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Overview of Elsevier’s Capabilities Bibliometric Analysis Tools for Research Portfolio Analysis and Management Eric Livingston April, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Elsevier’s Capabilities Bibliometric Analysis Tools for Research Portfolio Analysis and Management Eric Livingston April, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Elsevier’s Capabilities Bibliometric Analysis Tools for Research Portfolio Analysis and Management Eric Livingston April, 2013

2 A brief, broad look at some of Elsevier’s experience and capabilities Overview of Capabilities Notable Engagements Interesting Portfolio Possibilities at NIH Other promising NIH possibilities Review, and Q&A Agenda

3 Overview of Capabilities (10 Min) Key Relevant Products and Services

4 Capabilities that aid Portfolio Analytics Scopus Elsevier Fingerprint Engine SciVal Analytics Group Elsevier Products and Services

5 l Wider coverage gives a more accurate picture of the research landscape In Thousands Nearest competitor Scopus Scopus: Most Comprehensive Source in the World

6 Scopus: Rich Data Allows for Deep Analysis  Enables tracking of author history and movement  Enables complex collaboration analysis  No other database contains sufficient data over time to do this Scopus: Rich Data Allows for Deep Analysis

7 Scopus: Tracking Geographic Migration


9 Thesauri Source Text Fingerprint Compendex GESIS MeSH GeoTree Fingerprint Engine (FPE): Semantic Analysis

10 Workflow: Concept Look-Up FPE: How it’s Done

11 FPE: Result is a Normalized Semantic Profile

12 SciVal Analytics: Broad Range of Solutions Content Services Scopus Custom Data Integrating external researcher databases with Scopus Analytical Reports National research assessment Institutional performance analysis and benchmarking Large Scale Studies International comparative performance studies Trends and research landscape study of research themes Technical Services Web data portal to support country/institution comparative studies Web integration services to support national research assessment exercises Data + Technology + Bibliometric Expertise SciVal Analytics: Broad Range of Solutions

13 National Research Assessment Analysis of a nation’s scientific research to inform decisions related to funding allocations, research policies and strategies International comparative analysis ROI of funded projects Research position and Collaboration analysis of selected countries or region Human capital brain circulation Knowledge transfer Research Excellence Initiatives Institutional Performance Analysis and Benchmarking Institutional performance analysis to evaluate and benchmark against selected peer institutions Quantity and quality of research Collaboration analysis Interdisciplinary competencies Star articles per subject areas Unit of Assessment benchmark (UK) SciVal Analytics adds value to the data through careful analysis and the creation of reports which present clients with data driven key findings and insights SciVal Analytics: National/Institutional Reports

14 Web data portal to support country/institution comparative studies Elsevier delivers custom web-based data portals which allow selections of multiple indicators, countries or institutions, subject areas to compare and benchmark against SciVal Analytics provides data and platforms to support a country or an institution to perform their own objective evaluation Web integration services to support national research assessment exercises Elsevier creates a web integrated platform which tags university submitted data to Scopus and returns contextual data required for the assessment Web Data Portal - Countries Web Data Portal - Institutions SciVal Analytics: Web Portals and Integration

15 Notable Engagements (10 Min) Previous Experience with Portfolio Analysis

16 At NIH RCDC Engine behind QVR (FP on the Fly) GPMS (at NHBLI) NIA IADRP Portal (Alzheimer’s Portal) Elsewhere Veterans Administration (GMS) BIS Report Previous Elsevier Experience with Portfolios

17 Elsevier Fingerprint Engine: RCDC and QVR

18 Elsevier Fingerprint Engine: NHLBI GPMS

19 Elsevier Fingerprint Engine: Veterans Affairs

20 Auto-Categorization: NIA IADRP Portal

21 An analysis commissioned from Elsevier by the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) The UK is a global research leader but faces major challenges including funding levels and growth vs. others, eg. China The UK’s aim is to sustain a “strong, productive research base which is responsive, flexible and dynamic” to drive long-term growth Elsevier’s Objective: Build robust, fact-based assessments and insights to help BIS target future investments to maximize growth and societal impact and explore implications for UK research policy Download the analysis at Analytical Expertise: UK BIS Report


23 Portfolio Possibilities at NIH (5 Min) How Elsevier can aid NIH in Portfolio Analysis

24 Adding bibliometrics to grant-based publication analysis. (researcher profiling, etc.) Normalized trans-institute analysis of funded & unfunded research (Common Fund, etc.), RFA vs. Unfunded Expertise profiling of extramural program officers and intramural researchers to help facilitate collaboration. Portfolio Possibilities at NIH

25 Demo: Institutional Portal (5 Min) Example of a quick and powerful task portal

26 Elsevier Institutional Portal Example

27 Other Similar Opportunities (5 Min) Notable, other similar opportunities

28 Supporting and Optimizing the Peer Review Process, efficient many-to-many matching, overlap checking, etc. Aiding DPCPSI and other NIH-wide organizations and initiatives (Common Fund, Neuroscience, Obesity, OBSSR, BECON, OAR, ODP, etc…) Supporting Translational Science initiatives (CTSA, B2B, etc.) President Obama’s Brain Initiative Other Opportunities

29 Peer Review Process: Gaps? Overlap? Optimal?

30 Trans-Institute: Common Fund, et. al.

31 Translational Science: e.g. Bench to Bedside

32 Multi-Agency, large-scale programs

33 Review and Q&A (10 Min) Wrap-up, with time for questions

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