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Building External Partnerships to Enhance STEM Education Opportunities Dr Mark Fowler & Dr Viv Rolfe CC BY-SA 2.0 (with the exception of the JISC and DMU.

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Presentation on theme: "Building External Partnerships to Enhance STEM Education Opportunities Dr Mark Fowler & Dr Viv Rolfe CC BY-SA 2.0 (with the exception of the JISC and DMU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building External Partnerships to Enhance STEM Education Opportunities Dr Mark Fowler & Dr Viv Rolfe CC BY-SA 2.0 (with the exception of the JISC and DMU logo)

2 Building External Partnerships to Enhance STEM Education Opportunities Presentation for STEM Annual Conference 2012 ‘Aiming for excellence in STEM learning and teaching’ Imperial College London, 12-13 April 2012

3 Background The Health and Life Science Open Educational Resource (HALSOER) project is releasing OER for STEM subjects including Forensic, Biomedical and Medical Science. Funded by UKOER Phase 3.

4 Other DMU STEM projects 2009 Virtual Analytical Laboratory (VAL) (UKOER Pilot) – content supplied internally. 2010 Sickle Cell Open (SCOOTER) (UKOER Phase 2) – some content from external organisations. 2011 SCORE Fellowship – on-line lab skills module.

5 Why work with external partners? National public sector changes suggest organisations should work more closely (BIS 2011, DOH 2010). Graduate employability is high on the agenda (Brown 2010).

6 Our aim and approach To investigate how partnerships can be identified and grown from potential commercial and non-commercial partner organisations. To evaluate our experience by recording our observations, and interviewing collaborators to identify best practice.

7 HALS team approach Faculty of Health and Life Science, DMU. ~20 academics are identifying existing and new partners within their subjects. Initial scoping meeting. Agree deliverables and process. Set sensible time frames for producing OER. Contractual agreements / copyright.

8 Who are our partners? MEDICAL / BIOMEDICAL Oxford University Press National Health Service Nurse counselling service Pathology Department LRI / NG Gastroenterology Unit LRI Nutrition Service LRI LRI = Leicester Royal Infirmary NG = Northampton General FORENSIC Leicestershire Constabulary Forensic Focus The Fingerprint Society Leicester schools and colleges

9 OER pipeline (2011)

10 Example scoping exercise

11 Level of participation External PartnerParticipationApproval Decision Leicestershire Constabulary Producers, end-usersOrganisational National Health ServiceProducers, end-usersIndividual / teams Oxford University PressEnd-usersOrganisational Forensic FocusProducersOrganisational The Fingerprint SocietyQuality controlOrganisational

12 Level of approval Organisational i.e. board approval, senior management sign off, senior management approval of time and commitment. Individual basis / small teams were happy to collaborate. No partnership agreements / contracts required. Licensing permissions to release materials using Creative Commons gained at a departmental leadership level (form 4).

13 Attitude All discussions with external collaborators regarding the concept of OER positively received. Staff at all levels are all supportive. Partners always comply with the Creative Commons license required by the project (BY SA).

14 Types of OER Case studies Lecture notes

15 Types of OER Instructional podcasts Animated image galleries

16 OER summary Wide range of materials in terms of: –File formats (PDF, SWF, MP4, MP3, JPG…..) –Granularities (images, lecture notes, on-line training packages with content and assessment) Interoperable, accessible, OPEN!

17 Motivation for involvement External PartnerBusiness Model Leicestershire ConstabularyGraduate employability National Health ServiceGraduate employability / staff continual professional development (CPD) Oxford University PressBusiness development / quality supplementary information Forensic FocusBusiness development The Fingerprint SocietyMaintaining quality of professional materials

18 Mutual benefits? OER for science undergraduates are used by junior staff professional development. –Histology OER for final year Biomedical Science students are relevant for NHS biomedical scientists requiring Health Professions Council registration. –OER used for junior histopathologists seeking registration with the Royal College of Pathologists. –Constabulary and the Fingerprint Society ensure the forensic science resources are of high quality to meet professional body requirements.

19 Unexpected benefits? Discussions about OER has led to wider collaborations: –New opportunities for final year research project students. –MSc / PhD post-graduate opportunities for university students and NHS staff. –Visiting professorships support undergraduate teaching. –Ideas for further funding applications.

20 Summary HALS is exploring processes and attitudes to external partnerships working on OER. Initial observations suggest partnerships are easily established and are more often mutually beneficial. OER pipeline facilitiates OER flow but takes time to manage. OER is mutually beneficial and catalyses dialogue around a whole range of collaborative opportunities.

21 Next steps Continue research as part of HALS project. Explore student benefits: –Short-term – use and impact of new high quality OER. –Longer-term – outcomes of new teaching and research collaborations.

22 Resources BIS (2011). Students at the Heart of the System: Consulting on the future of Higher Education. Available: Browne, J. (2010). Securing a sustainable future for higher education. Available: education/browne-report-student-fees.htm education/browne-report-student-fees.htm DOH (2010). Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS. Available: PolicyAndGuidance/DH_117353 PolicyAndGuidance/DH_117353 HALS Project Website: OER Pipeline (2011). resources/training/producing-open-educational-resources resources/training/producing-open-educational-resources

23 Find out more! Twitter @DMUViv CC BY SA Jacob Escott, HALS Project, DMU.

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