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Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis Thaddeus Beier Shawn Neely SIGGRAPH 1992.

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Presentation on theme: "Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis Thaddeus Beier Shawn Neely SIGGRAPH 1992."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis Thaddeus Beier Shawn Neely SIGGRAPH 1992

2 Image Morphing History Morphing is turning one image into another through a seamless transition Michael Jackson’s “Black or White” Cross-fading

3 morphing cross-fading Image morphing image #1image #2 warp

4 Image morphing Morphing = warping + cross-dissolving shape (geometric) color (photometric) Warp = feature specification + warp generation

5 Warp specification How can we specify the warp? 3.Specify corresponding spline control points interpolate to a complete warping function But we want to specify only a few points, not a grid

6 Warp specification How can we specify the warp? 1.Specify corresponding points interpolate to a complete warping function How do we do it?

7 Warp specification How can we specify the warp? 2.Specify corresponding vectors interpolate to a complete warping function The Beier & Neely Algorithm

8 Two basic styles Forward warping Reverse mapping

9 Single line-pair PQ to P’Q’

10 Single Line-pair Examples

11 Multiple Lines Length = length of the line segment, dist = distance to line segment a, p, b – constants. What do they do?

12 Resulting warp (complex!)

13 Full Algorithm

14 Animation Here's how you create an animated morph: GenerateAnimation(Image0, L0[...],Image1, L1[...]) begin foreach intermediate frame time t do for i=1 to number of line-pairs do L[i] = line t-th of the way from L0[i] to L1[i]. end Warp0 = WarpImage( Image0, L0[...], L[...]) Warp1 = WarpImage( Image1, L1[...], L[...]) foreach pixel p in FinalImage do FinalImage(p) = (1-t) Warp0(p) + t Warp1(p) end

15 Interpolating Lines Method 1: interpolating endpoints Method 2: interpolating midpoints, length and orientation.

16 Results

17 Dynamic Scene

18 Algorithm summary

19 Morphing & matting Extract foreground first to avoid artifacts in the background

20 Uniform morphing

21 Non-uniform morphing

22 Procedural Transformation

23 Multi-source morphing

24 Manipulating Facial Appearance through Shape and Color Duncan A. Rowland and David I. Perrett St Andrews University IEEE CG&A, September 1995

25 The Morphable Face Model shape vector S = (x 1, y 1, x 2, …, y n ) T appearance (texture) vector T = (R 1, G 1, B 1, R 2, …, G n, B n ) T Shape S Appearance T

26 The Morphable face model Assuming that we have m such vector pairs in full correspondence, we can form new shapes S model and new appearances T model as: If number of basis faces m is large enough to span the face subspace then: Any new face can be represented as a pair of vectors

27 Face averaging by morphing average faces

28 Subpopulation means Examples: –Happy faces –Young faces –Asian faces –Etc. –Sunny days –Rainy days –Etc. Average male Average female

29 The average face

30 Women In Arts

31 References Thaddeus Beier, Shawn Neely, Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis, SIGGRAPH 1992, pp35-42.Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis Detlef Ruprecht, Heinrich Muller, Image Warping with Scattered Data Interpolation, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, March 1995, pp37-43.Image Warping with Scattered Data Interpolation Seung-Yong Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Sung Yong Shin, Image Metamorphosis Using Snakes and Free-Form Deformations, SIGGRAPH 1995.Image Metamorphosis Using Snakes and Free-Form Deformations Seungyong Lee, Wolberg, G., Sung Yong Shin, Polymorph: morphing among multiple images, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1998, pp58-71.Polymorph: morphing among multiple images Peinsheng Gao, Thomas Sederberg, A work minimization approach to image morphing, The Visual Computer, 1998, pp390-400.A work minimization approach to image morphing George Wolberg, Image morphing: a survey, The Visual Computer, 1998, pp360-372.Image morphing: a survey

32 Overview of Morphing Methods –Mesh Warping –Field Morphing –Radial Basis Function –Energy minimization –Multilevel Free-Form Deformation –Work minimization Image Morphing: A Survey George Wolberg 1998

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