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ANCIENT GREEK SCULPTURE. Three periods in Greek Sculpture Archaic period : 600 – 480 BC - Severe: 480-450 BC Classical period: 480 – 323 BC Hellenistic.

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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT GREEK SCULPTURE. Three periods in Greek Sculpture Archaic period : 600 – 480 BC - Severe: 480-450 BC Classical period: 480 – 323 BC Hellenistic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Three periods in Greek Sculpture Archaic period : 600 – 480 BC - Severe: 480-450 BC Classical period: 480 – 323 BC Hellenistic period: 323 – 31 BC

3 The Archaic Period Kouros and kore figures Abstract forms Rigid poses - Simmetrical stance - Hands clenched at the sides - One foot forward More accurate anatomical details Archaic smile Blank stare on the face Emphasis on creating perfection in human form Free-standing statues (they are not part of a building)

4 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description (are they wearing clothes or are they naked?hair/stare…)______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

5 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ It’s still in good state

6 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description (What is this man doing?What is he carrying?What is he wearing?)_____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _______ A CALF

7 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description (what is she wearing?hair/stare/Is she smiling?)______________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

8 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ A LONG PEPLOS plaits Arm bent

9 WHAT?____________________ WHO?______________________ WHEN?____________________ HOW? - material_____________________ - dimension____________________ WHERE?___________________ ____________________________ Description ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Feet together beheaded

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