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Presentation on theme: "This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written."— Presentation transcript:

1 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. SHADE: Secure HAmming DistancE computation from oblivious transfer Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Alain Patey Workshop on Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC’13) - Apr. 1 st, 2013 Work partially funded by the ANR SecuLar project and by the European FP7 FIDELITY project

2 1 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. OUTLINE  Motivations  Secure Biometric Recognition  Secure Computation of Hamming distances: previous proposals  Homomorphic Encryption  Garbled Circuits  SHADE  The basic scheme  The fully-secure scheme Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

3 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 2 / Motivations Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

4 3 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. BIOMETRIC MATCHING  Biometrics: Images are encoded into feature vectors  Biometric matching: computation of a similarity measure between two vectors  Hamming Distance  Euclidean Distance  Scalar Product  … Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

5 4 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. EXAMPLE: IRIS  Iriscodes: 256-byte code + 256-byte mask  Mask indicates (in)exploitable data: eyelids, eyelashes, blurred pixels…  Similarity measure between (X 1,M 1 ) and (X 2,M 2 ): normalized Hamming distance  HD(X 1,X 2 ) = |(X 1 X 2 ) ∩M 1 ∩ M 2 | / |M 1 ∩ M 2 | John Daugman: How iris recognition works. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. (TCSV) 14(1):21-30 (2004) Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

6 5 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. EXAMPLE: FINGERPRINT  Binary feature vector fingerprint representation: ~50,000 bit-vectors  Bits indicate presence/absence of given patterns  Similarity measure: usual Hamming distance Bringer, J. and Despiegel, V., Binary feature vector Fingerprint representation from minutiae vicinities, BTAS'10. (2010). Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

7 6 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. EXAMPLE: FACE  Face: SciFI project  Approach similar to the approach of previous slide  900-bit vectors  (constant 180-bit weight)  Similarity measure = usual Hamming distance Margarita Osadchy, Benny Pinkas, Ayman Jarrous, Boaz Moskovich: SCiFI - A System for Secure Face Identification. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2010:239-254 Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

8 7 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. MOTIVATIONS FOR SECURE BIOMETRIC MATCHING  Biometric data are  extremely sensitive  hard to revoke  But very useful for personal recognition  Need for protection and usability at the same time  ⇒ Secure computation  Applications  1 vs N identification  Intersection of biometric databases  Deduplication  Anonymous access control …… Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

9 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 8 / Secure Hamming Distance Computation: Previous proposals Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

10 9 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. SETTING  Output learned either by C, S or both  Privacy: One party does not learn information about the other party’s input (except the result) Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Serve r Client 100110011101 11001001010 1 Binary string X=(x 1,…,x n ) Binary string Y=(y 1,…,y n ) Secure Computation Output: dH(X,Y) =Σ(xiyi)

11 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 10 / Homomorphic Encryption Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

12 11 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. XOR-LY/ADDITIVELY HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION  E = homomorphic cryptosystem  Goal: compute E(XY) (or E(dH(X,Y))) from E(X) and Y (or E(X) and E(Y))  where X and Y are strings  No efficient homomorphic cryptosystem to do this straightforward  Goldwasser-Micali: XOR over bits  Paillier: addition over integers  Use of additively homomorphic encryption (Paillier and extensions)  E(X).E(Y)=E(X+Y)  E(X) Y = E(X.Y) Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

13 12 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. SECURE HAMMING DISTANCE USING HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Client Serve r Input: X=(x 1,…,x n ), sk, pk Input: Y=(y 1,…,y n ), pk E(x1),…,E(xn) For i=1..n, E(xiyi)=E(xi) 1-2yi.E(yi) E(dH(X,Y)) Decryption using sk Output: dH(X,Y) Data encryptio n Result decryptio n Computation over encrypted data E(dH(X,Y))=E(Σ(xiyi)) =Π E(xiyi) Recall: x,y ∈ {0,1} x ⊕ y = x + y – 2x.y

14 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 13 / Yao’s Protocol Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

15 14 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 1-OUT-OF-2 OBLIVIOUS TRANSFER Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Sender Receiv er Inputs: - strings X 0 and X 1 Input - bit b Output: - X b Output: ∅ Sender does not learn b Receiver learns nothing about X 1-b

16 15 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. GARBLED CIRCUITS  Garbled circuits: “Encrypted” binary circuits  Random keys are associated with wires (one pair per wire)  Gates are encrypted using these keys  S creates the garbled circuit:  picks random keys and encrypts tables  C evaluates the garbled circuit  Decrypts the garbled tables using one key per input wire  Keys corresponding to S’s inputs are directly sent to C  Keys corresponding to C’s inputs are sent using OT 1 2 ’s Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

17 16 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. YAO’S PROTOCOL Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Party 1 Party 2 Creates the Garbled Circuit Garbled Circuit, labels of P1’s inputs Labels of P2’s inputs using 1-out-of-2 OT’s Evaluates the Garbled Circuit Obtains f(X,Y) (Optional) f(X,Y)

18 17 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. IMPLEMENTATION OF YAO’S PROTOCOL  Garbling can be implemented using symmetric cryptography  Optimizations:  free XOR gates  25% gate reduction  OT 1 2 ’s can also be implemented using symmetric cryptography  After some preprocessing involving public-key cryptography  Implementations are available  Fairplay, TASTY, Secure Computation Framework… Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

