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Introduction to Spherical Tokamak

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1 Introduction to Spherical Tokamak
SUNIST for 4th Workshop on Nonlinear Plasma Sciences & International School on Plasma Turbulence and Transport Introduction to Spherical Tokamak GAO, Zhe Department of Engineering Physics Tsinghua University, Beijing Hangzhou

2 OUTLINE What is the spherical tokamak? ST advantage ST worldwide New physics of toroidal plasmas Potential contribution

3 What is the Spherical Tokamak?

4 Spherical tokamak =low aspect ratio tokamak
Aspect ratio, A=R/a

5 ST in Fusion configuration family


7 Advantage Compact configuration Natural elongation
Large qaincrease the efficiency of toroidal field (Ip/Irod>1) large plasma current lower toroidal field (paramagnetism) High β High density limit Less major disruption (instead of IREs) Good energy confinement Improved confinement mode achieved

8 ST worldwide SUNIST SUNIST

9 toroidal field BT(R0) (T) neutral beam power PNBI (MW)
Parameters achieved MAST NSTX major radius R (m) 0.7 0.85 minor radius a (m) 0.5 0.68 elonggation κ 2.45 2.2 aspect ratio A (R/a) 1.3 1.27 plasma current IP (MA) 1.35 1.5 toroidal field BT(R0) (T) 0.52 0.6 neutral beam power PNBI (MW) 3.3 7 RF power P (MW) 1.5 ECRH HHFW 6 pulse length (s) 1.1

10 Extended toroidal plasmas & New Physics
elongation>3, Bp/Bt~1, β~40%, Vrotation/Valfven~0.3 High β, larger rotation, strong shaped equilibrium (2) High β, low Valfven,, strong shear γE*B~106/s Electromagnetic turbulence and tranport at low A (3) a/ρi~30-50, a/ρfast ion~3-10, near omnigeneity, strongly mag well  Neoclassical transport at low A (4) Valfven~Vs, Vfast ion>>Valfven ,less damping on TAE Fast ion physics (5) High dielectric constant (ωpe2/ ωce2~50-100) Wave-particle interaction (RF heating &CD) (6) Narrow inner regions and Low li Solenoid-free startup

11 Topical Research Plan of ST ( NSTX Five Year Plan)
SUNIST UNIST Topical Research Plan of ST ( NSTX Five Year Plan) MHD: RWM active and passive stabilzation Fast-ion MHD (Alfven like) NTM (stabilization by RF) High beta equilibrium Transport and turbulence: high k and low k turbulence H mode Electron thermal barriers Aspect ratio scaling Wave-plasma interaction: HHFW, EBW Solenoid-free startup: Transient CHI, PF induction, RF(ECH/EBW) Boundary Physics: Li conditioning, SOL transport Integration

12 What might ST bring to fusion application?

13 Advanced Tokamak concept High plasma kinetic pressure
Contribute to AT & burning plasma (ITER) physics Advanced Tokamak concept High plasma kinetic pressure Good confinement High self-sustained current (Quasi-) Stationary state Advance fuel recycle Burning plasma

14 Other application: VNS CTF Contribution to AT and burning plasma research Space propulsion

15 Future Steps Tokamak * T-3, T-4, ST etc. 1970’s
** PLT, ASDEX etc. later 70’s ***TFTR,JET, JT-60U, 80—90‘s **** ITER 2100’s

16 SUNIST: Sino United Spherical Tokamak
major radius R 0.3m minor radius a 0.23m Aspect ratio A ~1.3 elongation κ ~1.6 toroidal field (R0) BT 0.15T plasma current IP kA central rod current IROD 0.225MA flux (double swing) ΔΦ 0.06Vs

17 Acknowledgement Collecting material from the following references:
Peng Y-K, STW2004, Kyoto. Gryaznevich M, STW2004, Kyoto. Peng Y-K, STW2003, Culham. Peng Y-K, Phys. Plasmas 2000, 7(5): 1681. Sykes A, Nucl. Fusion 1999, 39(9Y):1271. NSTX team, NSTX five year research plan Peng Y-K and Strikler DJ, Nucl. Fusion 1986, 26:576 and many ST Websites.


19 Spheromak

20 UNIST SUNIST ST: more compact

21 ST: natural elongation

22 ST: High qa

23 ST: high beta

24 UNIST SUNIST ST: high density

25 Internal Reconnection Event (IRE)
ST: more stable for VDI

26 ST: good confinement

27 High beta equilibrium with larger rotation

28 turbulence and transport

29 Single particle motion in ST



32 Diffusion near the T-P boundary

33 CHI startup

34 Outer Poloidal Field startup

35 ECH startup

36 Bootstrap current MAST (real discharge) NSTX (Theo prediction)

37 Divertor configuration
Divertor configurations in MAST: Single-Null Divertor (SND) Double-Null Divertor (DND) Limited, or Natural Divertor (ND) H-mode in DND and Natural Divertor plasmas



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