Wisconsin Network Disks – NeST –


42 42 HP-UX 11.20 (IPF) Low recency areas are evicted Low frequency areas also evicted Conclusion: LRU with page aging FIFOFIFO LRULRU LFULFU

43 43 Related Work Gray-Box (Arpaci-Dusseau) –Cache content detector Connection Scheduling (Crovella, et. al.) TBIT (Padhye & Floyd)

44 44 Clock - Uniform Reference Bits After initial scan, cache state does not change First half of test region is evicted Buffer Cache before test scan File Buffer Cache after test scan, before eviction scan

45 45 Clock - Random Reference Bits Initial Sequential Scan Test scan does not change cache state Buffer Cache before test scan File Buffer Cache after test scan, before eviction scan

46 46 Manipulating Reference Bits Setting bits is easy Clear bits by causing hand to do a circuit Buffer Cache after touching all resident data Buffer Cache after an additional small read

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