19 18 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. SUMMARY  Additively homomorphic encryption  Bits are encrypted separately (ciphertexts are at least 2048-bit long)  Homomorphic operations are costly  Ciphertexts can be re-used (for another instance of the protocol or another functionality)  Yao’s protocol  Mostly symmetric cryptography  Garbled circuits not reusable  Use of Yao’s protocol for secure Hamming distance computation gives better performances than homomorphic encryption  Yan Huang, David Evans, Jonathan Katz, Lior Malka: Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits. USENIX Security Symposium 2011 Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

20 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 19 / SHADE Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

21 20 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. TOWARDS SHADE  Garbled Circuits are big, even for the simple Hamming distance circuit  eg >120 KB bandwidth required for 2048-bit Hamming distance  When using Yao’s protocol, sender’s inputs to the OT’s are independent of the actual inputs X and Y  Ideas:  Get rid of garbled circuits  Adapt the inputs of the OT’s such that 1.they are linked to the sender’s bit-string 2.the output of the i th OT is linked to xiyi  Input of the server: (r i + x i, r i +(1-x i ))  Input of the client: y i  Output of the client: r i + x i y i Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

22 21 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. PROTOCOL Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Server: X = (x 1,…,x n )Client: Y = (y 1,…,y n ) OT 1 2 Input: (r i +x i, r i +(x i 1))Input: y i Output: ∅ Output: t i =r i +(x i y i ) Compute R=Σ r i Compute T=Σt i (=R+HD(X,Y)) For i=1,…,n: R T Output T-R = HD(X,Y) 1st option 2nd option Oblivious Transfer Select random r 1,…,r n

23 22 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. REMARKS  Overall cost: n OT’s  Privacy ensured in the semi-honest model  Extension to several dH(X,Y j ) at the same time  Biometric 1 vs N - identification  Applicable to any function of the form:  F(X,Y) = ∑λ i f i (x i,y i )  F(X,Y) = ∏f(x i,y i ) Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

24 23 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. COMPARISON TO PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS  After preprocessing, including optimizations Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 HE Yao SHADE

25 24 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. COMPUTATION TIME  Comparison to Yao’s protocol  For 900 bits:  HE: ~310 ms  Yao: ~20 ms  SHADE: ~8 ms Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

26 This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. 25 / The fully-secure scheme (security against malicious adversaries) SHADE Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

27 26 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. COMMITTED OBLIVIOUS TRANSFER Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Sender Receiv er Inputs: - strings X 0 and X 1 - random values r 0,r 1 Inputs: - bit b - random value r Common Inputs: Com(X 0,r 0 ); Com(X 1,r 1 ); Com(b,r) Output: - X b - random value u Common Output: Com(X b,u) Kiraz, M.S., Schoenmakers, B., Villegas, J.: Efficient committed oblivious transfer of bit strings. In: ISC. (2007) Output: ∅

28 27 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. HOMOMORPHIC COMMITMENT  Additively homomorphic commitment:  Com(x 1, r 1 ). Com(x 2,r 2 ) = Com(x 1 +x 2, r 1 +r 2 )  Zero-knowledge proofs:  Proof that a commitment c commits to either x 1 or x 2  Here: proof that committed value is a bit (0 or 1)  Proof that two committed values differ by 1  Instantiation using Paillier or ElGamal cryptosystem Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

29 28 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. FULLY SECURE SCHEME – 1 ST STEP: COMMITMENT AND PROOFS OF CONSISTENCY Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Server: X = (x 1,…,x n )Client: Y = (y 1,…,y n ) Pick random values χ 1,…,χ n Compute and publish Com(y i,χ i ), i=1…n Prove that committed values are bits Pick random values α 1,…,α n,β 1,…,β n,r 1,…,r n Compute and publish, for i=1…n A i =Com(ri+xi, α i ) B i =Com(r i + (1-x i ),β i ) Prove that committed values differ by 1 Common: - A i =Com(a,α i ) -B i =Com(b i,β i ) -Com(y i,χ i ) Server: - x i -r i ; a i =r i +x i ; b i = r i + (1-x i ) -α i ; β i Client: - y i - χ i

30 29 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. FULLY SECURE SCHEME – 2 ND STEP: COMMITTED OBLIVIOUS TRANSFERS Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Common: - A i =Com(a,α i ) -B i =Com(b i,β i ) -Com(y i,χ i ) Server: - x i -r i ; a i =r i +x i ; b i = r i + (1-x i ) -α i ; β i Client: - y i - χ i n Committed oblivious transfers Output: - t i = r i + (x i y i ) - random values i Common Output: C i =Com(t i, i )

31 30 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. FULLY SECURE SCHEME – 3 RD STEP: HAMMING DISTANCE COMPUTATION (1 ST OPTION) Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13 Common: - A i =Com(a,α i ) -B i =Com(b i,β i ) -C i =Com(t i, i ) Server: - r i ; a i =r i +x i ; b i = r i + (1-x i ) - α i ; β i Client: -t i = r i + (x i y i ) - i Compute R = r 1 + …+r n Compute T = t 1 + …+t n Compute K = Com(2R+n, ∑(α i + β i )) R + proof that K commits to 2R+n Compute K = A 1 …A n B 1 …B n Check the proof Output T-R=dH(X,Y) Same mechanisms for 2 nd option

32 31 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. CONCLUSION  Most efficient secure Hamming distance computation in the semi-honest model  Applicable to any linear combination of bit-wise independent functions  Non-reusable  like garbled circuits  unlike homomorphic encryption  Adaptation to the malicious model  Using additive homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge  Applications to secure image/signal processing  In particular, biometric identification Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

33 32 / This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Morpho. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION  Questions ? Alain Patey / 01/04/2013 / WAHC'13

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