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Crystallization of organic fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals

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1 Crystallization of organic fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Molecules, Aggregation, Nucleation and Crystallization, april 2007 Crystallization of organic fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals Åke C. Rasmuson Chemical Engineering and Technology KTH - Royal Institute of Technology SE Stockholm, Sweden

2 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Reaction crystallization

3 Properties of product crystals
Specific physical properties compound polymorph purity size and size distribution crystal shape agglomeration Overall performance downstream properties end-use properties

4 Ammonium sulphate Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

5 Sodium chloride Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

6 Sugar Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

7 Citric acid monohydrate
Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

8 Pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals are more difficult to crystallize than common bulk chemicals!
solvates and salts different polymorphs larger molecules flexible molecules impurities – tailor-made-additive-like not specialized equipment not specialized agitation

9 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Reaction crystallization

10 Fundamentals Solubility Generation of supersaturation
Crystal nucleation Crystal growth

11 Solubility Concentration Solubility curve Temperature supersaturated
undersaturated Temperature

12 Solubility of Salizylic acid

13 Generation of supersaturation
Cooling Evaporation Drowning-out Reaction Concentration C supersaturated evaporation B A cooling Solubility curve undersaturated Temperature

14 Metastability Concentration Solubility Temperature supersaturated
metastable undersaturated Temperature

15 Primary nucleation Concentration Solubility Temperature
supersaturation nucleation rate Primary nucleation supersaturated Concentration Primary nucleation Solubility metastable undersaturated Temperature

16 Clustering and nucleation
Nucleation depends on: supersaturation temperature the solvent impurities additives large molecules flexible molecules branched molecules ....can be more difficult to nucleate

17 Thermodynamic barrier for nucleation
surface term volume term Myerson, A.S., Solutions and solution properties, In Handbook of Industrial Crystallization, Chapter 1, Myerson, A.S. (Ed.), Butterworth-Heinemann, Maryland, 1993, 18; Mullin, J.W., Crystallization, 3rd Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain, 1993, 174. The free energy change of homogeneous nucleation for a sphere A nucleus smaller than critical size is unstable and will dissolve. A nucleus is assumed to reach the critical size because of local energy fluctuations in the solution. The overall excess free energy between a small solid particle of solute and the solute in solution is equal to the sum of the surface excess free energy, i.e. the excess free energy between the surface of the particle and the bulk of the particle, and the volume excess free energy, i.e. the excess free energy between a very large particle and the solute in solution. DGv is the free energy change of the transformation per unit volume g is the interfacial tension DG = DGS + DGV = 4pr2g + 4/3 pr3DGv

18 The interfacial energy
[J/m2] Interfacial energy = increase in free energy as a result of formation of 1 unit of surface The molecules at the surface possess additional energy by an amount that is equal to the missing contributions to its bonding

19 Interfacial energy The solid-liquid interfacial energy is difficult to determine experimentally Induction time Contact angle vs.

20 Solubility of paracetamol in acetone-water at 30 °C

21 Crystal growth

22 Crystal growth

23 Crystal growth depends on:
supersaturation temperature the solvent impurities additives Crystals of large molecules flexible molecules branched molecules ....can be more difficult to grow. Impurities in ppm concentration can have a dramatic effect

24 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape (habit) and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Conclusions

25 Randolph, A. D. , and Larson, M. A
Randolph, A.D., and Larson, M.A., Theory of particulate processes, 2nd ed., Academic Press, USA, 1988, 10.

26 Crystal shape

27 Crystal shape – e.g. ibuprofen
Bunyan, J.M.E., Shankland, N., and Sheen, D.B., Solvent effects on the morphology of ibuprofen, AIChE Symp. Ser., 87 (1991), No. 284, 44‑57.

28 Paracetamol – various faces
The unit cell

29 Swedish Research Council for Engineering Science
Paracetamol {110} Swedish Research Council for Engineering Science

30 Paracetamol {011}

31 Tailor-made additives
e.g. Influence of benzoic acid on benzamide crystals Mullin, J.W., Crystallization, 3rd Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain, 1993, 253. After substituting a benzoic acid molecule to the lattice of a benzamide molecule the hydrogen bonding is no longer possible. The growth along this direction is thus hindered.

32 Purity solution adhering to the surface incorporation into the lattice
c) macroscopic cavities inside the crystal d) “adsorbed” in lattice channels and cavities Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

33 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Reaction crystallization

34 Polymorphs same chemical compound - different crystal structures
shelf life bioavailability reliable processing patent protection different physical properties, e.g.: density hygroscopicity melting point solubility stability dissolution rate surface properties hardness compactibility tensile strength graphite diamond

35 Polymorphs

36 Polymorphs - Chocolate
Form V Form VI

37 Polymorphs of potassium para-amino benzoic acid
Rasmuson, Å, Fin- och specialkemikalieteknik kurskompendium, 1998.

38 Nucleation of Polymorphs

39 Polymorphism monotropy enantiotropy

40 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Reaction crystallization

41 Particle size and morphology
Crystal size ”not a unique value” Agglomerate properties: Texture Internal structure Strength Degree of agglomeration


43 Crystal size – the number controls the size
Equal mass d 27 particles d=1 1 particle d= 3 filtration 9 times faster Hence operate to control the number generation

44 Generation of supersaturation
Secondary nucleation Concentration Primary nucleation supersaturated cooling Solubility curve undersaturated Temperature

45 Batch cooling crystallization
nucleation rate supersaturation time

46 Outline Introduction Fundamentals Crystal shape and purity
Polymorphism Control of particle size Reaction crystallization

47 Reaction crystallization
Reactant solutions are mixed Often solubility very low Supersaturation often very high where reactants mix

48 Crystal size – the number controls the size
Equal mass d 27 particles d=1 1 particle d= 3 filtration 9 times faster Hence operate to control the number generation

49 » c * 25 5 * - » = c S Semi-batch crystallization of benzoic acid HCl
Low soluble compound stoichiometric c * 0,002 kg/kg NaBe HCl 25 5 * - = c S Experimental variables reactant concentrations feed flow rate - feeding time type of agitator agitation rate feed point position feed pipe diameter feed pipe shape

50 Semibatch precipitation
Influence of reactant concentrations Benzoic acid (Åslund and Rasmuson, 1992)

51 Semibatch precipitation
Influence of feeding time Benzoic acid (Åslund and Rasmuson, 1992)

52 Semibatch precipitation
Influence of agitation rate Benzoic acid (Åslund and Rasmuson, 1992)

53 T-mixer precipitation
Benzoic acid (Ståhl, Åslund and Rasmuson)

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