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Presentation on theme: "NEW ONSET FEVER AND SEIZURE Sonya, Royd and Rick."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trigger 1  PC:  67 y.o. ♀ ϖ fever, seizures and altered conciousness  HPC:  Husband states she’s been ill for 2 days ϖ fever, headache, fatigue. Morning, tried to wake, confused, incoherent, 2 x tonic-clonic seizures lasting 2-3mins. Occurred < 1hr ago Has not regained normal mentation

3 Trigger 1  PMHx  No seizures or headaches  Nothing significant to report (NSTR)  PSHx  NSTR  Meds  HRT, Ca supp, paracetamol (during illness)  SHx  Married, homemaker, 4 adult kids.  2 x glasses wine an evening  FHx  IHD

4 Q1 How would you summarise the case thus far?

5 Q2 What is your differential diagnosis? (List at least three possibilities)

6 Q3 What signs would you look for on examination and laboratory tests will you order to aid in diagnosis?

7 Q4 Name the most common organisms responsible for bacterial meningitis in developed countries and the most common organisms in her age group, in children, in immunocompromised?  Most common:  N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae  Most common in elderly:  S. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes  Most common in healthy children:  N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae  Most common in neonates:  E. coli, group B streptococci  Most common in adolescents/young adults:  N. meningitidis

8 Q5 Discuss the typical CSF findings in acute bacterial meningitis and four circumstances under which these typical CSF findings may be absent.  Typical: raised opening pressure; polymorphonuclear leukocytosis; decreased relative glucose; increased protein; Gram stain is often positive; culture is usually positive; latex agglutination can be positive  Generally dominated by PMNs, but can be dominated by lymphocytes  Atypical CSF results can occur if  Early presentation  Recent prior antibiotic therapy  Partially-treated meningitis  Neutropenia  L. monocytogenes: lymphocytosis (not polymorphonuclear leukocytosis)  Tuberculous meningitis: mononuclear pleocytosis; hard to detect acid-fast bacilli

9 Q6 Discuss the differences in clinical presentation of bacterial and viral meningitis.  Bacterial meningitis: fever + headache + nuchal rigidity (positive Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s signs)  Also can have dec consciousness, seizures, raised ICP, stroke  Certain bacteria (esp N. meningitidis) can cause skin manifestations (petechiae, purpura)  Viral meningitis: fever + headache + signs of meningeal irritation + inflammatory CSF profile  Unlikely to have profoundly altered consciousness

10 Trigger 2  Ex  T 38.8 ̊ C BP 110/70 HR 120 RR 20  No skin or nail lesions,  CVS - no murmurs,  Lungs clear,  Abdomen soft, no organomegaly  CNS: PERLA, moves eyes conjugately in all directions, corneal reflexes present bilaterally, gag reflex intact  Motor: moving all four limbs spontaneously  Co-ordination: no tremor or nystagmus  Reflexes : 2+ throughout. Babinski signs present bilaterally  Sensory: withdrawals all four limbs to touch

11 Trigger 2  Lumbar Puncture:  Opening pressure: 230mm H 2 O (60 - 180 mm H 2 O)  Appearance: cloudy  WBC: 100 cells/mm 3 (<5) 65%lymphs, 25% PMNs, 10% monos  RBC: 100 cells/mm 3 (none - few)  Protein: 85mg/dL (15-40)  Glucose: 60mg/dL (50 - 70 ½ to 2/3 blood glucose level)

12 Q7 What is the most likely diagnosis? Why?  Viral encephalitis  Febrile illness ϖ signs of meningitis (???) and altered level of consciousness  Pg 1155 of Kumar and Clark: *some polymorphs may be seen in the early stages of viral meningitis and encephalitis.  ~20% of pt’s ϖ encephalitis have sig. #’s of RBC’s in LP NormalViralPyogenicTuberculosis AppearanceCrystal ClearClear/TurbidTurbid/PurulentTurbid/Viscous Mononuclear cells <5/mm 3 10-100/mm 3 <50/mm 3 100-300/mm 3 Polymorph cellsNilNil*200-300/mm 3 0-200/mm 3 Protein0.2 - 0.4 g/L0.4 – 0.8 g/L0.5 - 2.0 g/L0.5 – 3.0 g/L Glucose2/3 – ½ BGL> ½ BGL< ½ BGL

13 Q8 What additional tests can be ordered to aid in diagnosis?  CT/MRI to determine extent of brain oedema  Polymerase Chain Reaction to determine virus  Majority of cases remain undefined  EEG (slow wave changes)  Viral serology (in blood and CSF)  Brain biopsy (only occasionally required)

14 Q9 Discuss the aetiology, course, treatment, prognosis/complications of viral encephalitis.  Aetiology: The list is long and distinguished  HSV-1, Arthropod borne/Arbovirus (West Nile (WNV), St Louis, Japanese encephalitis (JEV))  Course:  Many mild ϖ recovery  Otherwise, Sx develop over hrs  days. If recovery occurs, from coma = gradual days  weeks. Complete <1yr  Treatment:  Empirically or known HSV: Aciclovir – Active form inhibits DNA polymerase. (Pg 687 R&D) aciclovir 10 mg/kg IV, 8-hourly for at least 14 days (adjust dose for renal function)  Tailored to the organism.  Anticonvulsants for seizures. Supportive care for fluids and electrolytes, DIC, GIT bleed, cardioresp monitoring and cerebral oedema.  Prophylaxis: immunisation vs JEV and others. Hand washing. Caesarean. Mozzie control.  Prognosis:  Related to age of patient (<5yo), agent (HSV) and level of consciousness at time of therapy.  Diffuse cerebral oedema/ intractable seizures  poor neurolgic recovery and ↑ risk of mortality  HSV-1 = 19% (14%)mortality. Survivors: 42% severe sequelae, 46% no – minor seq.  Self-limited seizure activity  rapid recovery  Complications: Depends on the nasty  Severe neurologic sequlae  rare presentation  Residual seizure disorder (epilepsy – HSV-1 = 24%/survivors)  Neuropsychiatric (HSV-1 = 22%/survivors)  Cognitive impairment, personality or behaviour change  Blindness, Weakness  Hyper/hypokinetic movt disorders: tremor, myoclonus, parkinsonism, paresis, ataxia

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