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FRESHMAN A Delivery: OI. Warm Up: Tongue Twisters  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "FRESHMAN A Delivery: OI. Warm Up: Tongue Twisters  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRESHMAN A Delivery: OI

2 Warm Up: Tongue Twisters  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?  Got that? All together now.  What makes tongue twisters so dang hard but so much fun?

3 Making the script  Teaser (start the scene, grab attention)  Introduction – give background information of the scene, include author and title, introduce scene (WRITE THIS YOURSELF!)  Cut to the appropriate length (3-4 mins.)  Make your outline look like a script!  Bold headings (teaser, introduction, body)  Create/ Lable characters (highlight names, focal points, stance, voice, facial expressions, etc.)

4 Delivery  You will be graded on the following:  Volume  Rate (pacing)  Focal Points  Gestures  Posture  Facial Expressions  Emphasis  Character Development

5 Volume: Tips  Find a balance between TOO LOUD and too soft  Project your voice  Have vocal variety! Loud and fast Loud and slow Soft and fast Soft and slow  What does your volume say about your character? If they talk Loud and Fast you might think they are confident.

6 Volume: Practice  Loud: Miss Martin is the best English teacher ever!  Soft: North is way better than South!  Project a whisper: Hey, what did you decide to do for your Oral Interp.?  Even though you are whispering you still need the audience to hear you!

7 Rate (pace): Tips  Pacing – the rate of speech used to move through the content  Fast enough to keep the audience’s interest  Slow enough to help the audience understand the content  Don’t fill the silence with non-words (umm, aaa, like)  Pause for effect  Fine line between not waiting at all – and waiting too long!

8 Pacing: Practice  Mark up your paper!  Slashes at pauses to breath  Double slash at pause for effect Example: “I trade my sweat for strength. /I trade doubt for belief. / I trade cheer // for nothing.” / Today, / I brought my poms and bows to share with you all my history in becoming a cheerleader and how much dedication and determination it takes me to perform my heart out. --L.B.

9 Focal Points: Tips  Pick logical locations (character is short, pick something at their eye level)  Look at the exact same place every time!  Make it obvious  Look in different directions  Stare, hard. Don’t break your focus.  Even though you are staring at a wall you can react to the other characters!

10 Focal Points: Practice  Pick 3 places as focal points in the classroom  I will count out 1, 2, or 3 and you must look at the focal point!

11 Gestures: Tips  Gestures -- the use of your hands and arms to illustrate your words.  The gestures must be meaningful  Match your gestures to your words! The audience usually believes most what they see! Create habits! Playing with a ring, tucking their hair behind their ear, licking their lips, etc.

12 Gestures: Practice  What gesture might you use in order to communicate the following?  “This needs to happen right now!”  “I don’t care. It wasn’t my fault.”  “…and BAM, it hit the floor!”  “Please you have to believe me.”  “Come with us. Please. Pretty please!”  “How do I look?”

13 Posture: Tips  Every character should have a different stance or posture  The only time you should stand “like you” is during the introduction  Be creative!  Watch people!  What does your character “lead” with? Their chin, their hips, their chest? How would they walk? Are they pidgin toed, do they bounce when they walk, etc?

14 Posture: Practice  Create a stance or posture for the following character types:  Innocent little kid, age 6, wanting ice cream  Grouchy old man who always yells at kids to get off his lawn  High school girl who is “too cool”  Jock boy  Jock boy trying to be cool/tough  Jock boy who was trying to be cool/tough but go turned down by the girl he just asked out

15 Facial Expressions: Tips  Different facial for each character  Make sure the expression matches!  React to the other characters  Use a mirror or video tape yourself  Try out different things!

16 Facial Expressions: Practice  Warm up your face by trying to get your face as small/big as possible!  You just ate a lemon  You walk into a surprise party for your birthday  You just got a full ride to the college of your dreams  Stink eye / dirty look  You have a question, but you are afraid to ask it  Your parents are embarrassing you in front of your friends  You walk into a crowded room and you scan the room until you friend your friends

17 Emphasis: Tips  Plan your stress  Add stress by talking slower, louder, or enunciating  Stress the important part of the sentence  If you repeat something (“I wont go. I wont.”) Make sure you vary the way it is said.

18 Emphasis: Practice  How does the stress change the meaning of this sentence:  “Her name is Sally and she’s my friend”

19 Character Development/Voices: Tips  Each character must have a different voice  Make sure the voice is fitting for the character AND the tone of the scene!  Use your entire vocal range (low voice – falsetto)

20 Character Development/Voice: Practice  Old Man Voice (“Kids these days.”)  British Accent (“Time for a spot of tea?”)  Geek/Nerd/Brain (“Actually the answer is 7.”)  Southern (“Ya’ll just need to settle down.”

21 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER NOW!  “I won? Are you sure I won?” – disbelief  “I want you to have it. Every time you see it, think of me” – sincerity  “Please, please believe me” – begging  “That’s stupid. No one thinks that’s cool” – degrading  “Don’t follow me. I want to be left alone” – pleading  “I have a totally brilliant idea” – excitement

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