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1. semita, -ae. path 2. collis, -is hill 3. immineo, -ēre.

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Presentation on theme: "1. semita, -ae. path 2. collis, -is hill 3. immineo, -ēre."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. semita, -ae

2 path

3 2. collis, -is

4 hill

5 3. immineo, -ēre

6 to hang over, menace

7 4. magalia, -ium

8 huts, hovels

9 5. stratum, -i

10 pavement, bed

11 6. insto, -stare, -stiti

12 to urge on, press on +dat.

13 7. molior, -iri, -itus sum

14 to work, effect, make

15 8. sulcus, -i

16 furrow, trench

17 9. ius, iuris n.

18 law, justice, decree

19 10. effodio, -ere, fodi, fossus

20 to dig out

21 11. immanis, -is, -e

22 huge

23 12. decus, decoris n.

24 ornament, beauty, dignity

25 13. apis, apis

26 bee

27 14. aestas, aestatis

28 summer

29 15. fetus, -a, -um

30 offspring, brood, swarm

31 16. mel, mellis n.

32 honey

33 17. stipo (1)

34 to stuff, crowd, stow

35 18. distendo, -ere, -ndi, -ntus

36 to stretch, distend

37 19. onus, oneris n.

38 burden

39 20. pecus, pecoris n.

40 flock, herd, swarm

41 21. praesepe, -is n.

42 stall, hive

43 22. arceo, -ēre, arcui

44 to ward off, keep off, defend

45 23. fucus, -i

46 drone

47 24. redoleo, -ēre, -ui

48 to be fragrant, smell (of)

49 25. fastigium, -i

50 summit, top, height

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